Index to Key Concepts/Pages

S T U V W X Z    

Tip: This index consists of a single page of searchable links. This means that you can use your browser's Find tool (probably Ctrl + f ) to look for key words beginning with any letter from A to Z.

Illustrated index pages : Widgets and Graphics on Windows , Items on Toolbars , Graphics in Modeling Erection Views , Drawing Editor Objects , Select Items ( Modeling ), Select Items ( Drawing Editor ).

indicates that the link, when clicked, takes you to a section with a help video. See the Videos page for a roughly chronological list of all locations in help where you can find videos..

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- A -

ABM ( Advance Bill of Material )

ABM Edit (to manually alter ABM content)
ABM Report (the main menu for printing ABMs, etc.)
ABM Workflow (topic)
Home > Project Settings > Job > Event Logging Setup (provides options for ABM event logging)
Settings on member and material windows
Populate ABM (window for selecting materials to include in ABM)
Show ABM reference on balloon descriptions ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Utility Functions > Delete Project Items > ABM (to delete an ABM)

Access Control

Access control block password ( User and Site Options > Site > ) ( )
Access Control Permissions ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > ) ( )
Copy Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )

Add Standard Detail ( Drawing Editor > File > )
Add Standard Detail to Several ( Drawing Editor > File > ) ( )

Advanced Selection ( Modeling )

Advanced Selection ( Edit > )
Advanced Selection Dictionary (topic)
Advanced Selection Run ( Edit > )
advanced_selection/SDS2 (folder contains SDS2-provided files)
Launcher icons (toolbar item that can be used to run an advanced selection script)
Selection Filter by Expression (window)
Selection Launchers (where in Toolbar Configuration to look for a launcher icon)
To select items 'By expression' (steps)

Alt key (uses of)

Anchor rod or anchor bolt

Dimension anchor bolt layout ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Scale anchor bolt layout ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Scale factor (for when " Scale anchor bolt layout " is checked)
Anchor Rod (custom member)
Anchor Rod Tool (for adding multiple anchor rods)

Angle ( ANGL - a Locate option)

Angles, degrees (entering)

Angle dimensions ( Drawing Editor )

Add ( Objects > Angle Dimensions > Add ) ( )
Angle dimension precision ( Fab Setup > Dimension Settings > )
Display measurement unit for angle dimensions ( Fabricator > Dimension Settings > )
Edit Angle Dimension (edit window)

Angle Line, Controlled Automation (CNC configuration type)
Angle Line, Franklin (CNC configuration type)
Angle Line, Peddinghouse (CNC configuration type)
Angle, Whitney (CNC configuration type)

Angle material

available angle sections ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
connection material steel grade ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
general info about (topic)
Rolled Section Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for angle and other rolled materials)
Angle Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Also see: clip angles

Approval (status date)

Entering dates (topic)


Sent for approval ( File > Drawing Data > )
Submitted for approval (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )
Submitted for approval ( Update Attributes >)
obj.DateSentForApproval (updatable parametric attribute)
obj.DateReceivedApproval (updatable parametric attribute)
obj.ApprovalStatus (updatable parametric attribute)
obj.ApprovalStatus (updatable parametric attribute)


Submitted for approval ( Reports > Status Report by ... )
Submitted for approval ( Status Display > Approval and modeling > )

Archived drawings ( Drawing Editor )

Archive Current Drawing (tool)
Compare Drawings (tool)
Delete Project Items (utility, can selectively delete archived drawings in your current Job)
Disable automatic creation of ( Fabricator > Sheets and Reports > Sheet Revisions > )
Open Archived Drawing (tool)

Arc tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects > Arcs >

Add Center, Start, Angle
Add Center, Start, End
Add Continuous
Add Ellipse ( )
Add 3 Point
Edit ( multi-edit )
Edit window
Edit All
Erase All

Also see: arcs (topic), Edit Palette (sets default color and line type for Add Arc ), arc exact points (an arc has three), attached to view (edit field). Shield ( Edit > Shield ), Trim ( Edit > Trim ) ( ) , Extend ( Edit > Extend ) ( ), Always show Arc Edit window ( User and Site Options > Drawings > ).

Arc dimensions ( Drawing Editor )

Objects > Arc Dimensions > Add:

Adding an arc dimension by locating points
Adding a chain of by locating points
Basing off of a circular object
"Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load"
Edit Arc Dimension (edit window)
Measurement = Arc distance and/or Radians and/or Angle (edit window option)

Setup for arc dimensions:

Dimension pen color ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > the " Pens " tab > )
Show "on radius" dimension for arc dimensions ( Fabicator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > the " General " tab > )
Show "on radius" dimension for arc dimensions (setup override for detailing with templates)
Units for angle measurement ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > )
Units for angle measurement (setup override for detailing with templates)

Area box

Area box (topic) ( )
Point selection by area box ( User and Site Options > General > ) ( )

Area tools ( Drawing Editor )

Edit >

Area Mode
Copy Objects
Save Standard Detail

Also see: area box .

Arrow keys (uses of)

Arrows as dimension terminals ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > the " General " tab > )

Arrow side ( Weld Symbol Input window)

Assemblies ( Modeling )

Adding assemblies as legacy miscellaneous members:

F2 > filter " Miscellaneous steel " > double-click " Miscellaneous - Assembly " ( )

Home > Utilities > Utility Functions >

Copy Project Items (to copy assemblies from another Job into your current Job)
Delete Project Items (to remove an assembly from your current Job)
Project Items List (to get a list of available assemblies in your current Job)
Rename Project Items (to give an assembly a different name)

Model > Assembly >

Edit (opens the Assembly Editor ) ( )
New (opens the Assembly Editor ) ( )

Related information::

assembly (Python module for parametrics)

Assembly Editor (a 3D environment similar to Modeling )

Adding holes, bolts, welds in the Assembly Editor
Adding material in the Assembly Editor
Assembly member (topic)
Cut material and fit operations
Deleting material, holes, bolts, welds
Editing material, holes, bolts, welds

File > Exit (to close the Assembly Editor )
File > New (an alternative to Save Assembly in Modeling ) ( )
File > Open (to edit an assembly)
File > Save (saves an assembly file under its current name) ( )
File > Save As (to give an assembly you are editing a new name) ( )

ASD (Allowable Stress Design, AISC)

Connection design method (' ASD9 ' or ' ASD13 ' or ' ASD14 ' can be selected)

At (@) (character for second-point angle constraint in Modeling and Drawing Editor )

Attachments (of any file type in Modeling )

Attachments (to Notes in Modeling )
Attachment Tool (works with most custom property flavors)


Drawing Conversion (drawing import/export) ( )
Export Model DWG/DXF Export (3D model export)

Auto base/cap plate (a system-designed connection)

Custom components:

Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners (custom component) ( )
HSS Cap Plates (instead of an auto base/cap plate) ( )

Connection Guide:

Auto Base Plate and Auto Cap Plate
Auto Cap Plate Supporting a Joist
Auto Cap Plate Welded to a Vertical Brace Gusset
Beam Flange Extension Plates with Tapered Stiffeners
Transverse Beam Stiffeners Designed with a Column Plate

Settings for auto base/cap plate design and tracking:

Column base or cap plate ( Status Display > Connection type > )
Change base/cap plate weld pattern ( Edit > Change Options > )
Column Plate (" Leaf" for locks, column to beam)
Column Plate (" Leaf" for locks, column to nothing)
Column Plate Welds (" Leaf" for connection design locks) ( )
Connection design locks
Connection Guide (topic)
Connection specifications (settings)
Design restrictions (topic)
Input connection type = Auto base/cap plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type = Auto base/ cap or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type " leaf, column)
[Input] connection type = Auto base/cap plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )
Steel grade (" Connection specifications " for auto base/cap plate -- column, auto standard and user defined)
Stiffener Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Top / Bottom Extension Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Use extended stiffeners (" Connection specifications ") ( )

Setup for auto base/cap plates:

Align transverse stiffeners for base/cap plate connection with ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design Settings )
Design transverse stiffeners for base/cap plate connection ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design Settings )
Edge distance ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Cap Plate Settings > ) ( )
Extended Flange Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > ) ( )
Max [weld size] for non strength connections ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > )
Minimum beam stiffener plate thickness ( Job > Design > Plate Design Settings > )
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Column Cap/Base Pl " section > )
Setup of auto base/cap plates (a list of links)
Standard Cap Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > )
Total stiffener clearance ( Job > Design > Plate Design Settings > )
Weld pattern on base plate ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > ) ( )
Weld pattern on cap plate ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > )

Auto Change Marks (changes all member piecemarks on sheet) ( )

Auto Point

Auto (point location)
Point Location Configuration (window for Auto point location)

Auto saved recovery file

Automatically create recovery files interval ( User and Site Options > Drawings > ) ( )
File > Open ( Drawing Editor , to restore work lost due to a crash).
File > Restore Backup Drawing ( Drawing Editor )

Auto standard (connection)

Advantages of (topic) ( )
Applying to a beam or column (step-by-step instructions)
Auto standard ( Status Display > Connection type > )
Field clearance
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections )
General framing conditions ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Specific framing conditions ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Schedule of Minimums ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Setting up for specific framing conditions (step-by-step instructions)

Automatic detailing

Always show Annotations and Dimensioning window ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )
Detail Current Piecemark (while in the member detail) ( )
Detail Erection Views (generates drawings of erection views)
Detail Erection Views using the manual method ( )
Detail Members (generates member details)
Detail Selected Members ( Modeling only)
Detail Member Groups (generates member details)
Detail Submaterial (generates submaterial details)
Detail using templates (to apply templates during group member detailing)
Detail using templates (to apply templates during member detailing) ( )
Detail using templates (to apply templates during submaterial detailing)
" Settings" button (Drawing Data window, auto detailing settings) ( )

Available material (in a shape file)

Axes box (item you can add to your toolbar)

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- B -

Backspace key (uses of)

Back-up bar, on shear connections with a skew angle of less than 45 degrees

Use back-up bar (" Connection specifications " for single-plate shear connections)
Use backing bar for pre-qualified welds ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > )

Back-up bar, on welded moment connections

Back-Up Bar Schedule ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design Settings > )
Bill of materail and detailing ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design Settings > )
Create solids for back-up bars in modeling ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design Settings > ) ( )

Balloon description, show ( User and Site Options > Modeling > ) ( )

Bar material ( Modeling )

Material windows:

Flat Bar Material
Round Bar Material
Square Bar Material

Miscellaneous member edit windows:

Flat Bar Edit
Round Bar Edit
Square Bar Edit

Base/Cap Plate Schedule

Base/Cap Plate Schedule (setup window)
Plate schedule number
( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Connection type " > ) ( )

Base drawing ( Drawing Editor )

Create Base Drawing ( File > )
Create Base Drawings ( Edit > Change Options > )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Detail with revisions ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Detail with revisions ( Process > Detail Members > press " Settings " > )
Detail with revisions ( Process > Detail Submaterial > press " Settings " > )
Disable automatic creation of ( Fabricator > Sheets and Reports > Sheet Revisions > )
Open Archived Drawing ( File > Open Archived Drawing )
Sheet Item Add ( Objects > Sheet Items > Add automatically creates a base drawing)

Base off Construction Line ( BSCL - a Locate option) ( )

Base off Grid Line ( BSGL - a Locate option)

Base off Member ( BSMB - a Locate option)

Base off Real Line ( BSRL - a Locate option)

Base plates (auto base/cap plates and user base/cap plates)

Auto base/cap plate (topic)
Base/Cap Plate Schedule ( user base/cap plates, Job Setup > )
Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners (custom component) ( )
Base Plate Shear Key (custom component)
Connection Guide (topic)
Flange welds (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
Include minor marks on anchor bolt layouts ( Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > " Piecemarks " > )
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Preferred Plate Sizes )
Round (user base/cap plates, Job > Connections > Base/Cap Plate Schedule )
Seal welds (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
Steel grade (" Connection specifications " for auto base/cap plate -- column, auto standard and user defined)
User base/cap plates (topic)
Web welds (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
Weld pattern on base plate . ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > ) ( )
Weld all around (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
Weld pattern (auto base/cap plate)

Beaded flat (may be added as rolled section)


Add and edit tools for beams:

Add (tool) ( )
Adding beams using the options bar ( )
Beam Edit (window)
Edit multiple beams ( )
Move/Stretch Members (tool) ( )
Move/Stretch Members, Include Material (same as Move/Stretch Members , but often better)
Navigation tree ( Beam Edit window navigation) ( )
To open the Beam Edit window (methods)

Beam Edit window, key settings and information:

Bevel shear plate as required (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > ) ( )
End elevation (left or right end > " Member " > )
Input connection type (left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Limit state (" Left end limit state " or " Right end limit state ")
Messages (left or right end > " Information " > )
Moment type = Non or Bolted or Welded (left or right end > " Moment " > ) ( )
Section size = shape file entry (" General settings " > )
Use HSS column reinforcement plate (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > ) ( )

Custom components:

Beam Bearing Plate
Beam Flange to Flange Connection ( )
Beam Nailer Holes
Beam Outrigger ( )
Beam Stiffeners ( )
Column Stiffener at Beam ( )
HSS Cap Plate ( )
Reduced Beam Section
Safety Holes ( )
Safety Tabs ( )
Surfaces Connection ( )
Void Space Cylinder
Void Space Layout ( )
Web Penetration with Stiffeners ( )
WWF Lifeline Holes

Designed connections for beams:

Beam seat (Connection Guide)
Beam seat (help page)
Beam seat (index)

Beam splice plate (Connection Guide)
Beam splice plate (help page)
Beam splice plate (index)

Bearing (Connection Guide)
Bearing (index)

Bent plate (Connection Guide)
Bent plate (help page)
Bent plate (index)

Connection design locks ( Beam Edit > left or right end > )
Connection design locks (" Leaf" names)
Connection design locks ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
Connection failure messages ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Information " leaf)
Connection specifications ( Beam Edit > left or right end > )
Connection specifications ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )

Clip angle
(Connection Guide)
Clip angle (help page)
Clip angle (index)

End plate (Connection Guide)
End plate (help page)
End plate (index)

Fully Welded Moment (index)

Moment (Connection Guide)
Moment (help page)
Moment (index)

Shear (Connection Guide)
Shear (help page)
Shear (index)

Setup of modeling beams:

Auto Standard Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Base beam design moment on ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Base beam design reaction on (setup of shear load, Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Color ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors > )

Setup of beam seat connectons (index)
Setup of beam splice connections (index)
Setup of bent plate connections (index)
Setup of clip angle connections (index)
Setup of end plate connections (index)
Setup of moment connections (index)
Setup of shear connections (index)

User Defined Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Square cut ends of sloped beams ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section > )
Top of steel to first hole ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Schedule of Minimums > )
Mem Detailing Settings > "Beams" section ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > )

Tracking beams:

Detail Members ( Process > Detail Members > select beam piecemarks) ( )
Display Options ( View > Display Options > select " Members " with " Beams " filtering) ( )
Model Tree ( Toolbar Configuration [classic] or built-in [lightning] ) ( )
Set Selection Filter ( Model > Set Selection filter > select the " Beams " filter)
Search ( Edit > Search > various searches can pertain to beams)
Status Display ( Model > Status Display > select among many settings pertaining to beams) ( )

Also see: Detailed (' In position ' or ' Horizontal '), Show design loads on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section), Show end elevations on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section ), Detailing Defaults ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > " Members > tab " ) ( )

Beam Flange to Flange Connection (custom component) ( )
Beam Flange to Flange Connection (setup window)

Beam Line, Controlled Automation (CNC configuration type)
Beam Line, Peddinghouse (CNC configuration type)

Beam Nailer Holes (custom component)

Beam Ridge Plate (custom component) ( )

Beam seat (a system designed connection)

Connection Guide:

Beam Seat to an Embed in a Concrete Wall
Beam Seat with Restraining Angle
Bolted Angle Beam Seat

Plate Beam Seat
Sloping Plate Beam Seat
Stiffened Angle Beam Seat
Tee Beam Seat

Settings for beam seat design and tracking:

Connection design locks (for designing connections)
Connection specifications (beam, auto standard and user defined)
Design restrictions (topic)

Embed schedule entry (( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > ) ( )
Embed plate location (" Connection specifications ")
Input connection type = Seated ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections )
Input connection type = Seated or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type" leaf) ( )
[Input] connection type = Seated ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )

Seated Angle (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Seated Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Seated Tee (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Shear load (" Load " leaf)
Status Display ( Connection type > Seated )
Steel grade (" Connection specifications ")

Top Flange Stability Angle (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Use miscellaneous plates list (" Connection type ")
Web Stability Angle (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

Setup for beam seat connections:

Beam Seat Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
Connection material specs for tees ( Job > Design > Design Settings > )
Connection material specs for angles ( Job > Design > Design Settings > )
Field bolted stability angles = On beam or On column ( Fabricator > Connection Erectability Settings > )

Field clearance ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections > )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Seats ")
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Seat Plates " section > )

Beam splice (a system-designed connection)

Connection Guide:

Beam Splice with Moment Flange Pates and Inner Flange Plates
Moment Beam Splice Plates
Non-Moment Beam Web Splice Plates

Splice Plate on One Side of the Beams
Splice Plates for Beams at Different Slopes
Square Cut Sloping Beams with Splice Plates

Settings for beam splice design and tracking:

Connection design locks (for designing connections)
Connection guide (topic)
Connection specifications ( Beam Edit , auto standard and user defined)

Inner Flange Filler Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Input connection type = Splice plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type = Splice plate or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type" leaf) ( )
[Input] connection type = Splice plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections >)
Moment Flange Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Moment load (" Load " leaf)
Moment type = Non or Bolted (" Moment " leaf) ( )

Setup for moment connections (index)
Shear load (" Load " leaf)
Status Display ( Connection type > Splice )
Steel grade (" Connection specifications ")

Use inner flange plates (" Moment ")
Use miscellaneous plates list (" Connection type ")
Web Fill Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Web Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

Setup for beam splice connections:

Bolt incrementation ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > " Available bolt diameters " section > )
Bolt spacing ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > " Bolt detailing options " section > )
Field clearance ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections > )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Splices ")

Home > Project Settings > Job > Schedule of Minimums (bolt diameters / number of bolt rows)
Maximum allowable k infringement ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > )
Minimum thickness ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Shear Plate Settings > )
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Splice Plates " section > )

Square cut ends for beam splices ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " tab > )
Top of Steel to First Hole ( Job > Design > Schedule of Minimums > )
Use inner flange plates for beam splice moment ( Job > Design > Design Settings > )

Bearing (beam or joist connection)

Bearing connection on a beam to concrete:

Bearing connection (beam to concrete) (Connection Guide)
Beam End Pocket (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Embed schedule entry ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > ) ( )
Input connection type = Bearing ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type = Bearing or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type" leaf, beam) ( )
[Input] connection type = Bearing ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )

Bearing connection on a joist to a beam top flange:

Input connection type = Bearing ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type = Bearing or Auto Standard or User Defined (" Connection type" leaf, beam) ( )
[Input] connection type = Bearing ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )
Joist End Pocket (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Joist Top Chord Bolted to a Beam Top Flange (Connection Guide)
Joist Top Chord to Concrete with Pocket & Bearing Plate (Connection Guide)

Bend on Line (material operation)

Bend on Radius Point (material operation)

Bent plate (a system-designed connection and a material)

Bent plate material:

Bent Plate Edit (single-bend miscellaneous member edit window)
Bent Plate Layout (multi-bend miscellaneous member edit window)
Bent Plate Layout (material window, multiple bends, Modeling )
Bend Plate Material (material window, single bend, Modeling )
bnt_plate (Python module for parametrics)

Connection Guide:

Bent Plate on One Side of Beam Web
Bent Plates Bolted to Supported

Bent Plates Bolted to Supporting

Bent Plates to a Welded Extended Tee
Bent Plates Offset and Opposite
Bent Plates on a Beam Framing to Nothing

Bent Plates Welded to Supported
Bend Plates Welded to Supporting

Settings for the design and tracking of bent plate connections:

Beam Web Doubler (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Bent Plate  (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Column Flange Stiffeners (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Column Web Doublers (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Connection design locks (for designing connections)
Connection specifications (for Beam Edit , auto standard, user defined)

Embed schedule entry (" Connection type ")
Input connection type = Bent plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type = Bent plate or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type" leaf) ( )
[Input] connection type = Bent plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )
Moment Cap Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Moment load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Moment type = Non or Bolted or Welded ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " > ) ( )
NM bolt type to supported ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
NM bolt type to supporting ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )

Shear load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Status Display ( Connection type > Bent plate )
Steel grade (" Connection specifications " for bent plates)
Plate Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Top/ Bottom Moment Angle (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Top/ Bottom Moment Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Use paddle plate (" Connection specifications " for bent plate on an HSS beam)
Use miscellaneous plates list ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )

Setup for bent plate connections:

Bent plate lengths calculated ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " Miscellaneous " tab > )
Bolt incrementation ( Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Settings > " Available bolt diameters " section > )
Bolt spacing ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > " Bolt detailing options " section > )
Bent Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )

Field clearance ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections > )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Bent plates ")

Home > Project Settings > Job > Schedule of Minimums (bolt diameters & number of rows)
Maximum allowable k infringement ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > )
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Bent Plates " section > )
Setup for moment connections (index)
Square cut ends on sloped beams ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detaling Settings > " Beams " section > )

Bevel symbols ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Bevel Symbols

Bevel Symbol (edit window)
Bevel Add

Bevel Edit (including multi-edit )
Bevel Erase
Bevel Erase All
Bevel Mode

Setup for bevel symbols:

Bevel pen ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > the " Pens " tab > )
Bevel symbol base dimension ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings > )
Edit Palette (sets bevel label height for Add Bevel )
Show degrees with bevel symbol ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings > )

Also see: "Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" (buttons),, bevel symbol exact points (a bevel symbol has two), move/stretch a bevel symbol (tool), attached to view (edit field).

Bill interchange format (BIF) (data export to other programs)

Also see: KISS Export , Estimating/Production Interface , FabTrol Export , EJE Export

Bill of material ( Drawing Editor )

Bill editor tools and setup:

Bill of Material Editor (opens the bill editor)
Cut and paste in the bill editor

Copy Line(s) in the bill editor
Insert Paste in the bill editor
List in bill of material (turns on/off the reporting of bill data)
Overwrite Paste in the bill editor
Preserved color ( User and Site Options > Drawings > Bill of material preserved color ) ( )
Unpreserved color ( User and Site Options > Modeling > Bill of material unpreserved color ) ( )

Bill of material placement:

Anchor location ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Bill of Material " tab > )
Deleting a bill (select the bill then press the Delete key)
Drawing Summary (tells number of bill lines filled on sheet)
Header position ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Bill of Material " tab > )
Maximum number of rows ( )
Minimum number of rows ( )
Place Bill ( )
Spaces between fields in the bill of material ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Bill of Material " tab > )

Detailing and layout, setup and tools:

Bill of Material Layout (edit window, Drawing Editor ) ( )
Bill of Material Layout (window, Fabricator Setup )
Detail BOM only ( Detail Members or Detail Current Piecemark )
Include unit quantities and weights for field bolts in BOM ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing Settings > )
List in bill of material (turns on/off the reporting of bill data)
Preserve user modified BOM ( Process > Detail Members > press " Settings ") ( )
Reorder Bill Items (tool for detail sheets)
Round unit weights up ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation > )
Sorting ( Fabricator > Sheets and Reports > Bill of Material Layout > " Sorting " tab) ( )
Summarize field bolts list in bill of material ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing Settings > )
Weights = Always add up or Actual totals ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation > )

Objects > Bill of Material >

Edit Bill (opens the bill editor)
Place Bill ( )
Place Total Weight

Reports >

Bill of Material Plot Order by Detail
Bill of Material Plot Order by Sheet
Bill of Material Report 1 by Detail
Bill of Material Report 1 by Sheet
Bill of Material Report 2 by Detail
Bill of Material Report 2 by Sheet
Bill of Material Report 3 by Detail
Bill of Material Report 3 by Sheet

Report setup:

Bill of Material Layout ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )

bolt (material type )

Bolts, 3D ( Modeling )

Add Bolts ( Model > Bolt > Add )
Add Bolt Point to Point ( Model > Bolt > Add Point to Point )
Add Bolts to Single Ply ( Model > Bolt > Add Single Ply )

Bolt Edit (edit window in Modeling )
Bolt Settings ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Bolt Detailing/Fabricator Options ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Bolt Detailing/Fabricator Options (setup overrides for detailing with templates)
Bolt Properties ( Mode > Bolt > Properties )
Bolt Specifications ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Check Bolt ( Model > Bolt > Check )
Cloud and note holes having slip-critical bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings ) ( )
Default non-moment bolt diameter (sets standard size)
Diameters changed by system, search for
Edit (including multiple edit )
Erase ( Model > Bolt > Erase )
Flip direction ( Bolt Edit window)

Imperial bolt lengths in 1/2 inch increments ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > )
Incrementing bolts during connection design (J ob Setup > Bolt Settings , Available bolt diameters )
Material bolt s (added as submaterial using F3 , as a legacy miscellaneous member using F2 )
Material bolt edit (edit window in Modeling )
Material bolt review (Review window in Modeling )
Metric bolt lengths in 10 mm increments ( Available bolt diameters > Bolt Settings )

NM bolt type to supported ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
NM bolt type to supporting ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
NM bolt type ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Connection type " > )
NM bolt type ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
NM bolt type ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )

Parametric Bolt Edit
Status Display ( Bolt status > [various status display options])
Tension controlled tool type ( Connection Erectability Settings ) ( )
Use tension control (TC) bolts ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings > )
Washer Settings Setup ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Bolt tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Bolts

Bolt Add (tool)
Bolt Edit (window)
Edit (including multi-edit )
Erase (tool)
Erase All (tool)
Mode (group of 2D bolt tools)

Also see: 2D bolts (topic)

Bolt symbols ( Drawing Editor )

Bolt Symbol Input (edit window)
Objects > Bolt Symbols > Add (tool)
Objects > Bolt Symbols > Bolt Sym Combo (tool)

BOM - see Bill of material

Braces with Different Thickness Gussets ( Edit > Search > ) ( )

Browse button (topic)


Help browser ( User and Site Options > General > )

page 1 | contents | top

- C -

Caged Ladder (custom member)

Adding (steps)
Caged Ladder (edit window)

Callout (material, bolts or holes in the Drawing Editor )

Default designation for user added bolt callout ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Pcmrking > " Submaterial " tab > )
Default designation for user added material callout ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Pcmrking > " Submaterial " tab > )
Material Callout (tool) ( )
Quantity included in a user added bolt callout ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Pcmrking > " Submaterial " tab > )


Camber ( Drawing Editor > Tools > Erection View Cleanup > )
Camber annotation ( Beam Edit window > " General settings " > " Rolling operation " > )
Camber on member ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Rolling operation ( Beam Edit window > " General settings " > )
Rolled Section Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for angle and other rolled materials)
Show camber on the bill of material ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detaling Settings > " Beams " section > )

Canam Tools ( )

Cap plate (connection)

Auto base/cap plates (topic)
Base/Cap Plate Schedule (user base/cap plate, Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners (custom component) ( )
Connection Guide (topic)
Flange welds (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Column Cap/Base Pl " section > )
Plate type = Rectangular or Round ( Job > Connections > Base/Cap Plate Schedule > )
Steel grade (" Connection specifications " for auto base/cap plate)
Seal welds (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
User base/cap plates (topic)
Web welds (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
Weld all around (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plate)
Weld pattern (" Connection specifications " for auto base/cap plate)
Weld pattern on cap plate . ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Weld Design Settings > )

Cardinal points

for .pml output ( Export Model )

Category definitions (for members)

Category ( Model > Status Display > Member Status > )
Category ( Update Attributes > )
Member Categories ( Fabricator > Category Settings > )
Member category (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )

Also see: User Routing Settings

Center (a navigation tool)

Center of Mass

Center of Mass ( DSTV Options window, scribing option for CNC)
Crane set point location (top of the load at the center of mass)
Center of Mass (tool in Modeling )
Material neutral axis (topic)

Center of Screen ( CNTR - point location)


Chamfer Edge ( ) ( Model > Material > )
Chamfer Point to Point ( Model > Material > )
Perform chamfer = checked or not checked ( Edit Welds window, bevel groove welds)
Perform chamfer for user welds by default ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > )

Character sizes ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Sizes " tab > )
Character sizes (setup overrides for detailing with templates)

Channel material

Connection steel grade ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
General info about (topic)
Rolled Section Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for channel and other rolled materials)
Channel splice section size selection ( Fabricator > Std Fab Conns > Column Splice Settings > )
Channel Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )

Change options

Edit > Change Options > (classic)

Beams from Input to Auto Shear Load
Beams from Input to Auto Moment Load
Create Base Drawings
Downloaded Rotations to Non-Downloaded Rotations
Force to System Connections
Graphically Altered to System Connections
Increment Sheet Revisions
Input to Auto Minus Dimension and Field Clearance
Input to Auto Material Setback
Steel Grade ( )
System to Graphically Altered Connections
System Main Material to USER Main Material
USER Main Material to System Main Material
Vertical Braces from Input to Auto Tension Load
Vertical Brace Work Points to 1/2 Nominal Depth of Beam ( )

Check box

Checkered plate

Material edit windows:

Bend Plate Layout
Bent Plate Material
Rectangular Plate Material
Rolled Plate
Round Plate
Multi-sided Flat Plate Material

Miscellaneous member edit windows:

Bent Plate Edit
Bent Plate Layout
Plate Layout
Rectangular Plate Edit
Rolled Plate Edit
Round Plate Edit

Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Stair Treads >

Cold-formed channel stair tread (" Type of tread " = ' Plate ' > " Shape " = ' Cold formed channel ')
Continuous stair tread (" Type of tread " = ' Continuous ')
C-shape plate treads (" Type of tread " = ' Plate ' > " Shape " = ' C-shape ')
"other" type stair tread (" Type of tread " = ' Plate ' > " Shape " = ' Other ')

Also see: checkered plate pattern ( Drawing Editor ), options ( Fab Setup ).

Check Plot ( Reports > )

Check Report ( Reports > )

Circle and ellipse tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Circles

Ellipse Add Axis End ( )
Ellipse Add Center
( )
Circle Add Diameter
Circle Add Offset (can be used to add ellipses or circles)
Circle Add Radius
( )
Circle Add 2 Point
Circle Add Tan Tan Radius ( )
Circle Edit (including multi-edit )
Circle Edit All
Circle Erase
Circle Erase All
Edit window for circles
Edit window for ellipses
Offset (for adding concentric circles or ellipses)

Also see: Circles and ellipses (topic), "Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" (buttons), Edit Palette (sets default color and linetype), exact point (one, at the center of a circle), display of circles (turning on/off), attached to view (entry field), Shield ( Edit > Shield ), Trim ( Edit > ) ( ), Always show Circle Edit window ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )


Export ( Export Model )
Import ( Import Model )

Clash Report


Capacity (shape file nominal strength for a clevis in rod bracing)
Clevis (material edit window)
Clevis (shape file settings)
Clevis Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
module (for parametrics)
Turnbuckle / Clevis / Pin Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Clip Area ( Drawing Editor > Edit > Clip )
Clip View ( Modeling -- member isolation) ( )
Clip View ( Modeling -- material isolation's edit views mode)

Clip angle (a system-designed connection)

Connection Guide:

Clip Angles Extended Past Flange
Clip Angles Extended to a Vertical Brace Gusset
Clip Angles for Offset Beam-to-Beam Framing

Clip Angles Moment Connection
Clip Angles on a Beam Framing to Nothing
Clip Angles to an Embed in a Concrete Wall

Clip Angles with Beam Web Doublers
Heavy Clip angles as Beam Splices
Single Clip Angle to a Wide Flange Beam Flange

Settings for the design and tracking of clip angle connections:

Attachment to supported (" Connection specifications ")
Attachment to supporting (" Connection specifications ")
Beam Web Doublers (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
NS/FS Clip Conn1 (" Leaf" for locks -- vertical brace)
Column Flange Stiffeners (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Column Web Doublers (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Combine beam/vbrc clip angles (" Connection specifications ")
Connection design locks (for revising connections)
Connection Guide (topic)
Connection specifications (beam , auto standard and user defined)

Design restrictions (topic)
Embed schedule entry ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > ) ( )
Input connection type = Clip angle ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type = Clip angle or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type" leaf) ( )
[Input] connection type = Clip angle ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )
Moment Cap Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Moment load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Moment type = Non or Bolted or Welded ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " > ) ( )
NM bolt type to supported ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " >)
NM bolt type to supporting ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
NS / FS Clip (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

Safety connection (option for clip angles)
Shear load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " leaf > )
Status Display ( Connection type > Clip angle ) ( )
Top / Bottom Moment Angle (" Leaves" for connection design locks)
Top / Bottom Moment Plate (" Leaves" for connection design locks)

Use miscellaneous plates list ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Use expanded vertical bolt spacing (" Connection specifications " for clip angles)
Web Extension Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Welded Tee (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

Setup for clip angle connections:

Alternative angles for welding to the supporting member ( Welded OSL Bolted/Welded Clip Angles setup) ( )
Alternative angles for welding to the supporting member ( Single Clip Angles Welded OSL setup) ( )
Bolt incrementation ( Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Settings > " Available bolt diameters " section)
Bolt spacing ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > " Bolt detailing options " section > )

Connect gusset to supporting member ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horz Braces " section > )
Connect gusset to supporting member ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vert Braces " section > )
Connection material specs, Angle sections ( Job > Design > Design Settings > )
Configurations (topic)

Field clearance ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections > )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Clip angle on supported ")
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Clip angle on supporting ")

Max allowable k infringement ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > )
Setup for moment connections (index)
Square cut ends on sloped beams ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section > )
Standard Clip Angle Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
Top of Steel to First Hole ( Job > Design > Schedule of Minimums > )

Cloud tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Clouds

Cloud Add ( )
Cloud Edit (including multi-edit )
Cloud Edit window
Cloud Edit All
Cloud Erase
Cloud Erase All

Also see: clouds (topic), cloud pen color (sets pen for auto detailed clouds), "Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" (buttons), designation for non-standard holes ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings > ), Edit Palette (sets linetype and pen for user-added clouds), method to be used for clouding changes on details ( Fabricator > Sheets and Reports > Sheet Revisions > ), stretch clouds in Select Items mode, attached to view (edit field).

CNC tools ( Modeling )

Model > Material >

CNC Download Material by Location (select materials to download)

Model > Member > CNC >

CNC Download by Location (select members to download)
XML CNC Download
SteelProjects CNC Download

Also see: " CNC piece quantity by selection " ( CNC Setup window -- especially useful when downloading from the model)

CNC configuration (setup file for CNC downloads)

Batch download ( CNC Setup window) ( )
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
CNC (module for parametrics)
CNC Profile Machine Setup Data (setup window)
CNC Setup ( Computer Numerically Controlled > press " Setup ")
Computer Numerically Controlled ( Home > Export > CNC > )
Controlled Automation Options (CNC window)
Create CNC Configuration ( Computer Numerically Controlled > press > press " New Config " or " Import Config ")
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Disable error checking ( CNC Setup window)
Include attached submaterial in member download ( CNC Setup window)
DXF Tool Definitions (CNC window)
DSTV Options (CNC window)
Franklin Options (CNC window)
Change File Sizes ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Peddinghaus Options (CNC window)
Punch List Options (CNC window)
Selecting a configuration ( Computer Numerically Controlled > press ) ( )
Setup of a configuration (steps)
Types of configruartion (a list of available CNC download types)

CNC error and warning messages

CNC marks

adding with Add Hole
adding center marks
adding match marks
adding position marks
example in solids form
example on a detail
showing on member details

CNC Module

Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC main menu)

Cold formed channel (material type)

Cold formed Z (material type)


Crane colors ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Drawing Editor background color ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )
Line Weights ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Modeling background color ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Predefined Colors ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Opacity ( Status Display window, Modeling ) ( )
Pens ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentaton > " Pens " tab > )
Pens (setup overrides for detailing with templates)


Add and edit tools for columns:

Add Column ( Model > Member > Add > Column ) ( )
Adding columns using the options bar ( )
Classic column location for columns added/repeated in plan view ( User and Site Options > Modeling > ) ( )
Column Edit (window)
Edit multiple columns ( )
Move/Stretch Members ( Model > Member > Move/Stretch )
Move/Stretch Members, Include Material (same as Move/Stretch Members , but often better)
Navigation tree (widget for edit window navigation) ( )
To open the Column Edit window (methods)

Custom components:

Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners
Base Plate Shear Key
Beam Stiffeners at Column ( )
Column Stiffeners - Column ( )
HSS Cap Plates ( )
Safety Holes - Column
Safety Tabs - Column ( )
Surfaces Connection ( )
Void Space Cylinder
Void Space Layout ( )

Column Edit window, key settings and information:

Section size (" General settings " > ) ( )
End elevation (bottom or top end > " Member " > )
Input connection type (bottom or top end > " Connection type " > )
Messages (bottom or top end > " Information " > )
Plate schedule number (bottom or top end > " Connection type " > ) ( )

Designed connections for columns:

Auto base / cap plate (help page)
Auto base / cap plate (index)

Column connections (Connection Guide)
Column splice connections (help page)
Column splice plate (index)

Connection design locks ( Column Edit > bottom or top end)
Connection design locks ( Column Edit summarized)
Connection design locks ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )
Connection failure messages ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Information " leaf)
Connection specifications ( Column Edit , settings depend on end's connection type)
Connection specifications ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )

User base/cap plate (help page)
User base/cap plate (index)

Setup for modeling columns:

Auto Standard Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Color ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Degrees from Job North ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Degrees for job north (when creating a new Project)
Member Detailing Settings > "Column" section ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
HSS notch radius (for thru plates, Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Column " section > )
Setup for auto base/cap plates (index)
Setup for column splice connections (index)
Setup for user base/cap plates (index)
Show design loads on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Column " section > )
Show design loads on details (setup override for detailing with templates)
Show erection pin holes ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Column " section > )
Total notch width clearance (for thru plates, Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Column " section > )
User Defined Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Connections > )

Tracking of columns:

Detail Members ( Process > Detail Members > select column piecemarks) ( )
Display Options ( View > Display Options > select " Members " with " Columns " filtering) ( )
Model Tree ( Toolbar Configuration [classic] or built-in [lightning] ) ( )
Set Selection Filter ( Model > Set Selection filter > select the " Columns " filter)
Search ( Edit > Search > various searches can pertain to columns)
Status Display ( Connection auto loads > Auto column load )
Status Display ( Member status > Member type > select " Column ")

Also see: Detailed (' In position ' or ' Horizontal ' or ' Vertical '), Detailed (setup override for detailing with templates), Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Defaults > " Members " tab > ( )

Column splice plate (system-designed connection)

Connection Guide:

Column Splice for W Columns with Same Section Sizes
Column Splice for W Columns with Different Section Sizes
Field Welded Column Splices for Tube Columns
Field Welded Splice with Bolted Channel Web Connection
Field Welded Splice with Welded Channel Web Connection
Web Plates on Columns with Bolted Flange Splices

Settings for the design and tracking of column splice connections:

Butt Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Butt plate = Checked or Not (" Connection specifications ")
Column attachment = All-Bolted plates or Welded or Bolted/Welded plates (" Connection specifications ")

Connection specifications (column, user defined, auto standard)
Design considerations (topic)
Outer Flange Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Horizontal shear ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Loads " > )

Input connection type = Splice plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections > )
Input connection type = Splice plate or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type " leaf, column)
[Input] connection type = Splice plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )

Load ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Loads " > )
Moment ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Loads " > )
Splice plate grade (" Connection specifications " when connection type is column splice)
Splice uplift ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Loads " > )
Upper Outer Flange Fill Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Upper Web Fill Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Status Display ( Connection type > Splice )

Web Channel (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Web Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Web plates = Checked or Not (" Connection specifications " when connection type is column splice)

Setup for column splice connections:

Bolt incrementation ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > " Available bolt diameters " section)
Bolt spacing ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > " Bolt detailing options " section > )
Channel splice section size selection ( Fabricator > Std.Fab Conns > Column Splice Settings > )
Connection material specs, Channels ( Job > Design > Design Settings > )
Flange splice plate clearances ( Fabricator > Std.Fab Conns > Column Splice Settings > )
Maximum weld size for [butt plates] ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > )
Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Splice Plates " section > )
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Splice plates " section > )
Setup for moment connections (index)

Column Stiffener at Beam (custom component) ( )

Column Stiffeners - Column (custom component) ( )

Components ( connection and custom )

Add (tool for custom components only) ( )
Component Plugin Setup ( Job setup, for custom componens only)
Component (Python module for parametrics)
Copy (tool for custom components only) ( )
Connection Component Edit (edit window) ( )
Custom components (topic) ( )
Dictionary for Custom Components ( Advanced Selection )
Explode Custom Component ( Model > Component > Explode ) ( )
Member component items to copy/repeat ( User and Site Options > Site > )
Move Custom Component ( Model > Component > Move ) ( )

Also see: ' Custom Components ' selection filter, ' Connection Components ' selection filter. When the ' Default ' selection filter is active, you can double-click a component (connection or custom) in the model to edit it. For a custom component, you can also press the Delete key ( ) to delete that custom component.

Combo box (a type of entry field)

Command diamond (type of mouse binding reporter)

Commands (a module for parametrics)

Comment layers (a type of drawing layer)

Plot comment layers

Composite design, beam

Beam Composite Design ( Job > Design > )
Composite Reaction Factors ( Job > Design > Reaction Factors )
Composite design = checked or not checked ( Beam Edit > " General settings " > )
Status Display ( Member status > Composite )


Compression load (in " Loads " on Beam Edit window)
Compression load (in " Loads " on Horizontal Brace Edit window)
Compression load (in " Loads " on Vertical Brace Edit window)
Load (in " Loads " on Column Edit window)
Percent of allowable load, intersection vertical braces ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Percent of allowable load, horizontal braces ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Percent of allowable load, vertical braces ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Show on horz brace detail ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section > )
Show on horz brace detail (setup override for detailing with templates)
Show on vert brace detail ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section > )
Show on vert brace detail (setup override for detailing with template)
Status Display ( Connection auto loads > Auto horizontal brace compression )
Status Display ( Connection auto loads > Auto vertical brace compression )
Status Display ( Member status > Left end compression load )
Status Display ( Member status > Right end compression load )


Concrete Pad Footing Edit (window, custom member)
Concrete Slab Edit (window, custom member)
Concrete Wall Edit (window, custom member) ( )
Elevation Wall Edit (window, custom member)


Concrete Beam Edit (window, custom member)
Concrete Column Edit (window, custom member)
Concrete wall opening (custom component)
Cast in Place Beam Edit (window, custom member)
Cast In Place Column Edit (window, custom member)
Continuous Footing Edit (window, custom member)

Pilaster Edit (window, custom member)
Precast Double Tee Edit (window, custom member)
Precast Hollow Core Edit (window, custom member)
Precast Single Tee Edit (window, custom member)

Rebar Area Layout (custom component for adding rebar to concrete)
Rebar System (custom component for adding rebar to concrete walls, slabs and footings)
Reveal (custom component for tilt-up panels)
Repeated Rebar (custom component for adding rebar)

Spiral Zone (custom component for adding rebar to concrete)
Surface Specific Cover (custom component for concrete members)
Tie Zone (custom component, adds rebar to a concrete beam or column)
Tilt-up Panel Edit (window, custom member)
Welded Wire Mesh Slab Reinforcement (custom component)

Also see: CMU Wall Edit (custom member)


Auto Standard Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Connections Below Minimum Setup ( Modeling > Edit > Search > )
Connections Changed by System ( Modeling > Edit > Search > )
Connection Component Edit (edit window for connections) ( )
Connection Components (selection filter)
Connection design method ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > ) ( )
Connection failure messages (topic)
Custom components (topic) ( )
Custom Components (selection filter) ( )

Forced connections (topic) ( )
Graphical connections (topic)

Minimum setup connection = Automatic or Yes or No ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Minimum setup connection ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Minimum setup connection ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Minimum setup connection ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )

Modifying / Revising Connections (topic) ( )
Moment (leaf on Beam Edit with moment connection options)

Steel grade for system angle connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Steel grade for system channel connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Steel grade for system tee connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
System connections (listed)
Status Display ( Connection type > [various status display options])
User Defined Connections Edit ( Home > Project Settings > Job > ) ( )
Ways to Create Connections (topic)

Connection Calculation Cover Sheet (report)

Connection Cubes

Connection Cube Status

Connection design

Connection Design Calculations Report (report)
Connection design method ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > ) ( )
DesignCalcs (a parametric module)
Design phase of Process and Create Solids (topic)

Expanded Connection Design Calculations (report)
Incrementing bolts ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > " Available bolt diameters " section)
Process within member edit ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Process within member edit ( User and Site Options > Site > )

Connection design locks (replace what used to be called revise & review fields)

Auto base/cap plate
Beam splice
Bent plate
Clip angle
Column splice
Connection design locks set ( Modeling > Edit > Search > ).
Connection design locks set ( Model > Status Display > Search > )
Connection Design Lock Summary ( Connection Design Calculations Report )
End plate
HBrc plates
Joist connections
Revising (topic) ( )
Seated beam connection
Unlock Connection Design Locks ( Change Options > )
User base/cap plate
User defined connections
VBrc plates

Connection setback ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )

Left end connection setback ( Model > Status Display > Member status > )
Right end connection setback ( Model > Status Display > Member status > )

Construction circle tools

Objects > Construction Circles > ( Drawing Editor )

Add Diameter
Ellipse Add Axis End
Ellipse Add Center
Add Radius
Add tan Tan Radius
Add 2 Point
Edit All
Edit window (ellipses)
Edit window
Erase All

Model > Construction Circles > ( Modeling )

Edit window
Erase All

Also see: construction circle exact point , moving construction circles , plotting (construction circles on drawings are not plotted), material construction circles selection filter ( Modeling ), material construction circles selection filter ( Drawing Editor ), Add Construction Grid ( Modeling ), Add To Material (adds a construction circle if the material is rolled). Load and Save (to save in a file in Modeling )

Construction line tools

Objects > Construction Lines > ( Drawing Editor )

Add To Material ( )
Add To Material to delete previously added construction lines ( )
Edit All
Erase All

Model > Construction Lines > ( Modeling )

Add Finite ( )
Add Grid
Add To Material ( )
Add To Material to delete previously added construction lines ( )
Edit All
Erase All
Load (to load from a file)
Save (to save in a file)

Also see: Allow multi-colored construction lines ( User and Site Options > General > ), Parametric Construction Lines, Default color ( User and Site Options > General > ), To move construction lines (steps), Plotting (construction lines on drawings are not plotted), Selecting construction lines by area (steps), Material construction lines selection filter ( Modeling ), Material construction lines selection filter ( Drawing Editor ). Finite line (check box on Construction Line Edit window in Modeling ) ( ), Temporary construction lines (may be created, temporarily, when locating a point)

Context menu -- formerly referred to as the "Shortcut menu"

Context Menu Editor (classic & lightning)
Drawing Editor
Modeling ( )

Also see: Toolbar Configuration (classic - context menu settings reside in the toolbar configuration file).

Contents (of this manual)

Connection Cubes

Add Components or Member Ends to a Connection Cube
Connection Cube Add (adds a single connection cube)
Connection Cube Detail from List ( Home >  Utilities > Process/Detail > Detail Connection Cubes )
Connection Cube Edit (topic)
Connection Cube Isolate
Connection Cubes ( View > Display Options in Modeling )
Connection Cubes (topic)
deleting a connection cube
Detail Selected Connection Cubes
Remove Components or Member Ends from a Connection Cube


Global coordinates (topic)
Member coordinates (topic)
Screen coordinates (topic)
Rotate Material (window, opens for adding material or legacy miscellaneous members)
X-Y-Z display (gives global coordinates feedback)


Cope (fit tool)
Cope cut type ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section)
Cope plain (" End preparations " for member main material)
Cope radius ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detaling Settings > " Beams " section)
Top / bottom flange operation
(" End preparations " leaf on member edit windows)
Top / bottom flange operation ( Rolled Section Edit window for miscellaneous members)
Top / bottom flange operation ( Rolled Section Material window)

Cope Report ( CNC )

Copy and Cut/Paste operations

Entire Job / Project:

Copy Detailing Templates ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Global Symbols: Copy to Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
" Copy " " Paste " " Save " " Load " (form buttons) ( )
Copy Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Job Symbols: Copy to Global ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Copy Job Flavor to Global Flavor ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Copy Shapes ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > ) ( )
Copy Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Ctrl+c , Ctrl+v (to copy and paste to entry fields on windows)
Plugin Manager ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions for copying plugins to a particular Job)
Manage [custom property] Plugins ( Home > Project Settings > Job > ) ( )
Text entry widgets (cut, copy and pasting text)

Drawing Editor :

Copy Objects ( Edit > )
Copy Templates ( Process > Template Detailing Tools > )
Copy with Reference Point ( Edit > Special > )
Cut , Copy and Paste (tools in Drawing Editor )
Cut with Reference Point ( Edit > Special > ) ( )
Paste Repeatedly ( Edit > Special > )
Paste to Several ( Edit > Special > ) ( )
Save Standard Detail and Add Standard Detail (work like copy and paste)

Modeling :

Member Copy ( Model > Member > Copy ) ( )
Copy Notes ( Model > ) ( )
Copy Material ( Model > Material > Copy ) ( )
Model > Member > Copy To Clipboard (Job to Job) ( )
Model > Member > Paste From Clipboard (Job to Job) ( )
Save Assembly and Add Assembly (work like copy and paste)

Cost Estimator (tool)

Crane tools, etc. ( Modeling )

Add Crane Placement (adds a placement to a crane) ( )
Add Crawler Crane (adds a crawler crane and a placement)
Add Tower Crane (adds a tower crane and a placement)
Add Truck Crane (adds a truck crane and a placement)
Add/Edit Crawler Crane Specification (manufacturer specifications)
Add/Edit Tower Crane Specification (manufacturer specifications)
Add/Edit Truck Crane Specification (manufacturer specifications)
Assign Member Lifts (to assign multiple member lifts to a placement)

Check/Assign Member Lift (tests a lift situation, lets you optionally assign it to a placement) ( )
Check/Assign Load Lift (for user defined lifts) ( )
Check/Assign Multi Lift (for multi-lifts) ( )
Colors ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Copy Crane (copies a crane and its current placement)
Cranes ( View > Display Options in Modeling )
Crane Placement (window)
Crane placement exact point (topic)
Crane Placements ( View > Display Options in Modeling )
Crane reports ( Reports > Crane Reports in Modeling )
Crawler Crane (window)
Crawler Crane, copying into current Job ( Copy Project Items , select 'Mobile cranes ')

Edit Crane (opens the Crawler Crane or Tower Crane window)
Edit Crane Placement (opens the Crane Placement window)
Erase Cranes (erases cranes and their placements)
Erase Crane Placements (if all of a crane's placements are erased, the crane is erased tool)

Lift assignment (read-only information field on member edit windows)
Lift Information (calculations of whether a crane can lift a load from a particular placement)
Manage Lifts (for member lifts, multi-lifts and user defined lifts assigned to a placement)
Show Liftable Members (preliminary testing before assigning lifts)

Status Display ( Shipping and erection status > Assigned members critical )
Status Display ( Shipping and erection status > Assigned members liftable )
Status Display ( Shipping and erection status > Member lift assignment )
Tower Crane (window)
Tower crane, copying into current Job ( Copy Project Items , select ' Tower cranes ')

Also see: cranes and crane placements (topic), Model > Crane (menu in Modeling ).

Create New

"Create New" button (for creating a new shape file)
"New..." button
(for creating a new Fabricator)
"New..." button
(for creating sheets, details, sheet outlines)
"New..." button (for creating a new Job)
"New..." button (user defined connection)

Create Solids (a phase of Process and Create Solids )

Create Solids Only (tool)
Automatically process after modeling operation ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Process and Create Solids (tool)


Ctrl key (uses of)

Custom components

Custom components (topic) ( )
Custom Components (selection filter) ( )
Component Plugin Setup ( Job setup for custom components)
Dictionary for Custom Components ( Advanced Selection )

Custom members (topic)

Custom member section sizes ( Modeling > View > Display Options > )
Member Type Selection (member selection window opened with F2 )
plugins (folder in your Data Directory for storing custom members)
plugins (folder in your current Job for storing custom members)
Plugin Manager ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions to copy custom member plugins to your current Job)
Show section size on custom members ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Status Display ( Member status > Member type ) ( )

Custom launcher (icon runs a parametric, report, or selection script)

Custom properties, except member labels -- see below for the member labels index entry

Adding a custom-property label to a member detail (steps)
Add to member detail ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member > on Edit Schema window, press " Add " or " Details ") ( )
Add/Edit Schema Entry (setup window with schema entry options) ( )
Bolt Properties ( Model > Bolt > Properties )
Copy custom property schemas (when creating a new Job)
Copy Job Flavor to Global Flavor ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )

CustomProperties (Python module for parametrics)
Custom Property (bill editor)
Custom Property ( Fabricator > Sheets and Reports > Bill of Material Layout ) ( )
Custom Property ( Bill of Material Layout edit window, Drawing Editor ) ( )

Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Delete Schema Entry (to remove a custom property)
Editing a schema to add a custom property label to a member detail
Edit Properties (window in Modeling ) ( )
Edit Schema (window that lists all entries in a schema)

Flavor (to copy schema at Job creation time)
Group Member Properties ( Model > Group Member > Properties )
Hole Properties ( Model > Hole > Properties )
Import custom property sets ( Import Model > IFC Options )
Manage [custom property] Plugins ( Home > Project Settings > Job , if your current Job's properties are modular)
Material Properties ( Model > Material > Properties )

Member custom properties ( Edit Properties window) ( )
Member Properties ( Model > Member > Properties )
MemberProperties(mem_obj) (parametric function)
MemberPropertySet(mem_obj,"field", "setting") (parametric function)
Merge Schema into Current Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Modular Flavors (a " Flavor " can be selected at Job creation time) ( )
Prompt (name of custom property field as shown on the Edit Properties window)

Status Display ( Bolt status > Bolt custom property )
Status Display ( Material status > Material custom property )
Status Display ( Member status > Member custom property )
Use to split piecemarks ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member > on Edit Schema window, press " Add " or " Details ") ( )
User Namespace (user-added schema entries are placed into)
Weld Properties ( Model > Weld > Properties )

Custom properties, member labels

Add to Erection View Member Labels (option on Add/Edit Schema Entry setup window)
Member custom properties ( View > Display Options in Modeling )
Member custom property ( Tools > Erection View Cleanup )
Custom properties on members ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Erection View Member Labels ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > ) ( )

Cutting material (the ' Model -- Material ' group in Modeling )

Chamfer Edge
Chamfer Point to Point
Cut on Plane

Cut Layout ( )
Exact Fit
Fit Mitre
Fit Cope
Fit Notch

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- D -

Dates, entering (to entry fields)

Date/time labels (on sheet outlines)

Decorations (items you can add to toolbars)

Decking ( Modeling )

Decking Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
Deck Material (material edit window)


Degrees for job north ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Job North > )
Degrees for job north ( Create New Project window > )
Entering degrees (topic)
Shew bevel angle degrees with bevel symbol ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings )


Access Control > Member delete ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Delete (a selection dialog button for deleting drawings or evus) ( )
Delete (generic erase tool in Drawing Editor )
Delete (generic erase tool in Modeling )
Delete key (uses of) ( )
Delete Options ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions )
Delete Password ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Delete View ( Modeling > File > Views/Grids > ) ( )
Deleting a bill of material (select the bill then hit the Delete key)
Release Deleted Members ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > ) ( )
Xxx Erase ( Drawing Editor > )
Xxx Erase All ( Drawing Editor > )

Also see: Undo ( Drawing Editor ), Undelete (of members in Modeling ) ( ), Visual Undelete ( Modeling ) ( ), Quick Undelete ( Modeling ) ( ), Total deleted members ( Model Summary )

Depth check controls

Tool ( Modeling ) ( )
Toolbar item
( Modeling ) ( )



Add bearing bar thickness to grating description ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > )
Add bearing bar thickness to grating tread description ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > )
Description (material edit window > press "General Information ")
Description (in the member bill of material)
Description prefixes ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member and Material Piecemarking > " Prefixes " tab > )
Status Display ( Material status > Material description )


Default Member Descriptions ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > )
Default Miscellaneous Member Descriptions ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > )
Description (line one of BOM)
Drawing description ( File > Drawing Data )
Member description
(press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )
Member description ( Model > Update Attributes)
obj.TypeDescription (updatable parametric attribute)
Status Display ( Member status > Member description )

Design (a phase of Process and Create Solids )

Designable (parametric package for custom components and processable custom members)

DesignCalcs (a parametric module)
Design Calculations Report

Design Calculations Report, Expanded

Detail complete (status date for drawings)

Entering dates (topic)

Setting the date:

Detail complete ( File > Drawing Data in Drawing Editor )
Detail complete date ( Save Changes dialog)
Detail complete date ( Status Update )

Tracking the date:

Status Display ( Approval and Modeling > Detail complete date )
Status Display ( Material status > Material detail complete date )
Detail complete ( Reports > Status Report by ... )
Detail complete
( Hide Items )

Details -- see Drawings (in general) , Erection views , Global standard details , Job standard details , Member details , Submaterial details .

Detail sheets

Autoload Details for selected members ( Process > Autoload ... ) ( )
Detail Sheet Autoloading ( Drawing Editor & Modeling )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Export PDF Drawings ( Home > Export > 2D > Export PDF Drawing ) (outputs sheets) ( )
File > Open ( Drawing Editor)
General info on (topic)
Project Items List ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
"New" button (to create a new detail sheet in the Drawing Editor)
Plotting ( Home > Export > 2D > Plotting )
Print PDF ( Drawing Editor > File > Print PDF , prints current drawing or sheet )
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Sheet List, Select by Detail (report)
Sheet List, Select by Sheet (report)
View > Show Sheet ( Modeling )

DGN (import file format)

DesignLINK to import a DGN file (brings a reference model into Modeling )
Reference Model (to import a DGN file in Modeling ) ( )

Dictionary (a Python object)

Dimension tools ( Drawing Editor )

Click and drag:

To "drag off" a dimension ( )
To move a dimension label
To move/stretch parts of dimension

Objects -- Dimensions

Add ( )
Dimension Add Actual
Dimension Add Arc
Add Drag Off Dimension ( )
Add Extension Dimension
Dimension Add Horizontal
Dimension Add Vertical
Dimension Edit (including multi-edit )
Dimension Edit All
Dimension Erase
Dimension Erase All
Edit Dimension window
Extension Dim Type

Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentaton: Dimension pen color (" Pens " tab > ), Dimension precision (" Primary Dimensions " tab > ), Show secondary dimensions (" Secondary Dimensions " tab > ), Expand dimensions less than or equal to (" Primary Dimensions " tab > ), Units (" Primary Dimensions " tab > ), Size of dimension terminals (" Sizes " tab > ) ( )

Setup in Modeling: Set Material Reference Point ( Model > Material > Set Reference Point ), Set Hole Group Reference Point ( Model > Hole > Set Reference Point )

Other setup: Dimension terminals ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " General " tab > ), Material point dimension holdback distance ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " General " tab > ), Confirm adding of dimensions ( User and Site Options > Drawings > ).

Also see: Dimensions (topic), "Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" ( Dimension Edit , Leg length limits (edit field), Border (edit field),. Size of dimension terminals ( Edit Dimension window) ( ) and Size of dimension terminals ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Sizes " tab > ) ( )

Dimension tools ( Modeling )

Model >

Clear Detail Dimensions
Show Detail Dimensions )

Model > Dimensions >

Add ( )
Erase All ( )
Load ( )
Save ( )

Toolbar Configuration > " Model " command group

Dimension Clearance (toolbar or ribbon item)
Dimension Members (toolbar or ribbon item)

View > Display Options

Drawing overlay
Member and material dimensions ( )
Model dimensions

Also see: Model Dimensions (selection filter) ( )


Display Options ( Modeling )
Display Options ( Drawing Editor > View > )
Find Material ( Modeling )
Status Display ( Modeling )
Isolate Member ( Modeling )

Distances, entering ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

@ angles (for second point location)
To entry fields (on entry windows)

Distances, tools for measuring on screen

BSCL (base off of construction line) ( )
BSGL (base off of grid line)
BSMB (base off of member)
BSRL (base off of real line)
Member and material dimensions ( View > Display Options ) ( )
Objects > Dimensions > Add ( Drawing Editor ) ( )
Ruler ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )
Show Dimensions (tool in Modeling )

Dollar sign ($ - on special labels)

Double-click ( Drawing Editor )
Double-click ( Modeling )

Double material (channels or angles)

horizontal braces
vertical braces

Downloaded to CNC (status flag)

CNC downloaded ( Model > Update Attributes )
CNC downlaoded (material edit window > press "General Information ")
Downloaded to CNC (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )
General information about
(CNC terminology)
Hide downloaded from CNC selection menu ( User and Site Options > Site > )
Mark / Unmark submaterial CNC downloaded ( Change Options )
Status Display ( Search > CNC downloaded )

Dragging objects ( Drawing Editor , Select Items mode)

Drag and Drop Configuration (a configuration window) ( )
Mouse pointer indicates directional constraints
To adjust a viewport by dragging end points
To drag parts of dimension (four examples)
To move a group of objects
To move arcs, circles, clouds, labels
To move a weld/hole symbol or label and optionally stretch its pointer (three examples)
To move/stretch pointers or lines (two examples)
To stretch a cloud or polygon
To stretch/move a bevel symbol (two examples)
To move a construction line or construction circle (two examples)
To move a dimension label
(three examples)
To move an image
To move a MOI
To re-size an image

Drafting, SDS2

Drawer of add tools (multiple icons in one icon)

Drawing (Python module for parametrics)

Drawing Conversion (import/export for DXF, DGN , DWG, DXB and PDF formats)

Drawing Export Configuration (setup for Drawing Conversion export)
Drawing Import Settings ( Home > Import > 2D > click )

Also see: Output of DWG/DXF 3D models with Export Model

Drawing Data window

Drawing Editor

Add commands (for modes, keyboard shortcuts, context menus, icons on ribbons or toolbars)
Classic or Lightning mode ( User and Site Options > General > Drawing Editor layout style )
(for the Ribbon, Modes, Keyboard & Context Menu Editors)
Display Options (turns on or off the display of items on drawings in the Drawing Editor )
Drawing Editor (a toolbar or ribbon item that opens Drawing Editor from Modeling )
Drawing Editor Objects (topic)
Drawing types (opening)
Exit (or press the button)
Find tool (lightning) (for activating tools)
Home > Launch Drawing Editor (to start Drawing Editor from Home )
Menu bar
Select Items mode (base mode of Drawing Editor )
Shortcut menu
Open (to close your current drawing and open a new one) ( Ctrl + o )
"Open" button on Edit Sheet Item window (opens a new Drawing Editor session)
Open Next Drawing ( )
Open Previous Drawing ( )
Override drawing editor ( Access Control utility)
Override Drawing Editor restriction options ( File > Drawing Data )
Show layer colors in Drawing Editor ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )
Tiles (for splitting the Drawing Editor window)

Also see: " 2D override " ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Event Logging Setup > )

Drawings (in general)

Automatic detailing
Detailing Symbol Settings ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Detailing Symbol Settings (setup overrides for detailing with templates)
Drawing scale ( Drawing Editor > File > Drawing Data > )
erection drawings (topic)
General Presentation ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
General Presentation (setup overrides for detailing with templates)
Lock manual editing of dimension text ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > )
Lock outline layer ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings )
Member details (topic)
Job/Fabricator options applied during detailing (overview)
On sheet ( File > Drawing Data in the Drawing Editor )
On sheet ( Hide Items )
Print (prints drawing of any type)
Submaterial details (topic)
User created (the " New... " button)
User created, tracking ( Hide Items )

Drawings (in Modeling )

Show Detail ( View > Show Detail ) ( )
Show Sheet ( View > Show Sheet )
Material dimensions ( View > Display Options ) ( )
Member dimensions ( View > Display Options )
Add Reference Drawing ( Modeling ) ( )
Status Display ( Detailing and processing > On sheet )

Drawing scale ( File > Drawing Data , Drawing Editor )

Line Weights ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )

DSTV (CNC configuration type)

Dummy material (a material type)

DWF 3D Import (to create a DWF reference model using Model > Reference Model )

Dx/Dy Offset ( DXDY - point location) ( )

DXF Plate (CNC configuration type)

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- E -

Edge distance

bent plates, vertical
end plates, horizontal
end plates, vertical
gusset plates
horizontal braces
shear plates, horizontal
shear plates, vertical
vertical braces


Edit Other ( Modeling )

on the context menu ( )
to edit all materials under one mark
to edit all members under one mark

to edit a material behind another material
to edit member main material


all materials under one mark ( Modeling )
all members under one mark
( Modeling )
bolts ( Modeling )
Edit (menu - Drawing Editor , classic)
(menu - Modeling , classic)
holes ( Modeling )
materials ( Modeling )
members ( Modeling ) ( )
members by piecemark ( Modeling )
objects ( Drawing Editor -- any object type)
welds ( Modeling )

Also see: Multiple Object Edit Password ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions for Modeling only); Multi Items Edit (if selected items in Drawing Editor are different types); Edit Properties ( ) (if selected items in Drawing Editor are different types).


Beam (" Do you want to change all ... ")
Change All Options (material)
Column (" Do you want to change all ... ")
Horizontal brace (" Do you want to change all ... ")
Edit - No Change All (tool)
Vertical brace (" Do you want to change all ... ")

Edit Palette ( Drawing Editor )


EJE Export ( Home > Export > MRP > EJE > exports bill data)
EJE Setup ( Home > Export > MRP > EJE > click the gear [ ] )


Elevation (toolbar or ribbon item)
End elevation ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Member " > )
End elevation ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Member " > )
End elevation ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Member " > )
End elevation ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Member " > )
Left elevation ( Drawing Editor > Tools > Erection View Cleanup )
Move material ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Member " > )
Move material ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Member " > )
Reference elevation (material edit window > press "General Information ")
Show end elevations on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " setction)
Show end elevations on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Columns " setction)
Show elevation on member ( Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Top of joist ( Joist Edit > left or right end > " Member " > )
View > Reference Elevation ( Modeling )


Ellipse, adding

Objects > Arcs > Add Ellipse ( ) ( Drawing Editor )
Objects > Circles > Ellipse Add Axis End ( ) ( Drawing Editor )
Objects > Circles > Ellipse Add Center ( ) ( Drawing Editor )
X rotation and Z rotation of a construction circle ( Modeling )


Embed (plate or angle or channel)

Auto standard embed plates (a way to add embeds)
Beam Edit window, entering embed plates on (a way to add embed plates)
beam seat to an embed in a concrete wall (Connection Guide)
Bearing (beam to concrete) (Connection Guide)
Bearing (input connection type, beam) ( )
Bearing (input connection type, joist) ( )
clip angle to an embed (Connection Guide)
Embed Layout Add Tool ( ) (a way to add angle / channel embeds)
Embed Edit window (settings for adding / editing an embed)
Embed schedule entry ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections )
Embed schedule entry ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Embed Plate Multi-Add Tool (a way to add embed plates) ( )
Embed Schedule ( Concrete Setup > ) ( )
Embed schedule entry ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
Extended joist bottom chord stabilizer to an embed plate (Connection Guide)
Frames to concrete wall ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
Schedule entry (extended joist bottom chord)
Schedule entry (joist top chord) ( )
shear connection to an embed
Support offset (embed plates associated w/ beams or joists) ( )
top chord joist seat to an embed plate
F2, choose "Embed" (a way to add angle / channel embeds)
F2, choose "Embed Plate" (a way to add embed plates)
joist top chord to concrete with pocket & bearing plate (Connection Guide)
User defined embed plates (a way to add embed plates)

End[0] verses End[1] (topic)

Advanced Selection Dictionary
Change base/cap plate weld pattern ( Edit > Change Options )
Lock Ends Framing to Model Complete Member (window in Modeling )
model (Python module for parametrics)
Shear Thru Plate On [mem num] [end] (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

End plate (system-designed connection)

Connection Guide:

End Plate Extended to a Vertical Brace Gusset
End Plates Offset and Opposite
End Ptate to a Wide Flange Beam Flange
End Plate with Welded Extended Tee

Safety Notched and Offset End Plates
Sloping Bolted Moment End Plates ( )
Moment End Plate
Moment End Plate Beam Splice

Non-Moment End Plate Beam Splice
Non-Moment End Plates

Non-Moment End Plates Extended to Flanges
Non-Moment End Plate Framing to Nothing
Non-Moment End Plate with a Safety Erection Seat
Non-Moment End Plate With Expanded Bolt Spacing

Settings for the design and tracking of end plate connections:

Bolt diameter ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " > )
Bolt type ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " > )
Column Flange Stiffeners (" Leaf" for moment connection locks)
Column Web Doublers (" Leaf" for moment connection locks)

Connection design locks (for revising connections)
Connection specifications (beam, auto standard, user defined)
End Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks, beam)
End Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks, vertical brace)

Input connection type = End plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections )
Input connection type = End plate or Auto standard or User defined ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > ) ( )
[Input] connection type = End plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )

Moment End Plate (" Leaf" for moment connection locks)
Moment load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " > )
Moment type = Non or Bolted or Welded ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " ) ( )
Moment Stiffeners (" Leaf" for moment connection locks)

Use miscellaneous plates list ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Shear load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Status Display ( Connection type > End plate )
Steel grade (" Connection specifications " when the end connection is ' End plate ')
Use expanded vertical bolt spacing (" Connection specifications " when the end connection is ' End plate ')
Welded Tee (" Leaf" for locks)

Setup for end plate connections:

Bolt incrementation ( Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Settings > " Available bolt diameters " section)
Bolt spacing ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings > " Bolt detailing options " section)
Do not round up end plate field clearances ( Job > Design > Field Clearances )

End Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
Standard End Plates ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
Flat bar end plates ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Flat Bar Sizes )
Field clearance ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " End plates ")

Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Schedule of Minimums (bolt diameters & number of rows)
Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " End plates " section)
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " End plates " section)
Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members ( Job > Design > )
Setup for moment connections (index)
Top of Steel to First Hole ( Job > Design > Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members )

End points ( Drawing Editor )

Enhancements ( new tools & options )

Enter key (uses of in SDS2 programs)


making entries to fields
types of entry fields

Erection bolts (HSS brace welded to gusset)

Erection bolts (" Connection specifications " for horizontal brace)
Erection bolts (" Connection specifications " for vertical brace)

HSS erection bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section > )
HSS erection bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section > )

Hole type for HSS erection bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section > )
Hole type for HSS erection bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section > )

HSS/pipe/tube vertical brace field welded to the gusset (Connection Guide)

Erection pin hole ( Column Edit window > " General settings " leaf)
Erection pin hole ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Columns " section)

Erection seat (on the end of a beam)

Erection sheets ( Drawing Editor sheet type)

File > Open (to open an erection sheet) ( )
"New" button (to create a new erection sheet)
Objects > Sheet Items > Add (to add an evu drawing to an erection sheet)

Erection views (grid lines in Modeling , a drawing type in the Drawing Editor -- also see grid lines )

Always show Detail Erection View Defaults window ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )
Annotate finite grid lines in place ( Detail Erection Views > press " Setttings " > ) ( )
Erection view drawings (topic)
adding 2D drawing to 3D model
( Reference Drawing Tools in Modeling ) ( )
Allow member marks to break lines ( Detail Erection Views > press " Setttings " > )
Annotate erection views ( Detail Erection Views > press " Setttings " > ) ( )
Detail Erection Views (tool) ( )
Detail Erection Views using the manual method ( )
Detail Erection Views (window)
Detailing Erection View Defaults ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > )
Detail Erection View Defaults for Site Planning ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions - to delete erection views)
Depth Checking
(tool in Modeling )
Erection view type (' Primary ' or ' Secondary ' or etc.) ( )
File > Print (prints drawing even when not on sheet)
Graphics in Modeling erection views (topic)
Grid lines (straight & curved & finite -- topic) ( )
Grid line/bubble pen color ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Pens " tab > )
Grid line color ( File > Views > Add Grid Line > )
Grid line type ( File > Views > Add Grid Line > )
Manual evu detailing ( Detail Erection Views > select ' Manual ')
Member piecemark labels font ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Fonts " tab > )
Member section size labels font ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Fonts " tab > )
Move View ( Modeling ) ( )
Navigate > Rotate View ( Modeling )
View > Reference Elevation ( Modeling )
Navigate > Surface > ... (tools, Modeling )
View > Relative Depth ( Modeling ) ( )
Scale, Modeling ( Display Options > )

Erector Order Tool (plugin)

Erector Order Setup

Esc key (uses of)

Estimating/Production Interface (data export to Estimating/Production )

Also see: KISS Export (bill or modeling data), Bill interchange format (BIF) (bill data).

Event logging

Delete Event Logging ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Edit Properties (press " Properties " button, view " Log ") ( )
Home > Project Settings > Job > Event Logging Setup

Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > View Event Log (to view logged events) ( )

Evu -- see erection views .

Evu Cleanup ( Drawing Editor , " Tools " menu )

Tools > Erection View Cleanup >

Cleanup window
Cleanup window  (traditional)
Edit Several  (traditional)
Edit by Location
Edit by Member Number (including multi-select)
Edit by Piecemark (including multi-select)

Also see: erection view detail (drawing type affected), piecemarks (operated on), section sizes (operated on), camber annotations (operated on), elevation offsets (operated on), " Always show member numbers on erection views " ( Detail Erection Views ), from erection views to erection sheets (topic)

Exact Fit ( Model > Material > Exact Fit, Modeling )

Exact Point ( EXPT - point location) ( )

Excel ( Modeling )

Excel (export selection type for Report Writer )
Excel Reports (toolbar or ribbon item)

except (Python code)

Existing material ( Model > Material > Add > Existing Material ) ( )

Existing member (status flag)


Existing member (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )
Existing member ( Model > Update Attributes )
mem1.IsExisting (parametrics)


Existing ( Hide Items window)
Existing member linetype ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Setttings " > )
Existing member pen ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Setttings " > )
Status Display ( General status options > Existing member )


Assembly Editor

Drawing Editor
Manual Evu Regeneration

Expanded Connection Design Calculations (report)

Explode (tool in Drawing Editor for object deconstruction)

Exploded views

Clear Exploded View Position ( Model > Member > Clear Position, Modeling )
Exploded erection view ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Setttings " > )
Set Exploded View Position ( Model, Member > Set Exploded Positions, Modeling )

Exporting from your current Job

Advance Steel (same as Full Transfer , but for Advance Steel)
ASA Export (aSa XML for rebar lists)

Bechtel WALKTHRU ( Export Model )
Bid Wizard (XLSX for Bid Wizard Software)
Bill information ( BIF )
Bill information ( EJE Export )
Bill info or modeling data ( FabTrol Export )
Bill info or modeling data ( KISS Export and FabSuite Export )

CIS/2 ( Export Model )
CNC downloads
Cost Estimator (can output a .xlsx file)
DesignLINK neutral files
DXF, DWG and DXB drawing files ( )
DWG and DXF 3D models ( Export Model )
EM11 (IFC2x3) ( Export Model )
Estimating/Production data
Export PDF Drawings ( Home > Export > 2D > Export PDF Drawing ) (outputs sheets as .pdf files) ( )
Export type (per user) ( User and Site Options > Output > )
Print PDF (outputs your current Drawing Editor drawing as a .pdf file) ( )
Full Transfer (XML metadata transfer plus options for drawing export and more)
Fortosi Export (XML for truck loading)

GTP Export (outputs Total Station points to GTP software)
Home > Export (an export hub)
IFC2x3 ( Export Model )
IGES (Export Model)
JFT (a .jft file is used for Project Transfer across different installations of SDS2 programs)
Job flavors to global flavors (for sharing between SDS2 Jobs)
Job standards to global standards (for sharing between SDS2 Jobs)
Modeling data ( SPN Download )
Model > Member > Copy To Clipboard (members from one Job) ( )
Model > Member > Paste From Clipboard (members to another Job) ( )

P2 Export (for creation of bar codes)
Plotting (sheets can be output to paper or to a file)
PML ( Export Model )
ProgressXML Export (PMXL file for rebar production management software made by Progress Group)
Project Transfer (for transferring a Job) ( )
Project Output ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > ) ( )
Project defined output location (sends files to the location in Project Output ) ( )

Reports (SDS2 reports, printed or output to file)
Reports (supplied Report Writer reports -- various output formats are available)
Revit export
Revit, export selected
Revit, export to new project
RFI (U3D in a PDF, may optionally be accompanied with an XML file)
S3D Save Neutral Model
SDNF (Steel Detailing Neutral File -- Export Model )

Status Transfer (status and custom property information via an XML file)
SteelProjects (for Steel Projects software used with Ficep CNC machines)
Steel Projects CNC Download (same as above, except from the model)
STRUMIS BIMReview Export (outputs a BSWX file for use in StruMIS BIMReview)
StruMis Transfer (same as Full Transfer , but for StruMis)
STEP ( Export Model )
Tekla EPM Export (KISS)
Tekla PowerFab Export (same as Full Transfer , but for Tekla PowerFab)
Transmittal (various file types) ( )
U3D ( Export Model )
VRML ( Export Model )
VRML (export from Modeling )
Universal Rebar Export (XML for rebar production management)
Zeman Export (data for the Zeman Steel Beam Assembler)

Extension dimensions ( Drawing Editor )

Adding ( Objects > Dimensions > Add Extension Dimension )
Extension dimensions on submaterial details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " General " tab > )
Extension dimensions on submaterial details (setup override for detailing with templates)
Extension Dimension Type ( Objects > Dimensions > Extension Dimensions Type )
Move/Stretch Objects ( Edit > Move/Stretch )
Show extension dimensions ( Fabr Setup > Dimension Settings > " Beam " tab > )
Show extension dimensions (setup override for detailing with templates)
Show extension dimensions ( Fabricator > Dimension Settings > " Column " tab > )
Show extension dimensions ( Fabricator > Dimension Settings > " Braces " tab > )
Show extension dimension tails ( Fabricator > Dimension Settings > " Miscellaneous " tab > )
Origin symbols (topic)
Workpoints (extension dimensions are measured from)
Workpoint ID ( Dimension Edit window)

Extruded Profile Member (custom member) ( )
Extruded Profile (setup window for the extruded profile member)

E-Z Beam Release (custom component)

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- F -

Fabricated (status date)


mem1.ProjectedDateToShop (parameteric member module)
Projected fabrication complete (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )
Projected fabrication complete ( Model > Update Attributes )


Status Display ( Fabrication status > Projected )
Projected for fabrication ( Report > Status Report by ... )


Change Fabricator, press "New" ( Home ) ( )
Copy Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Copy from (when creating a new Job)
Current Fabricator ( Home )
Delete External Fabricators ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions for legacy, pre-v2015.xx, external Fabricators)
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
fab (parametrics module)
Fabricator Settings Report ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Print Fabricator Settings )
Job/fabricator display line (toolbar or ribbon item)
Project Transfer (for transferring a Job and all Fabricators in that Job) ( )
Rename External Fabricators ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions for pre-v2015.xx, external Fabricators)
Replace Current Fabricator Settings ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
What is a Fabricator? (topic)
What is the Master Fabricator? (topic) ( )

Fabripunch (CNC configuration type)

FabSuite MRP software

Tekla EPM Export ( Home > Export > MRP > FabSuite [Tekla EPM] KISS ) Kiss (a parametric module)
Kiss Export Setup
( Home > Export > MRP > KISS > click the gear [ ] )

FabTrol MRP software

FabTrol Export ( Home > Export > MRP > FabTrol )
FabTrol Export Setup ( Home > Export > MRP > FabTrol > click the gear [ ] )
Mark for FabTrol export ( Home > Export > MRP > FabTrol > click the marked icon [ ] )

Also see: KISS , BIF , Estimating/Production Interface .

Failed connections

failed connection messages for beams
failed connection messages for columns
failed connection messages for horizontal braces
failed connection messages for vertical braces
failed connection messages for joists
search for ( )
Status Display ( Search > Failed connection ) ( )

Field bolts


Non-standard field bolts ( Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > " Annotations " > )

Modeling and Drawing Editor:

Bolts, 2D (topic)
Bolts, 3D (topic)
Class = Field or Shop
( Modeling > Model > Bolt > Add / Edit > )


Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM
Field Bolts Point to Point
Field Bolts Point to Point by Seq.
Field Bolts Point to Point by Zone
Field Bolts Point To Point by Sheet
Field Bolt Summary
Field Bolt Summary by Sequence
Field Bolt Summary by Zone
Field Bolt Summary From Sheet BOM
Field Bolts For Members
Field Bolts For Members by Sequence
Field Bolts For Members by Seq., Select by Sheet
Field Bolts For Members by Zone
Field Bolts For Members by Zone, Select by Sheet

Job / Fabricator Settings:

Break major marks by = Field bolts ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Main Member " tab > )
Make all bolts = Automatic or Field or Shop ( Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Settings )
Color ( Job > Modeling > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
Field bolts listed on = Supporting or Supported ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing )
List washers & secondary nut with field bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing )
Non-Standard Field Bolts on Erection View Details ( Fabricator > Detailing > )
Summarize field bolts in BOM ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing )
Summarize like field bolts on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing )
Summarize like field bolts on details (setup override for detailing with templates)

Field clearance

Auto standard field clearances ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections )
Field clearance ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )
Field clearance ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )
Field clearance ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )

Field Clearances ( Job > Design > )
Left end field clearance ( Model > Status Display > Member status > )
Right end fiedl clearance ( Model > Status Display > Member status > )

Fields (often referred to as "options")

Grayed out fields (indicate multiple entries or that the field is disabled)
Making entries to fields
types of entry fields (topic)

Field welds

Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors (setup for shop/field weld colors)
Field weld (sets whether a weld is a shop weld or a field weld)
Field welds ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > ) ( )
Status Display ( Member status > Has field weld )
Show 3D field welds ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Show 3D shop welds ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
welds, 3D (topic)

File (menu - Drawing Editor )
File (menu - Modeling )

File names (topic)

Finding members and materials in Modeling

Find Material ( Model > Material > Find )
Model Tree ( Toolbar Configuration [classic] or built-in [lightning] ) ( )
Open Sheet (for use with most custom property flavors)
Status Display (finds items by their attributes)

Fit tools ( Modeling )

Model > Material >

Fit Cope
Exact Fit
Fit Mitre
Fit Notch

Also see: mtrl_fit , examples of Fit operations (topic), solids form (materials to fit need to be in).

Flange bevel (in a shape file)

Flange extension plates

Bottom / Top Extension Plates (leaf containing connection design locks)
Extended Flange Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > ) ( )
Use extended stiffeners (specification for an auto base/cap plate) ( )
Use extended stiffeners (specification for a user base/cap plate) ( )

Flat bar

flat_bar (Python module for parametrics)
Force flat bar description to use smaller of length & width ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member & Material Piecemarking > )
Preferred Flat Bar Sizes ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Connection Material Sizes > )
Flat Bar Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
Flat Bar Material (material edit window)
Plate Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )

Flat plate layout

Multi-Side Flat Plate Material (material edit window)
Plate Layout Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)

Floating point number (a Python object)

for (Python code)

Fonts (topic) ( )

Forced connection ( )

Force ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Information " > " Connection " = " Force ")
Force ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Information " > " Connection " = " Force ")
Force ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Information " > " Connection " = " Force ")
Force ( Joist Input > left or right end > " Information " > " Connection " = " Force ")
Force ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Information " > " Connection " = " Force ")
Force to System Connection ( Change Options )

Form buttons (" Copy " " Paste " " Save " " Load ") ( )

FMI Drill v2.21 (CNC configuration type)
Franklin Drill 1 (binary) (CNC configuration type)
Franklin Drill 2 (ASCII) (CNC configuration type)

Frame Material ( Model > Material > Frame )

Framing conditions ( Auto Standard Connections and braces)

beam to concrete
examples of specific framing conditions
general framing conditions
horizontal brace framing situations (not auto standard)
joist to concrete
vertical brace framing situations (not auto standard)

Free Point ( FRPT - point location)

Freeze and thaw member details or piecemarks

Detail Frozen ( Drawing Editor > File > Drawing Data > )
Detail frozen date ( Model > Update Attributes > )
Freeze Piecemark ( Model > Member > )
frozen piecemarks (topic)
Member detail frozen ( Model > Status Display > Approval and Modeling > )
Member piecemark frozen ( Model > Status Display > Approval and Modeling > )
Piecemark status ( Model > Update Attributes )
Thaw Piecemark ( Model > Member > )

Fully welded moment (input connection type for beams)

Fully welded moment ( Model > Status Display > Connection type > )
Fully welded moment connection (Connection Guide) ( )
Input connection type = Fully welded moment or User defined (" Connection type" leaf, beam) ( )
[Input] connection type = Fully welded momen ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections > )
"Moment type" automaically is 'Welded' ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " > )
Welds (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

Function keys (F8, F10, F12, etc.)

Fuse Material ( Model > Material > Fuse )

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- G -


alternative beam flange gages, joist bolted to a beam's top flange
    for wide flange beams ( )
    for channel beams
center-to-center hole distances for double clip angles:
    heavy gage, inside holes
    narrow gage
    wide gage
center-to-center hole distances for double bent plates:
    narrow gage
     wide gage
center-to-center hole distances for end plates:
     narrow gage
     wide gage
in Shapes Properties:
    flange gage for wide flange
    leg gage for L material with 1 column of bolts per leg
    leg gage for L material with 2 bolt columns per leg

Gage plate ( Modeling )

Material windows:

Bent plate
Multi-bend plate
Multi-sided flat plate
Rectangular plate
Rolled plate
Round plate

Miscellaneous member edit windows:

Bent Plate Edit
Bent Plate Layout
Plate Layout
Rectangular Plate Edit
Rolled Plate Edit
Round Plate Edit


Break apart (option for beams, braces, columns)
Galvanized ( Hide Items )
Galvanized = checked or not checked (member edit windows)
Galvanizing Check Tool
Galvanizing Settings ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Hole type = Vent holes or Drain holes ( Hole Edit window in Modeling )
Status Display ( Member status > Galvanized )
Surface finish = Galvanized or Duplex coated (rolled sections)

Gather sheets

File > Open (to open a gather sheet in the Drawing Editor )
Gather Sheet Autoloading ( Process > )
"New" button (to create a new gather sheet)
Objects > Sheet Items > Add (to add a submaterial detail to a gather sheet)
View > Show Sheet (to open a gather sheet in Modeling )


Color ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
Girt (custom member)
Girt, Secondary (custom member)
Legacy Girt (edit window)

Global coordinates

Global standard details

Add Standard Detail ( File > )
Copy Job Standards to Global Standards ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Delet Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Project Items List ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
"New" button ( Drawing Editor > File > Open > )
Open ( Drawing Editor > File > )
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Verify Reference Point ( Drawing Editor > File > ) ( )

Global Standard Detail Report

Graphical connections , main material or custom members

Graphical = Checked or Not (custom members and custom components) ( )
Graphically Altered to System Connections ( Change Options )
Graphical Connections ( Search )
Main material = USER or SYSTEM (" General Settings " on member edit windows)

Graphics, objects & decorations

Drawing Editor Objects (index page)
Graphics found in Modeling Erection Views (index page)
Items on Toolbars (index page)
Widgets and Graphics on Windows (index page)

Grating material

Add bearing bar thickness to description ( Fabricator > Member Detailing Settings > " Miscellaneous " section > )
Grating Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
Grating Material (material edit window)
Grating Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Grating tread material

Add bearing bar thickness to description ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Miscellaneous " section > )
Bolted or Welded Grating Stair Tread ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Stair Treads )
Grating Tread Edit (miscellaneous member edit window in Modeling )
Grating Tread Material (material edit window in Modeling )
Grating Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Grid lines ( ) in Modeling (also see erection views )

Add Curved Grid, 3 Points (to add a curved grid line) ( )
Add Curved Grid, Radius (to add a curved grid line) ( )
Add Grid Line (to add a straight grid line/erection view) ( )
Annotate erection views (to dimension grid lines on erection drawings) ( )
Center of curved grid lines ( View > Display Options ) ( )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions - to delete erection views)
Depth check limits
(tool in Modeling )
Erection view type (for dimensioning when regenerating in 2D) ( )
Finite = Checked or Not (for toggling grid lines from infinite to finite) ( )
Grid line/bubble pen color ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Pens " tab > )
Grid line color (The New Erection View or Edit Erection View window
Grid line linetype (The New Erection View or Edit Erection View window)
Move View ( File > Views/Grids > Move View ) ( )
Reference Elevation ( View > Reference Elevation )
Relative view depth (The New Erection View or Edit Erection View window ( )
Scale erection view bubbles ( View > Display Options ) ( )
Show grid bubbles on finite erection views ( View > Display Options ) ( )
tools for changing location of grid lines (topic)

Group member

Add Member to Member Group ( Model > Group Member > Add Member to)
Create Group Member ( Model > Group Member > Create )
Detail Group Member ( Process > Detail Member Groups > press " Setttings " > )
Edit Properties window (setting apply to the group member, not submembers)

Group Member Edit (window)
GroupMember (a parametric module)
Group Member Properties ( Model > Group Member > Properties )
Group member status ( Model > Status Display > )

Isolate Group Member by Location ( Model > Group Member > Isolate... )
Members in Groups ( Model > Set Selection Filter > ... )
Member Status Review window (settings apply to submembers of the group member)

Status Display ( Group member status > Group custom property )
Status Display ( Group member status > Group description )
Status Display ( Group member status > Group galvanized )
Status Display ( Group member status > Group piecemark )
Status Display ( Member status > Grouped member )

Submember piecemarking options ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member & Material Piecemarking )
Sub-Members (on selection dialogs)
Ungroup Group Member ( Model > Group Member > Ungroup )
Remove Member from Member Group ( Model > Group Member > Remove ... )

GTP Export (outputs Total Station points to GTP software)

Gusset plates

Braces with Different Thickness Gussets ( Search ) ( )
Clip end operation (" Connection specifications ," horizontal braces) ( )
Clip end operation on angle [horiz] brace gusset plates ( Fabricator > Std Fab Conns > Gusset Plate Settings > ) ( )
Clip end operation on angle vbrc gussets
( Fabricator > Std Fab Conns > Gusset Plate Settings > )
Clip end operation on channel vbrc gussets ( Fabricator > Std Fab Conns > Gusset Plate Settings > )
Clip end operation on Wflg hbrc gussets ( Fabricator > Std Fab Conns > Gusset Plate Settings > )
clip end operation on W tee hbrc gussets ( Fabricator > Std Fab Conns > Gusset Plate Settings > )
clip end operation on W tee vbrc gussets ( Fabricator > Std Fab Conns > Gusset Plate Settings > )
Connection design locks (horizontal brace)
Connection design locks (vertical brace)
Connection specifications (horizontal brace)
Connection specifications (vertical brace)
Minimum bolt rows, horizontal brace to gusset ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Minimum bolt rows, vertical brace to gusset ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Connections > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Hbrc Gussets " section)
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Connections > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Vbrc Gussets " section)
Setup of horizontal brace gusset connections (topic)
Setup of vertical brace gusset connections (topic)
Steel grade (" Connection specifications " for horizontal brace connections)
Steel grade (" Connection specifications " for vertical brace connections)
AISC seismic 1st ed. 2pt gussets (" Connection specifications " for vertical braces)
Use horizontal brace gusset to beam and end plate ( Job > Design > Plate Design Settings -- for Eurocode 3 )

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- H -

Handrail (custom member)

Job / Fabricator Settings:

[Elevation] noted at top rail from ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Handrail " section)
[Elevation] noted at bottom of post ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Handrail " section)
Hand Rail Setup ( Job > Plugin Defaults > Member Plugin Defaults > )
Show linear measure for handrail in shop bill ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Main Member " tab > )
Show submaterial mark for posts on handrail member details ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Main Member " tab > )
Show submaterial mark for rails on handrail member details ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Main Member " tab > )

Tools and settings:

Add (press F2 and select ' Handrail ')
Add HandRail to Stringer (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Add Flat HandRail (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Adjust HandRail Posts (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Adjust HandRail Return (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Adjust HandRail Splice (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Continue Flat HandRail (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Grab bar only " General information " on Hand Rail window) ( )
Hand Rail (edit window)
Handrail Tools (toolbar or ribbon item)
" Locate Return " (button on Hand Rail window)
Move HandRail Post (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Splice HandRail (toolbar irtem) ( )
Whole HandRail Post Spacing (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )

Hatches or fills , user-added in Drawing Editor

Cut-surface or cross-section surface hatching (generated by auto detailing) :

Objects > Polygons > Hatching Erase ( Drawing Editor )
Objects > Polygons > Hatching Explode ( Drawing Editor )
Show cross hatching ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation > )
Show cut surface hatching ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation > )

Objects > Hatch >

Add Define Polygon ( )
Add Select Polygon ( )
Hatch Add / Edit (window)

View > Display Options


Hide Items (window for hiding items on selection dialogs)


Drawing Editor and Modeling :

2D holes in the Drawing Editor (topic)
3D holes in Modeling (topic)
Hole Add (window in Modeling )
Hole Edit (window in Drawing Editor )
Hole Edit window in Modeling )

Model > Hole > ( Modeling )

Add ( ) (opens the Hole Add window)
Edit (opens the Hole Edit window)
Move ( )
Move Group ( )
Review (opens the Hole Edit window)
Set Reference Point

Objects -- Holes ( Drawing Editor )

Hole Add opens Hole Edit
Hole Edit (including multi-edit ) opens Hole Edit
Hole Erase
Hole Erase All


Blind hole (" Hole depth " on Hole Edit window, Modeling ) ( )
Countersink and Counterbore holes (" Head type ," Hole Edit window, Modeling ) ( )
Matchable (option to make a hole matchable or not, Hole Edit window) ( )

Job / Fabricator Settings:

Add bolts when matching holes ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Cloud and note holes having slip-critical bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings ) ( )
Cloud and note Vent/Drain holes ( Fabricator > Detailing > Galvanizing Settings ) ( )
Default non-moment bolt diameter ( Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Settings )
Diameters match primary units ( Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Settings )
Filled hole pen color ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation )
Hole allowances based on (' Job units ' or ' Bolt units ', Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Settings )
Show nonstandard hole sizes on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings )
Show nonstandard hole sizes on details (setup override for detailing with templates)

Also see: Hole status ( Status Display > )

Hole spacing, variable

Vertical hole spacing (a " Bent Plate " connection design lock) ( )
Vertical hole spacing (an " End Plate " connection design lock) ( )
Vertical hole spacing (a " Shear Tab " connection design lock) ( )
Vertical hole spacing, supported
(a " NS/FS Clip " connection design lock) ( )
Vertical hole spacing, supporting (a " NS/FS Clip " connection design lock) ( )

Hole symbol tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Hole Symbols

Hole Sym Add
Hole Symbol Input (window)
Hole Sym Edit (including multi-edit )
Hole Sym Erase
Hole Sym Erase All
Hole Sym Combo

Also see: Hole symbols (topic), hole symbol exact point (may be flipped across), dragging a symbol (click and drag), attached to view (edit field), Show non-quad boundary slot-rotations with symbol-note on detail drawings ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings ) .


Home > all tabs
Home > Home
Home > Anaylitics
Home > Project Settings
Home > Reports
Home > Import
Home > Export
Home > Utilities

Hopper (F2 > " Miscellaneous steel " > double-click " Hopper ")

Horizontal brace

Add and edit tools for horizontal braces:

Add (tool) ( )
Adding horizontal braces using the options bar
Edit multiple horizontal braces ( )
Horizontal Brace Edit (window)
Navigation tree (widget for edit window navigation) ( )
To open the Horizontal Brace Edit window

Custom components:

HSS Cap Plates ( )
Surfaces Connection ( )
Void Space Cylinder
Void Space Layout ( )

Designed connections for horizontal braces:

Connection design locks ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
Connection failure messages ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Information " leaf)
Connection Guide (topic)
Connection specifications ( Horizontal Brace Edit , settings depend on end's connection type)
Connection specifications ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
'Hbrc plate' connections (help page)

Horizontal Brace to a Beam's Top Flange (connection deslign locks)
Horizontal Brace to a Beam's Top Flange (" Leaf" names)

Horizontal Brace to a Beam's Web (connection deslign locks)
Horizontal Brace to a Beam's Web (" Leaf" names)

Horizontal Brace Perpendicular to Beam (connection deslign locks)
Horizontal Brace Perpendicular to Beam (" Leaf" names)

Horizontal Brace 2- or 3-Point Bracing (connection deslign locks)
Horizontal Brace 2- or 3-Point Bracing (" Leaf" names)

Horizontal Brace Intersection (X bracing) (connection deslign locks)
Horizontal Brace Intersection (X bracing) (" Leaf" names)

Horizontal Brace to a Beam-Beam Corner (connection deslign locks)
Horizontal Brace to Beam-Beam Corner (" Leaf" names)

Horizontal Brace to a Bm-Col-Bm Corner (connection deslign locks)
Horizontal Brace to Bm-Col-Bm Corner (" Leaf" names)

Horizontal Brace Edit window, key settings and information:

Clip end operation (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > ) ( )
End elevation (left or right end > " Member " >)
Input connection type (left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Messages (left or right end > " Information " > )
Pipe/tube end fitting (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > )
Section size (" General settings " > )

Setup for modeling horizontal braces:

Color ( Job > Modeling > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
Clip angle, gusset to supporting ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section)
Design by first incrementing gusset = Thickness or Plate size ( Job > Design > Plate Design Settings > )
Design for shared gusset if plates are closer than ( Job > Design > Design Settings > )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Brace to other member " option)
Member Detailing Settings > "Horizontal Braces" section ( Fabrticator > Detailing > )
Gusset Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
Minimum bolt rows in horizontal brace to gusset connection ( Job > Design > Design Settings > )
Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Horizontal Brace Gussets " section)
Setup of 'Hbrc plate' connections (topic)
Tension & compression load calculation ( Job > Design > Design Settings > " Bracing " section)

Tracking horizontal braces:

Braces with Different Thickness Gussets ( Edit > Search ) ( )
Detail Members (select horizontal brace piecemarks) ( )
Display Options ( Display Options > select " Members " with " Horizontal Braces " filtering) ( )
Member orientation indicators (when members are displated in stick )
Model Tree ( Modeling , classic & lightning) ( )
Set Selection Filter ( Model > Set Selection filter > select the " Horizontal Braces " filter)
Status Display ( Connection type > Horizontal brace )
Status Display ( Member status > Connection type > select " Horizontal brace ")

Also see: Detailed horizontal or in position ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section). Show design loads on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section), Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Defaults > " Members " tab > ( )

Hot keys (keyboard shortcuts)

Html (outputting a report in)

HSS (round or rectangular or pipe or tube)

Brace Reinforcement (leaf containing connection design locks -- HSS/TS)
Column Reinf Plate (leaf containing connection design locks -- HSS/TS)
HSS Cap Plates (custom component) ( )
Paddle Plate for HSS Beam (leaf containing connection design locks) ( )
Pipe/tube end fitting (" Connection specifications " for HSS horizontal braces)
Pipe/tube end fitting (" Connection specifications " for HSS vertical braces) ( )
rectangular (HSS/TS)
round (pipe)
Use HSS column reinforcement plate (" Connection specifications " for shear connections) ( )
Use HSS column reinforcement plate (" Connection specifications " for vertical braces) ( )
Use HSS column reinforcement plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > P late Design Settings ) ( )
Use paddle plate (" Connection specifications " for shear plate on an HSS beam) ( )
Use paddle plate (" Connection specifications " for bent plate on an HSS beam)

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- I -


if (Python code)

IFC2x3 (import/export file format)

Export ( Export Model )
Import ( Import Model )
Part Library Manager ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > ) ( )
Site Location (setup window)

Image (.gif, .jpeg, .tif or .png file in a Drawing Editor drawing)

Add Image (to place the image)
Edit Image (to rotate the image, etc.)

Imperial units of measure

Entering millimeters in an 'Imperial' Job (topic)
Lock primary units ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Primary Dimensions " tab > )
Units ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Primary Dimensions " tab > )
Units (setup override for detailing with templates)

Importing items to a project

Assemblies (from other SDS2 Jobs)
CIS/2 (3D models from other programs via Import Model )
Copy custom property schemas (an option at Job creation time)
Global Symbols: Copy to Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Custom property sets ( DesignLINK > IFC Options )
Custom property schema (from other SDS2 Jobs)

DGN (reference model via Import Model )
DGN (using Model > Reference Model in Modeling ) ( )
Dow Chemical (3D models from other programs via Import Model )
DWG , DXB , DXF files (come in as job standard details or reference drawings) ( )
DWG, 3D (reference model via Import Model )
DWG, 3D (using Model > Reference Model in Modeling ) ( )
DWF 3D Import (to create a DWF reference model using Model > Reference Model )

Erection views (from other SDS2 Jobs)
Fabricator options (will not overwrite current Fabricator information)
FabTrol XML status options ( Import Model )
Global standard details ( Drawing Editor )

IFC (3D models from other programs via Import Model )
IFC (using Model > Reference Model in Modeling ) ( )
IGES (reference model via Import Model )
IGES (using Model > Reference Model in Modeling ) ( )
JFT (a .jft file is used for Project Transfer across different installations of SDS2 programs)

Project Transfer (imports an entire project)
Images in the form of .gif, .jpeg or .png files can be added to drawings.
Job standard details
Job options (from other SDS2 Jobs)
Model > Member > Copy To Clipboard (members from one Job) ( )
Model > Member > Paste From Clipboard (members to another Job) ( )
Part Library Manager ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > ) ( )
Reference model (topic)

RISA Import (3D models from RISA)
S3D Load Neutral Model
SDNF (3D models from other programs via Import Model )
STEP (reference model via Import Model )
STEP (using Model > Reference Model in Modeling ) ( )
Revit import
Sheet outlines (from other SDS2 Jobs)
STRUMIS BIMReview Export (outputs a BSWX file for use in the StruMIS BIMReview program)
User defined connections (from other SDS2 Jobs)

Import Model (an SDS2 electronic data interchange program)

Downloaded Rotations to Non-Downloaded Rotations ( Change Options )
Import Model window ( Home > Import > Import Model )
SDS2 neutral file (topic)

Included angle (when " Rolling operation " = ' Strong axis ' or ' Weak axis ')

Included angle ( Beam Edit " General settings " > )
Included angle ( Rolled Section Edit window for miscellaneous members)
Included angle ( Rolled Section Material > " General settings " > )
Included angle ( Flat Bar Material > " General settings " > )
included angle (flat bar miscellaneous member edit window)
Included angle ( Round Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Included angle (round bar miscellaneous member edit window)
Included angle ( Square Bar Material > " General settings " > )
included angle (square bar miscellaneous member edit window)
Status Display ( Member status > Included angle )

Indeterminate ends, search for

Integer (a Python object)

Intersection of Construction Lines ( INCL -- a Locate option) ( )

Intersection of Construction Line & Member ( INCM -- a Locate option) ( )

Intersection of Construction Line and Real Line ( INCR -- a Locate option)

Intersections of grid lines noted on member details

" Show grid notes " ( Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section)
" Show grid notes " ( Member Detailing Settings > " Columns " section)
" Show grid notes " ( Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section)
" Show grid notes " ( Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section)

Intersection of Real Lines ( INRL -- a Locate option)

Intersection of Real Line & Member ( INRM , a Locate option, Drawing Editor )

Isolation of material ( Modeling )

Isolate Material by Location ( Model > Material > Isolate by Location )
Isolate Material by Piecemark ( Model > Material > Isolate by Piecemark )
Material isolation's edit the material mode ( )
Material isolation's edit views mode ( )
Material View Defaults (setup of material view depth checking )

Isolation of members ( Modeling )

Accessing member isolation:

Isolate by Location ( Model > Member > Isolate ... )
Isolate by Number ( Model > Member > Isolate ... )
Isolate by Piecemark ( Model > Member > Isolate ... )

Isolate Group Member by Location ( Model > Group Member > Isolate ... )
Isolate Group Member by Piecemark ( Model > Group Member > Isolate ... )

"Buttons" and topics related to member isolation:

[0] [-90] [180] [+90] (buttons to rotate a beam, column or brace's MAIN VIEW )
Altering the MAIN VIEW of a member (steps) ( )
How member isolation relates to detailing ( )
Member View Toolbox (tools for working in isolation)
"Preset" (button for creating preset views in member isolation)
"OK" (button for exiting member isolation)
Projected views (tips for creating)

Setup for member isolation:

Member View Defaults ( Fabricator > Detailing > )
Member isolation solid display type ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
Preferred bottom flange view style ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section > )

Also see: View > Section View in the Drawing Editor creates a view that is shown in member isolation. Members cannot be brought into isolation until they have undergone Create Solids .

Isometric View (relocates current view) ( )

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- J -


Change Active Job ( Home > ) ( )
Copy Jobs ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Copy Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Degrees for job north ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Job North > )
Degrees for job north ( Create New Project window)
Delete Jobs ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Display job/fabricator (toolbar items)
job (Python module for parametrics)
Job and fab setup ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Access Control )
Job Repositories ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Merge Job into Current Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Print Job Settings ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Project Transfer ( Home > Export or Home > Import ) ( )
Rename Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Repository menu (for selecting the folder in which Jobs are stored)
Settings > Job Settings (classic menu in Modeling and Drawing Editor )
What is a Job/Project? (topic)
What is my currnt Job / Fabricator and Repository? (topic)

Job standard detail

Add Reference Drawing ( Modeling ) ( )
Copy Job Standards to Global Standards ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Copy Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Drawing Conversion ( Interface > Drawing Conversion > press " Import Ref Drawing ") ( )
File > Add Standard Detail ( Drawing Editor )
File > Open ( Drawing Editor )
File > Verify Reference Point ( Drawing Editor ) ( )
Project Items List ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
"New" button (for creating a new job standard detail)
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )

Job Standard Detail Report


Add and edit tools for joists:

Member Add Joist (tool) ( )
Edit multiple joists ( )
Joist Edit (window)
Navigation tree (widget for edit window navigation) ( )
To open the Joist Edit window (methods)

Custom components:

Surfaces Connection ( )
Void Space Cylinder
Void Space Layout ( )

Joist Edit window, key settings and information:

Bay pitch : ("   General settings " > ) ( )
Bearing shoe (left or right end > "   Member " > ) ( )
Bottom chord (left or right end > "   Setbacks and extensions " > ) ( )
Input connection type (left or right end > "   Connection type " > ) ( )
Messages (left or right end > "   Information " > )
Peak offset ("   General settings " > ) ( )
Panel display method ("   General settings " > ) ( )
Schedule entry, botttom chord (left or right end > "   Connection specifications " > ) ( )
Schedule entry, top chord (left or right end > "   Connection specifications " > ) ( )
Shape ("   General settings " > ) ( )
Top chord (left or right end > "   Setbacks and extensions " > ) ( )
Top of joist (left or right end > "   Member " > ) ( )
Use erection hole (left or right end > "   Setbacks and extensions " > )
Vertical stabilizer angle (left or right end > "   Connection specifications " > )

Designed connections for joists:

Bolts (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Bolt sizes ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings )
Bearing Shoe Slots (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Connection design locks (for revising connections)
Connection design locks (user defined connections)
Connection failure messages ( Joist Edit > left or right end > "   Information " leaf)
Connection Guide (topic)
Joist End Pocket (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Joist Stabilizer Angle (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Joist Stabilizer Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Seated Angle (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Seated Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Seated Tee (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

Joist setup and utilities:

Joist Manufacturer Manager ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Joist manufacturer (selecting when creating a new project)
Joist Manufacturers ( Home > Project Settings > Job > ) ( )
Joist outline ( Modeling > Display Options > )
Joist Report ( Reports > )
Joist Connection Settings ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
OSHA span for bolted connections ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Joist Connection Settings > )

Also see: Joist Material (topic)

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- K -

k distance

k distance (detail) ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties )
k distance (design) ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties )
Maximum amount of allowable k infringement ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings )
Show k distance with main member size ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings )

Keyboard shortcuts, user configurable, Modeling and Drawing Editor

Customize Interface (lightning)
Keyboard Shortcut Editor (lightning & classic)
Load Configuration (classic)
User and Site Options > Toolbars (to set keyboard shortcuts, modes and toolbars)

Keyboard shortcuts, hard coded

keys with special functions (topic)


Kiss (a parametric module)
KISS Export ( Home > Export > MRP > KISS )
KISS Setup ( Home > Export > MRP > KISS > click the gear [ ] )

Also see: BIF (bill exchange format), FabTrol Export (bill or model data)

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- L -

Label tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Labels

Edit Other (edit all with same text) ( )
Label Add

Label Add Combo
Label Edit (including multi-edit )
Label Edit window
Label Edit All
Label Erase
Label Erase All

Also see: labels (topic), Alt key to enter Unicode characters (topic) "Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" ( Label Edit window), Detailing label pen color ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Pens " tab > ), Special labels for plotting (topic), Border ( Label Edit window).

Labels, special ( Drawing Editor )

Language (' English ' or ' Japanese ' or ' Spanish ')

" Language to use (per user) " ( User and Site Options > General > )
" Language to use " ( User and Site Options > Site > )

Lasso selection ( Drawing Editor )

Layer tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects > Layers >

Edit All
Edit window
Erase Selected
Erase All
Hide Selected
Hide Others
Push Up
Push Down
Show All

Also see: Comment layers (topic), Color ( Layer Edit All window), objects (deleted when a layer is erased), Layer selection tool (toolbar or ribbon item), Plotting/Print (only prints shown layers), Revision layer (topic), Lock outline layers ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings ).

Layer color setup, Drawing Presentation , " Colors " tab: " New Comment Layer " and " New Layer " can affect any drawing type. " User Adjusted " and " Reference Dimension " and " User Annotation " and " System Annotation " and " Outline " affect drawings that undergo auto detailing. An introductory video is provided at the top of the " Colors " tab ( ).

Layer color setup: User and Site Options > Drawings > " Show layer colors in Drawing Editor " and User and Site Options > Output > " Show layer colors on PDFs " control whether objects on layers assigned colors can be displayed in the assigned color.

Layout nodes ( Modeling )

Add Layout Nodes
Delete Layout Nodes
Move layout Nodes

Leaf (a collapsible section of a member edit window and other windows)

Left end of member (determining in Modeling )

Legend (button on the Status Display window)

Status Display Legend (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )

Library part

Part Library Manager ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > ) ( )
Material Type Selection, library part .( F3 window for adding submaterial) ( )
Member Type Selection, library part ( F2 window for adding members) ( )
Part Library (window for selecting a part for adding, Modeling )
Part Library Fastener Edit (window for selecting a part library fastener)
standard part (library parts become standard parts when added to the model)

Line tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Lines

Extend Multiple
Extend to Intersection ( )
Line Add
( )
Line Edit (including multi-edit )
Line Edit window
Line Edit All
Line Erase
Line Erase All

Edit >

Extend ( )
Trim ( )

Also see: "Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" ( Line Edit window), Edit Palette (sets color and line type for Add Line ), Break material lines at label interference ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " General " tab > ), lines (topic), Line exact points (topic) Move/stretch pointers or lines , attached to view (instructions).

Line type buttons (on Drawing Editor windows)

List (a Python object)

List box (a type of entry field)

Local shape file (the shape file used in your current Job) ( )

Locate options (snaps in Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Point locators:

Auto (point location)
CNTR (center of screen)
DXDY (Dx,Dy offset) ( )
EXPT (exact point) ( )
FRPT (free point)
INCL (intersection of construction lines) ( )
INCM (intersection of construction line with member) ( )
INCR (intersection of construction line with real line)
INRL (intersection of real lines)
INRM (intersection real line with a member line, Drawing Editor )
MDPT (midpoint of a line, polygon side, member line or, in Modeling , a member workline)
POLE (polar point)
Point Location Configuration ( Auto setup)
TANC (tangent to construction circle)
VTPT (vertex point)
XYZ (XYZ coordinate)

For locating construction lines:

ANGL (angle)
BSCL (base off of construction line) ( )
BSGL (base off of grid line)
BSMB (base off of member)
BSRL (base off of real line)
PERP (perpendicular)

Other snaps:

ONLN (on line) ( )
ONPL (on polygon line)

Modifiers for point location:

ANNO (point location annotations toggle)
Input by Top of Joist Elevation
Offset Controls (set offsets or coordinates for point location)
ORTHO (orthogonal)
REFD (set locators to snap to a reference drawing in Modeling ) ( )

Also see: Set Location Mode (to set Locate options); Locate icons (to set Locate options); Locate menu (to set Locate options) " Disable typed dimensions during point location " ( User and Site Options > General > ).

Locator (Python module for parametrics)

" Lock All Lockables " / " Unlock All Lockables " buttons

On member edit windows:

Horizontal Brace
Vertical Brace


Connection design locks (topic)

" Lock end " button

On member edit windows:

Horizontal Brace
Vertical Brace


Lock Ends on Model Complete Members (opens when " Model complete date " is set)
Status Display ( Approval and modeling > Member left end locked )

Locking Job Elements (topic)

LRFD or ASD or AS 4100 or CISC (connection design method)

LRFD (Load and Resistance Factors Design, AISC)

Connection design method (' LRFD3 ' or ' LRFD13 ' or ' LRFD14 ' can be selected)

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- M -

macro/examples (folder containing SDS2-provided parametrics)

Main material

Allow material workline offset ( Horizontal Brace Edit > " General settings " > ) ( )
Allow material workline offset ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Mem Detail / Fab Options > " Horiz Braces " section > ) ( )
Locate on neutral axis ( Horizontal Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Main material ( Model > Status Display > Material status > )
Main material = User or System ( " General settings " for members)
Material information (material edit window > press "General Information ") ( )
Member main material (sets a material to be a legacy miscellaneous member's main material)

Use member mark for main material in model ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > )
Use member mark for main material in shop bill ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking )
Use member mark for member main material in shop bill of group members ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking )
Use member mark for member main material in shop bill of stair member details ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking )
USER MAIN MATERIAL -- User modifications could interfere with connection ( Connection Design Calculations report)
work line (topic)

Major marks (member piecemark)

Marking tools ( Modeling )

model > member > process > (classic)

Mark All [members in view] for Detailing
Mark All [members in view] for Processing ( )
Mark [selected members] for Detailing
Mark [selected members] for Processing

Also see: when members are automatically marked for Process or marked for Create Solids (topic), auto marking of members for detailing (topic), Marked for processing (indicator) ( ).

Masking (hiding)

of list entries on selection dialogs
of members using Status ( )

Matching holes

in member (phase of Create Solids )
tool for ( Modeling )
Matchable (option to make a hole matchable or not, Hole Edit window) ( )

Material (menu in Modeling -- classic)

MaterialBase (Python module for parametrics)

MaterialBaseWidgets (Python module for parametrics)

Material Callout ( Drawing Editor tool) ( )

Also see: Edit Label window opens when calling out a material or bolt. Hole Symbol Input window opens when calling out a hole. " Bolt callout " and " Nut callout " ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Bolt Detailing/Fabricator Options ).

Material Change All Options ( Change All Options window for adding material in Modeling )

Change all method = by piecekark or by index (option on Change All Options )
Material add operations that open the Change All Options window

Material Drafting ( Drawing Editor tool)

Material summary reports

Material Summary, Selected by Detail
Material Summary, Selected by Sheet
Material Summary by Sequence, Select by Detail
Material Summary by Sequence, Select by Sheet
Material Summary by Zone, Select by Detail
Material Summary by Zone, Select by Sheet

Material setback (for members)

Automatic material setback ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )
Material setback ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Member " > )
Status Display ( Member status > Auto material setback )

Material tools ( Modeling )

Model > Material > (classic)

CNC - Download by Location
Copy ( )
Edit (including " Edit Other " on the context menu)
Find Material
Isolate Material by Location
Isolate Material by Piecemark
Material Mode

Rotate Material (window for Add Material )
Rotate Multiple Material (tool) ( )
Set Reference Point

Also see: General Information (material edit window > press "General Information "), mtrl type selection (types), material neutral axis (physical characteristic), member & material coordinates (mapping), weak axis/strong axis bending/rolling (operations). Event logging on/off check box toggles are available in Event Logging Setup for " Operations " and " Piecemark " and " Manual operations ". Access Control is available for " Add material ".

Material types

Main material ( Model > Status Display > Material status > )
Material type ( Model > Status Display > Material status > )
Material type selection (window)

Material usage

Material usage description (material edit window > press "General Information ")
Material Usage Descriptions ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Status Display ( Material status > Material usage description )

MDPT (midpoint of a line, polygon side, member line or , in Modeling , a member workline)

Measuring distances

BSCL (base off of construction line) ( )
BSGL (base off of grid line)
BSMB (base off of member)
BSRL (base off of real line)
Member and material dimensions ( View > Display Options ) ( )
Objects > Dimensions > Add ( Drawing Editor ) ( )
Ruler ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )
Show Dimensions (tool in Modeling )


Break Apart = checked or not checked (beams, braces, columns)
Break Member Apart ( Model > Member > Break Member Apart ) ( )
Category ( Model > Update Attributes )
Category Settings ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Colors ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
Custom members (topic)
Existing member (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )

member (Python module for parametrics)
Member axes (topic)
Member coordinates (topic)
Member details (topic)
Member ends (represented by cubes in Modeling )
Member numbers (topic)
Member piecemarks (major marks)
Member Properties ( Model > Member > Properties )
Member status (status condition category)
Member tools (various links)
Member type ( Hide Items window for selection dialogs)
Member Type Selection (press F2 key in Modeling )
Members ( View > Display Options , Modeling )
Members on erection views in the Drawing Editor (topic)

Model > Member (menu in Modeling -- classic)
Model > Member > Freeze Piecemarks ( Modeling )
Model > Member > Hide Selected (tool in Modeling ) ( )
Model > Member > Hide Unselected (tool in Modeling ) ( )
Model > Member > Show (tool in Modeling ) ( )

Piecemark prefixes ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > )
Show member add options bar ( User and Site Options > Modeling > ) ( )
User Routing Settings ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Updatable member attributes (parametrics)
Work lines (stick members in Modeling )

Member add options bar

MemberBase (Python module for parametrics)

Member description (status flag)

Default member descriptions ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > " Default Descriptions " tab > )
Default miscellaneous member descriptions ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > " Default Descriptions " tab > )
Description (line one of BOM)
Drawing description ( Drawing Data )
Member description
(press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )
Member description ( Update Attributes )
obj.TypeDescription (parametric member attribute)
Status Display ( Member status > Member description )

Member details (drawing type)

Adding 2D details to the 3D model ( Reference Drawing Tools in Modeling ) ( )

Default member detail scale ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Default member detail scale by nominal size ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Default Descriptions ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > )

Detail Current Piecemark (while in the member detail) ( )
Detail frozen = a date ( Drawing Editor > Drawing Data > )
Detail frozen date ( Update Attributes )
Detail Members ( Modeling or Drawing Editor or Home )
Detail from drawing scale ( Drawing Editor > Drawing Data > )
Detailing options for "Beams" ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section)
Detailing options for "Columns" ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Columns " section)

Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Edit Sheet Item (opening a detail on a sheet in the Drawing Editor )
Expand dimensions less than or equal to ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Primary Dimensions " tab > )
Expand dimensions less than or equal to (setup override for detailing with templates)
File > Open ( Drawing Editor )
File > Print (prints current drawing or sheet)
Lock outline layer ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " General " tab > )

Member number (topic)
Model > Member > Recombine Members ( Modeling )
"New" button ( File > Open in Drawing Editor , press " New ")
Placing details onto sheets (topic)
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Show secondary dimensions ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Secondary Dimensions " tab > )
Show secondary dimensions (setup overrides for detailing with templates)
Show piecemarks in all views on member details ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member and Material Piecemarking )
Single-quantity designation ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
View > Show Detail ( Modeling ) ( )

Member number (identifies members)

Status Display ( Member status > Member number )

Member orientation indicator (MOI)

cleanup ( Drawing Editor )
cleanup several ( Drawing Editor )
display option ( Modeling )
dragging to move ( Select Items mode )
showing/hiding on an erection view ( Drawing Editor )

Member piecemarks (major marks)

Assigning piecemarks (a phase of Create Solids )
Status Display ( Member status > Member piecemark )

Member Plugin Setup ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Plugin Defaults > Member Plugin Defaults )

Member revisions

Assign member revision ( Import Model 's CIS/2 import)
Detail with revisions
( Detail Members )
Member Revisions ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > )
Member Revisions by Member (report)
Report of Members in Selected Revisions (report)
Revision ( Update Attributes )
Short revision description (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )

Member tools ( Modeling )

Extend or trim member lines (Toolbox items)

Extend All Selected ( )
Extend All to Column ( )
Extend Member to Member ( )
Extend Member to Member Adjust Height ( )

Model > Member > (classic)

Add > Beam ( )
Add > Column ( )
Add > Horizontal Brace ( )
Add > Vertical Brace ( )
Add - Prompt for Member Type > Member Type Selection

Break Member Apart ( )
Change Member Type ( )
Edit by Piecemark
Edit by Member Number
Edit - No Change All
Edit Other (context menu) ( )

Erase by Member Number
Erase by Piecemark

Copy ( )
Copy To Clipboard (from Job to Job) ( )

Hide Selected ( ) (and its inverse, Show )
Hide Unselected ) ( ) (and its inverse, Show )

Member Mode
Move/Stretch Members ( )
Move/Stretch Members, Include Material (like Move/Stretch Members , but often better)

Paste From Clipboard (from Job to Job) ( )
Recombine Members
Show member add options bar ( User and Site Options > Modeling > ) ( )
Status Display ( )

Also see: mem1.update() (parametric member module function for updating member attributes). Event logging on/off check box toggles are available in Event Logging Setup for " Member type changes " and " Operations " and " Main material operations " and " Piecemark ". Access Control for " Member delete " is a related Utility .

Menu bar (to access menus -- classic) ( )

Merge Job into Current Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )

Metal Fab (CNC configuration type)

Metric units of measure

Entering millimeters in an 'Imperial' Job (topic)
Lock primary units ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Primary Dimensions " tab > )
Units ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Primary Dimensions " tab > )
Units (setup override for detailing with templates)

Mid ordinate (" Rolling operation " = ' Camber ' or ' Camber (Both) ' or ' Strong axis ' or ' Weak axis ')

Mid-ordinate ( Beam Edit window > " General settings " > )
Mid-ordinate ( Rolled Section Edit window for miscellaneous members)
Mid-ordinate ( Rolled Section Material > " General settings " > )
Mid-ordinate ( Flat Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Mid-ordinate (flat bar miscellaneous member)
Mid-ordinate ( Round Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Mid-ordinate (round bar miscellaneous member)
Mid-ordinate (Square Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Mid-ordinate (square bar miscellaneous member)
Status Display ( Member status > Mid-ordinate )

Minimum setup connection

= Automatic or Yes or No ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
= Automatic or Yes or No ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
= Automatic or Yes or No ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
= Checked or Not ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings )

Minor mark (submaterial piecemark)

Minus dimension

Automatic minus dimension ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )
Automatic minus dimension ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )
Automatic minus dimension ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > " Setbacks " > )
Minus dimension ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Member " > )
Status Display ( Member status > Auto minus dimension )
Status Display ( Member status > Left end minus dimension )
Status Display ( Member status >  Right end minus dimension )

Mirror (assemblies, mtrl, legacy miscellaneous members being added/rotated)

Miscellaneous member

Adding an assembly as a legacy miscellaneous member ( )
Color ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
Default Descriptions ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > )
Detailed = In Position or Horizontal or Vertical ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Miscellaneous " section > )
Member Type Selection (press F2 > check box for " Miscellaneous Steel ")
Miscellaneous members (the complete list of)
Miscellaneous members versus legacy miscellaneous members (topic)
[Legacy] Miscellaneous Member Edit (edit window for a legacy miscellaneous member)

Mitre ( Modeling )


Adding a new mode (to start up within an existing mode)
Configuring a mode (changing mouse bindings in existing mode)
Mouse binding reporter (shows results of mode configuration) ( )
Mode stack reporter (item you can display on your toolbar)
Returning out of a mode ( Mode Return )
Returning out of all modes ( Clear Mode Stack )
User modes (modes that can be user defined)

Model (menu in Modeling -- classic)

Model, 3D

Constructing a 3D Model (topic)
Determining left end & near side in (topic)
Reviewing the 3D Model (topic)
SDS2 Global Coodinate System (topic)
Tools for Working in 3D (topic)
What it the 3D model? (topic)

Model complete (status date)


Allow model complete date override ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member and Drawing Restrictions > )
Auto model complete type = restrictive or legacy ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member and Drawing Restrictions > )
mem1.DateModelCompleted (parametrics)
Model completed ( Update Attributes > )
Prompt to lock ends on legacy model complete members ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member and Drawing Restrictions > )
Prompt to lock ends on restrictive model complete members ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member and Drawing Restrictions > )
Type = auto or restrictive or legacy (member edit windows)


Model complete ( Hide Items )
Model complete date (member edit windows)
Frames to Model Complete ( Search, Modeling or Drawing Editor )
Status Display ( Approval and modeling > Model complete date )
Status Display ( Search > Frames to model complete member )

Also see: Lock Ends on Model Complete Members


3D Erection Views (topic)
3D model (topic)
Change Modeling Password ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Classic or Lightning mode ( User and Site Options > General > Modeling layout style )
Command groups (for the Ribbon, Keyboard & Context Menu Editors)
Context menu (default)
Display Options (settings for the Modeling interface)
Exit (or press the button)
Find tool (lightning) (for activating tools)
Graphics in Modelling Erection Views (topics)
Home > Launch Modeling (to open Modeling )
Home > Utilities > User Options > Modeling (settings for the Modeling interface)
Menu bar (classic)
Open View ( Ctrl + o ).
Select Items Mode (base mode)
Tiles (for splitting the Modeling window)

Export Model (to export the SDS2 3D model or portions thereof)

model (Python module for parametrics)

Mode Return

File > Mode Return ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )
Icon ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )
Mode stack reporter (item you can add to your toolbar)

Also see: Clear Mode Stack .

Model Summary (read-only Modeling information)

Model Tree (for finding, selecting and editing members, material, etc.) ( )

Modeling, SDS2 (an SDS2 edition)

Modules (licenses that add capabilities to various SDS2 programs)

Modules, parametric (a list of available modules)

Moment connections (system-designed)

Connection Guide:

Beam-to-Beam Moment Connections
Beam Splice with Inner Flange Plates

Bolted Moment Connection to a Column Flange
Bolted Moment Connection to a Column Web

Cap Plates, Bolted and Welded Moment
Fully Welded Moment Connection ( )

HSS Column Reinforcement Opposite a Moment Connection Moment Connection with Flange Angles
Sloping Moment End Plate ( )

Welded Moment to a Column Flange
Welded Moment to a Column Web

Settings that control the design of moment connections:

Bolts (moment end plate) (" Leaf" for locks)
Column Web Doublers (" Leaf" for locks)
Column Flange Stiffeners (" Leaf" for locks)

Connection specifications (" Leaf" for bent plate connections)
Connection specifications (" Leaf" for clip angle connections)
Connection specifications (" Leaf" for end plate connections -- largely N/A to moment end plates)
Connection specifications (" Leaf" for shear plate connections)

Inner Flange Filler Plates (beam splice)
Input connection type = Clip angle or etc. ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type" > ) ( )
[Input] connection type = Clip angle or Shear or etc. ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )

(" Leaf" on Beam Edit and User Defined Connections windows)
Moment Cap Plate (welded moment) (" Leaf" for locks)
Moment End Plate (" Leaf" for locks)
Moment Flange Plate (beam splice) (" Leaf" for locks)
Moment load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Moment Stiffeners (moment end plate) (" Leaf" for locks)
Moment type = Non or Bolted or Welded ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " > ) ( )

NM bolt type to supported (non-moment bolts) ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
NM bolt type to supporting (non-moment bolts) ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
NM bolt diameter (non-moment bolts) ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Shear load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )

Top/Bottom Moment Angle (bolted moment) (" Leaf" for locks)
Top/Bottom Moment Plate (bolted moment) (" Leaf" for locks)
Top/Bottom Moment Plate (welded moment) (" Leaf" for locks)
Top/Bottom Moment Haunch Stiffener (moment end plate, Eurocode) (" Leaf" for locks)
Use miscellaneous plates list ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Welds (fully welded moment)

Setup for moment connections:

Alternate 1 and other moment connections ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > " Moment connections " section)
Alternate #3 cope field/shop weld ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > " Alternate #3 " section)

Back-up bars ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design > " Back-up bars on Welded Connections " tab > )

Column flange stiffeners ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design > " To Column Web " tab > " Flange stiffeners " section)
Column web doublers ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design > " To Column Web " tab > " Web doublers " section)

Flange angles ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Preferred Angle Sizes )
Flange Plate Clearances ( Job > )
Haunchers ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design > " To Column Web " tab > " Haunches " section)
Moment Plate Design Settings ( Job > Design > )

Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Column Doublers " section)
Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Column Stiffeners " section)
Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Moment Flange Plates " section)

Seismic Weld Access Holes ( Job > Design > )
Total stiffener clearance ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design Settings > )
Weld gap for field welds ( Job > Design > Weld Design Settings > " Moment connections " section)
Welded moment flange stiffener ( Job > Design > Moment Plate Design > " To Column Web " tab > )

Tracking moment connections:

Left/righ end moment symbol ( Erection View Cleanup in the Drawing Editor ) ( )
Moment symbol, stick form (topic)
Moment symbols ( Display Options , Modeling )
Status Display ( Member status > Left end moment type )
Status Display ( Member status > Right end moment type )

Moment load on beams

Base beam design moment on % of maximum allowable moment ( Job > Design > Design Settings )
Beams from Input to Auto Moment Load ( Change Option )
Design moment connections for greater than 100% ( Job > Design > Design Settings )
Imperial moment load = kip-in or kip-ft ( Job > Design > Design Settings )
Moment load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Moment of inertia ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties )
Status Display ( Connection auto loads > Auto beam moment )
Status Display ( Member status > Left end moment load )
Status Display ( Member status > Right end moment load )

Moment load on columns

Status Display ( Member status > Left end moment load ) (bottom end)
Status Display ( Member status > Right end moment load ) (top end)


Adding, deleting and modifying mouse bindings ( Mode Configuration )
Mouse binding reporters (topic) ( )
Use mouse wheel with 2- or 3-button mouse ( User and Site Options > General > )
number of mouse buttons ( User and Site Options > " General " tab > )

Mouse pointer (cursor)

1-way or 2-way or 4-way ( Drawing Editor )
Model display -cursor = None or Crosshair or Arrow ( User and Site Options > General > )

Move/stretch operations

Area Move/Stretch ( Drawing Editor
Confirm move/stretch ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )
Drag and Drop Configuration ( Locate > Drag and Drop Configuration in the Drawing Editor ) ( )
Stretch Material ( Model > Material > Stretch in Modeling )
Move Layout Nodes ( Tool)
Move/Stretch Members ( Model > Member > Move/Stretch in Modeling ) ( )
Move/Stretch Members, Include Material (alternative to Move/Stretch Members )
Moving a construction line (in the Drawing Editor )
Moving an object (in the Drawing Editor )
Moving/stretching parts of dimension (in the Drawing Editor )
Moving/stretching a bevel symbol ( i n the Drawing Editor )
Stretching pointers or lines (in the Drawing Editor )

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- N -

Predefined Colors (setup window)

Navigation tools ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Navigate >

Navigation Mode
Pan Down
Pan Left
Pan Right
Pan Up
Rotate View
Rotate X
Rotate Y
Seek to Face
Seek to Point
Zoom In 10%
Zoom In to Center
Zoom In to Pointer
Zoom In to Region
Zoom to Fit ( )
Zoom Out 10%
Zoom Out to Center
Zoom Out to Pointer
Zoom Out to Region ( )
Navigate Once

Also see: Undo View Change (undoes Navigation operations).

Near side, determining

Neutral axis

Neutral file, SDS2

Generating members from ( Import Model )
File format of

"New ..." button

new drawing ( Drawing Editor )
new fabricator (press " Change Fabricator " in setup, then press " New... ")
new job ( Home > Change Active Job > press " New... ")

Node matching (a Verify & Fix option)

No Paint tools (Toolbox items)

No Paint ( F3 window for adding submaterial)
No Paint Layout ( F3 window for adding submaterial)

North ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Job North )
North (setting when creating a new project)

Notch (tool)

Notes ( not the notes in Edit Properties ) ( )

Model > Add Note to Model ( )
Attachments ( Edit Note xx window) ( )
Model > Copy Notes ( )
Edit Note xxx (window)
Model > Move Notes ( )
Note Viewer (window) ( )
Predefined Note Tags ( Home > Project Settings > Job > ) ( )

Notes (user-entered in Edit Properties )

Material notes ( Model > Status Display > Material status > )
Member notes ( Model > Status Display > Member status > )

Noticed points & temporary construction lines (may be created, temporarily, during point location)


Nut and Washer Schedule ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Nut settings ( Bolt Edit window in Modeling )

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- O -

objects (menu in Drawing Editor )

Offset Controls (set offsets or coordinates for point location) ( )

On Line ( ONLN , a Locate option) ( )

OCBF (Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frame) ( Home > Project Settings > Job , bracing)


Open Assembly ( Ctrl + o in the Assembly Editor )
Open Archived Drawing ( Drawing Editor )
Open ( Ctrl + o in the Drawing Editor )
Open Detail View Drawing ( Drawing Editor )
Open Sheet Item's Original Drawing ( Sheet Item Edit > press " Open ")
Open View in Modeling ( Ctrl + o ) ( )
Open Next Drawing ( , Drawing Editor )
Open Previous Drawing ( , Drawing Editor )
Restore Backup Drawing ( Drawing Editor )
Revert (opens the last-saved version of your current drawing)

Options, Job & Fabricator ( )

Options, user

Origin symbol

Origin reference point for members/materials in Modeling (topic)
Workpoints and their origin symbols in the Drawing Editor (topic)
Moving a workpoint and its origin symbol ( Edit > Move/Stretch , Drawing Editor )
Show extension dimension origin ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " Beam " tab > )
Show extension dimension origin (setup override for detailing with templates)
Show extension dimension from = Left or Right ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " Beam " tab > )
Show extension dimension from = Left or Right ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " Vertical braces " tab > )
Show extension dimension from = Top or Bottom ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings > " Column " tab > )

Output configuration

Default output settings by user ( User and Site Options > Output > )
Deleting ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Delete Project Items > select "   Output Configurations ")
Output Configuration Setup (window)
Project Output ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > ) ( )
Project defined output location (sends files to the location in Project Output ) ( )
Renaming ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Rename Project Items > select "  Output Configs")
To create a new output configuration ( User and Site Options > Output > )

Outrigger (custom component) ( )

Overview of how to use SDS2 (topic)

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- P -


P2 Export ( Home > Export > MRP > P2 )
P2 Setup ( Home > Export > MRP > click the gear ( ) next to P2 )

Pan ( Modeling and Drawing Editor )

Navigate >

Pan Down
Pan Left
Pan Right
Pan Up


Parametric Modeling


Parametrics, creating

a parametric is a Python script (topic)
point maps
quick notes (topic)
variables & methods (topic)

Parametrics, running

custom launcher ( Toolbar Configuration icon)
(folder containing SDS2-provided parametrics)
Parametric ability to run ( Access Control )
Parametric Launchers (where a launcher icon can be found in Toolbar Configuration )
Postprocess script ( Import Model )
Rerun Parametric ( Modeling )
Run Parametric ( Modeling )


delete password (prevents deleting of Jobs, etc.)
modeling password (prevents unauthorized member revision)
multi object edit password (prevents multi-edit)
parametrics password (prevents parametric revision)
setup password (prevents unauthorized setup changes)
utility password (prevents unauthorized use of utilities)

Also see: Access Control ( )

Paste -- see Copy and Cut/Paste operations

PDF file, exporting and importing

Create RFI (generates a .pdf file)
Export PDF ( Home > Export > 2D > Export PDF Drawing ) (outputs sheets as .pdf files) ( )
Drawing Conversion (" As Reference Drawing " or " As Job Standard " > select PDFs to import)
Link to the model ( Model > Reference Drawing > Reference Drawing Tools > Link )
Print PDF (outputs your current Drawing Editor drawing) ( )
Scale Drawing Dual Axis ( Modeling and Drawing Editor )
Scale Drawing Single Axis ( Modeling and Drawing Editor )
Show layer colors on PDFs ( User and Site Options > Output > )

Peddinghaus CNC configuration types

Angle Line
Beam Line
3 Spindle
9 Spindle


Line Weights (for printers and plotters)
Pens ( Drawing Presentation -- default pens by object type)
Pens (setup overrides for detailing with templates)
Pen buttons (on Drawing Editor windows)

perpendicular ( PERP - a Locate option)

Piecemarks (submaterial marks & member piecemarks)

Auto Change Marks (automatically changes all member piecemarks on sheet ( )
Break major marks apart by (' Field bolts ' or ' Sequence ' or ' Zone ' -- setup)
Change from System Piecemarks to User ( Edit > Edit Piecemarks [classic])
Change from User Piecemarks to System ( Edit > Edit Piecemarks [classic])
Change Marks (to manually change member or submaterial marks on a sheet)
Combine/Break Apart Piecemarks ( Edit > Edit Piecemarks [classic])

Freeze Piecemark ( Model > Member > Freeze Piecemark in Modeling )
Frozen piecemarks (topic)
General info about piecemarks (topic)
Major marks (member piecemarks) (topic)
Member piecemarks ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > )
Minor marks (submaterial piecemarks) (topic)
Prefixes for submaterial marks ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member and Material Piecemarking > )
Piecemark ( Erection View Cleanup in the Drawing Editor )
Piecemark status = Freeze or Thaw ( Update Attributes > }

Release Submaterial Marks C
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Remove Piecemarks (member piecemarks)
Reuse piecemarks ( Cab Setup > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Submaterial " tab > )
Sheet autoload prefixes ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Descriptions > )
Show piecemark for submaterial bolts on member details ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Submaterial " tab > )

Status Display (Approval and modeling > Member piecemark frozen)
Status Display ( Detailing and processing > Needs to be piecemarked )
Status Display ( Detailing and processing > User assigned piecemarks )
Status Display ( General status options > Piecemark )
Status Display ( Member status > Member piecemark )

Submaterial mark index numbers (topic)
System piecemarks (topic)
Thaw Piecemark ( Model > Member > Thaw Piecemark in Modeling )
User assigned piecemarks ( Hide Items window)
User piecemarks (topic)

Piecemarks, standard

Base/Cap Plate Schedule ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Connections > )
Clip Angle Configurations (topic)
End Plates Standard Piecemarks ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > )
Shear Plates Standard Piecemarks ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > ) ( )
What is the Master Fabricator? (topic) ( )

Pin hole (setup option for creating on columns)

Pins (on member ends)

Auto Pin (tool) ( )
member end (pins are stored on)
Member ends always displayed ( ) ( Display Options in Modeling )
Member End Edit (window on which you can review or edit pins) ( )
Member Pins ( ) ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > )
Pin Add (tool) ( )
Pin Edit (tool)
Pin Erase (tool)
Pin New Member Ends (tool) ( )

Pipe (HSS round) material

Rolled Section Edit (miscellaneous member edit window)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for pipe and other rolled materials)
Pipe Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Vernon Tool Machine (CNC for pipe)

Plain end

Connection type (topic)
Embed schedule entry ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > ) ( )
Field clearance ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Field Clearances > " Plain end " option) ( )
Plain Connection Ends ( Edit > Search > Plain Connection Ends )

Also see: Search for Indeterminate Ends

Plan View (relocates current view) ( )

Plate Definition Schedule is now named Base/Cap Plate Schedule (v2016)

Plate material (topic)

Material windows:

Bent Plate Material (window)
Bent Plate Layout
Multi-sided Flat Plate Material
Round Plate Material
Rectangular Plate Material
Rolled Plate Material

Miscellaneous member windows:

Bent Plate Edit
Bent Plate Layout
Plate Layout
Rectangular Plate Edit
Rolled Plate Edit
Round Plate Edit

Plate material setup:

Preferred Plate Sizes ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Connection Material Sizes > )
Plate Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )

Reports >

Plate Report by Thickness
Plate Report by Hole Size

Use miscellaneous plates list = Checked or Not :

Beam Edit
Column Edit
Horizontal Brace Edit
Vertical Brace Edit , Joist Edit

Plotters or printers

Drawing pen setup for

Plotting sheets

hiding by sheet size
Lock sheet revision chart
Plot comment layers
Plot revision layers
Print (prints drawing even when not on sheet)
Reverse plot order
Scale plots (Windows only)
step-by-step instructions (Windows)


plugins (folder for plugins in your current Job)
(folder for plugins in your data directory)
plugins/Distributed (folder for plugins not developed by SDS2 programmers)
plugins/SDS2/examples/ModularCustomPropertyExamples ( )
Plugin Manager ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions for copying plugins to a particular Job)

PML (an Intergraph scripting language)

exporting a .pml file in Export Model

Pointer tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Pointers

Pointer Add
Pointer Edit (including multi-edit )
Pointer Edit window
Pointer Edit All
Pointer Erase
Pointer Erase All
Pointer Mode

Job / Fabricator Settings:

Designation for non-standard holes = Cloud or Pointer ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings )
Pointer pen color ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Pens " tab > )
Use pointer face indicators ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Use curved pointers ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Size of pointer arrowheads ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Sizes " tab > )

Also see: Pointers (topic), "Copy" "Paste" "Save" "Load" ( Pointer Edit window), Drag an object (steps), Edit Palette (sets pen color for user-added pointers), stretching pointers or lines (steps), attached to view ( Pointer Edit window) Size of arrowhead ( Pointer Edit window)

Point location ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

ANNO (point location annotations toggle)

Point Location Configuration
CNTR (center of screen)
DXDY (distance X/ distance Y offset) ( )
EXPT (exact point) ( )
FRPT (free point)
INCL (intersection of construction lines) ( )
INCM (intersection of construction lines with member, Drawing Editor ) ( )
INCR (intersection of construction lines with real line)
INRL (intersection of real lines)
INRM (Intersection real line/member)
MDPT (midpoint of a line, polygon side, member line or, in Modeling , a member workline)
Offset Controls (set offsets or coordinates) ( )
ONLN (on line) ( )
ONPL (on polygon line)
ORTHO (orthogonal)
POLE (polar point)
TANC (tangent to construction circle)
Noticed points (may be created, temporarily, during point location)
VTPT (vertex point)
XYZ (XYZ coordinate)

Also see: ANGL , BSCL , BSGL , BSRL , BSMB , PERP , REFD (related Locate options that do not locate points). " Disable typed dimensions during point location " ( User and Site Options > General > ), UCS icons (for use with ORTHO )

Point location target (identifies position of point)

Point maps

Point selection by area box = Traditional or Directional ( User and Site Options > General > )

Points, temporary (may be created during point location)

Polar degree snap ( Point Location Configuration for polar point)

Polygons ( Drawing Editor )

Polygon sides

Pour Stop (custom member)

Prequalified weld settings

Parametric Create Weld window
Add Weld window ( Modeling )
Edit Weld window
( Modeling )
Use prequalified weld tail text ( Detailing Symbols Options )
Weld Input window ( Drawing Editor )

Preset views

Add View (beam)
Add View (column)
Add View (horizontal brace)
Add View (legacy miscellaneous member)
Add View (vertical brace)
altering the main view (considerations)
bottom flange views on beams (two views are available)
creating in material isolation's edit views mode
creating in member isolation
creating on a group member
Material View Defaults ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Member View Defaults ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
SURFACE TEMPLATE (applying in material isolation's edit views mode)

Process (menu In Modeling ( classic ) & Drawing Editor )


Create Solids Only ( Process > Create Solids for Selected Members )
Job / Fabricator setup options applied during (topic)
Marked for processing (member edit windows) ( )
Phases of Processing (topic)
Process and Create Solids ( Home and Modeling > Process )
Process ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Event Logging Setup > )
Process Only ( Process > Process Selected Members )
Process within member edit ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )

Projected views (creating in member isolation)

Project Transfer ( Home > ) ( )

Punch Report ( CNC )


Add Purlin (tool)
To edit multiple members of the same type (various methods) ( )
Purlin Edit (window)

Python (a computer language)

Advanced selection scripts (written in Python)
Books, web sites and tutorials

Custom members (written in Python)
Parametrics (written in Python)
Python 3 Upgrade (best practices)
Python Questions & Answers
Python Prompt (launched with an icon or keyboard shortcut)
Strings , numbers , lists , tuples , dictionaries (Python objects)
Text editor (using to create a script)

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- Q -

Quick keys (keyboard shortcuts)

Quick Notes (for creating parametrics)

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- R -

Radio button (toolbar or ribbon item)

Rail (material type)

Recovery file, auto saved

Automatically create recovery files interval ( User and Site Options > Drawings > ) ( )
File > Open ( Drawing Editor , to restore work lost due to a crash).
File > Restore Backup Drawing ( Drawing Editor )

Real line (may be a line or polygon side)

Lines (topic)
Polygon sides (topic)

Reaction Factors, Composite ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > )


Additional Bars - Beam (component)
Column Dowel (component)
Dowel Path (component)
Rebar Run (component)
Rebar Shape Material (topic)
Wall Dowel (component)
Tilt-up Panel Reinforcement (component)

Rebar objects , user-added in Drawing Editor

Objects > Rebar Items

Add Rebar Run

Objects > Rebar Runs

Add Rebar Item

Rectangular plate material

Plate Material (topic)
Parametric Rectangular Plate Material
Rectangular Plate Edit (miscellaneous member edit window in Modeling )
Rectangular Plate Material (material edit window in Modeling )
Plate Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job >)

Redraw tools/windows

Display Options window ( Modeling > View > Display Options )
Display Options window ( Drawing Editor > View > Display Options )

Reference drawing ( Drawing Editor drawing type)

Model > Reference Drawing > Reference Drawing Tools > press "Add" ( Modeling ) ( )
Interface > Drawing Conversion > press "Import Ref Drawing" ( )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Reference drawing (topic) ( )
Project Items List ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
"New" button ( File > Open > select ' Reference drawing ' > press " New ")
Opening ( Ctrl + o > select ' Reference drawing ' > double-click the name)
Verify Reference Point ( Drawing Editor > File > ) ( )

Reference drawing ( Modeling )

Model > Reference Drawing > Reference Drawing Tools > opens a window with the following buttons:

"Add " ( )
"Erase " ( )
"Erase All "
"Show" check box ( )
'Hide All"
"Move" ( )
"Set Reference Point"
"Show All"

Note: A reference drawing in Modeling can be a drawing from the Drawing Editor of any of the following types: reference drawing, job/global standard detail, member detail, 2D erection view.

Reference Elevation ( Modeling )

Reference Member (may be used in Modeling to reference a slab, without connectability)

Reference models ( Modeling )

Reference model member type (topic)
Reference Models ( Model > ) ( )

Reference Point Set ( Modeling > Model > Material > Set Reference Point )

Reference Point Verify ( Drawing Editor > File > Verify Reference Point ) ( )

Reference Profile Layout (may be used in Modeling to reference a wall, without connectability)

Reinforcement plates for HSS/TS members

Brace Reinforcement (" Leaf" conctaining connection design locks) ( )
Brace Reinforcement Plates ( Fabircator Setup > Standard Fabricator Connections > Plates > )
Column Reinforcement ( Fabircator Setup > Standard Fabricator Connections > Plates > )
Column Reinf Plate (" Leaf" conctaining connection design locks)
HSS column reinforcement (Connection Guide)
Seismic brace ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Seismic and non-seismic HSS/TS vertical brace reinforcement (Connection Guide)
Use HSS column reinforcement plate ( Beam Edit > " Connection specifications " ) ( )
VB Reinforcement Plates (custom component)

Relative Depth ( Modeling > View > ) ( )

Release notes ( new tools and options )

Rename (a button on selection dialogs that lets you rename drawings) ( )

Repeat (for Modeling > Model > Member > select MemType > Add )

Member component items to copy/repeat ( User and Site Options > Site > )
Member status items to copy/repeat ( User and Site Options > Site > )

Model > Member > Beam > Add ( Repeat is optional) ( )
Model > Member > Column > Add ( Repeat is optional) ( )
Model > Member > Horizontal Brace > Add ( Repeat is optional) ( )
Model > Member > Vertical Brace > Add ( Repeat is optional) ( )
Model > Member > Joist > Add ( Repeat is optional) ( )


Reports ( User and Site Options > Output > " Reports " > set report output)
Report Viewer ( Output-Request Summary )

Report Writer

Custom launcher ( Toolbar Configuration item)
Export Report Writer Report (export of report data in CSV and other formats)
Report Launchers (where in Toolbar Configuration to look for a launcher icon)
Report Writer
(for creating reports)
Report Writer Report (populating a table with a report) ( )
Run Report Writer Report (runs a report) ( )
reports/SDS2 (folder containing SDS2-provided report files)

Request for Information

Create RFI (generates a .pdf file)

Retained views tools ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Retain View
Previous Retained View
Next Retained View


Revert to Saved File ( Drawing Editor )
Revert to Saved View ( Modeling )

Also see: Undo and Redo ( Drawing Editor )

Review 2D Items ( Drawing Editor )

Revise and review -- see connection design locks (the term revise & review has been renamed)

Revision chart

Sheet Revision Chart Editor (sheet revision editor, Drawing Editor )
Increment Sheet Revisions (to edit multiple revision charts)
Place Revision Chart (tool)
Revision Chart (tab, Drawing Presentation )
Sheet Revisions (chart layout setup)
Sheet Revisions (edit window for an individual revision chart)

Revision layer

Plot revision layers

Revision level (member status flag)

Detail with revisions (member detailing)
Member Revisions ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
obj.RevisionLevel (parametric member module attribute)
Revision ( Model > Status Display > General status options > )
Short revision description (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )

Revit Structure

Import from
Export to
Export selected to
Export to new Revit project


RISA Import (3D models from RISA)

Rod bracing

Brace Connection To Gusset (" Leaf" for connection design locks) ( )
Rod bracing (Connection Guide)
Section size (entering round bar material on the Vertical Brace Edit window specifies rod bracing)
Turnbuckle / Clevis / Pin Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Tension Only Braces ( Fab Setup > Member Detailing Settings > " Tension Only Braces " section > )

Roles & role configurations (when " Layout style " = ' Lightning ')

Context Menu Editor (saves to a file that can affect multiple roles in the ' Lightning ' interface)
Convert Classic Keyboard and Shortcut ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > General > )
Delete Keyboard Shortcuts ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Delete > )
Delete Context Menus ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Delete > )
Delete Role Configurations ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Delete > )
Keyboard Shortcut Editor (saves to a file that can affect mutiple roles in the ' Lightning ' interface)
Lightning role configuration ( User and Site Options > General > )
Ribbon Editor (saves to a file that can affect mutiple roles in the ' Lightning ' interface)
Customize Interface (manages roles assigned to role configurations in the ' Lightning ' interface)

Rolling radius (when " Rolling operation " is ' Weak axis ' or ' Strong axis ')

Rolling radius ( Beam Edit > " General settings " > )
Rolling radius ( Rolled Section Edit window for miscellaneous members)
Rolling radius ( Rolled Section Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling radius ( Flat Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling radius (flat bar miscellaneous member)
Rolling radius ( Round Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling radius (round bar miscellaneous member)
Rolling radius (Square Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling radius (square bar miscellaneous member)
Status Display ( Member status > Rolling radius )

Rolling operation

Rolling operation ( Beam Edit > " General settings " > )
Rolling operation ( Rolled Section Edit window for miscellaneous members)
Rolling operation ( Rolled Section Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling operation ( Flat Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling operation (flat bar miscellaneous member)
Rolling operation ( Round Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling operation (round bar miscellaneous member)
Rolling operation ( Square Bar Material > " General settings " > )
Rolling operation (square bar miscellaneous member)
Status Display ( Member status > Rolling operation )

Rolled plate material

Parametric Rolled Plate Material
Rolled Plate Material (window in Modeling )
Rolled plate width dimension taken from ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings )
Plate Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )

Roof frame custom member

Connection type = Saddle clip or Strip vert leg or Plain end ( Roof Frame Edit ) ( )
Locating work points for a roof frame member .(topic) ( )
Member Type Selection (opened with F2 )
Roof Frame Edit (window, Modeling ) ( )
Roof Frame Setup ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Plugin Defaults > Member > Roof Frame > ) ( )

Rotate Material ( Model > Material > Rotate )
Rotate Multiple Material ( Model > Material > Rotate Multiple ) ( )

Rotation of members ( Modeling )

Beam rotation ( Beam Edit > " General settings > )
Column rotation ( Column Edit > " General settings > )
Web rotation ( Beam Edit > " General settings > )

Rotation of views ( Modeling )

Rotate View

Round bar material

Parametric Round Bar Material
Round and Square Bar Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Round Bar Edit (window for round bar miscellaneous members)
Round Bar Material (material edit window in Modeling )
Round Bar Material (topic) ( )

Round plate material

Parametric Round Plate Material
Round Plate Edit (round plate miscellaneous member edit window)
Round Plate Material (material edit window in Modeling )
Plate (topic)
Plate Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Routing Definitions (apply to members & materials in BOM)

Also see: Category Settings , Update Attributes .


around drawing windows (shows global coordinates)
tool for measuring distances ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Run Parametric ( Modeling )

page 1 | contents | top

- S -

Safety connection (" Connection specifications " for clip angles)

Safety erection seat

Attachment = Welded or Bolted ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Safety Seat (" Leaf" containing connection design locks)
Safety erection seat connection to supporting ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Connection Erectability Settings )
Use a safety erection seat ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )

Safety Holes (custom component) ( )

Safety Holes - Column (custom component)

Safety Tabs (custom component) ( )

Safety Tabs - Column (custom component) ( )

Sag Rod

Sag Rod (Legacy) (custom member) ( )
SagRodTool (distributed parametric)

Save Area

of an erection view
of a detail or sheet

Save Assembly ( Assembly Editor )

Save Assembly ( Modeling )

Save As (button on selection dialogs, creates a copy of a drawing or evu) ( )

Save Assembly As ( Assembly Editor )

Save Change Piecemarks ( Drawing Editor )

Save As ( Drawing Editor )

Save Drawing/Sheet ( Drawing Editor )

Save Reuse ( Drawing Editor )

Save View As ( Modeling )


Default member detail scale ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Default submaterial detail scale ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Detail scale ( Edit > Save Standard Detail )
Drawing scale ( File > Drawing Data in the Drawing Editor )
Minimum scale (%) for member details ( Detail Sheet Autoloading )
Scale (changing sheet item's scale using the Edit Sheet Item window)
Scale (erection view's scale using the Display Options window in Modeling)
The scale of a sheet outline (topic)

SCBF (Special Concentrically Braced Frame) ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )

Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Schema (for custom properties)

Add/Edit Schema Entry (press " Add " or " Details " on Edit Schema window)
Add (button, Edit Schema window, for adding a schema entry) ( )
Adding a custom property label to a member detail (steps)
Copy custom property schemas (option at Project creation time)
Copy Job Flavor to Global Flavor ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Details (button, Edit Schema window, for adding a schema entry)
Delete (button, Edit Schema window, to delete a schema entry)
Edit Properties (window in Modeling that schema propagate to) ( )
Edit Schema ( Home > Project Settings > Job > select schema type [ Job or Member or etc.])
Flavor (to copy schema at Project creation time)
Merge Schema into Current Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
User Namespace (user-added schema entries are placed into) ( )

Screen axes (topic)

Scroll bars (item on toolbars)

SDNF (Intergraph Steel Detailing Neutral File)

Exporting ( Export Model )
Importing ( Import Model )

sds2 (package containing Python modules for parametrics)


Contacting the company ( Home > Contact )
Web site (
YouTube channel ( ( )

SDS2 add-on modules

FabTrol Export
Tekla EPM Export
KISS Export
Export Model
SDS2 Concrete

Also see:Interface .

Search and replace text strings ( Drawing Editor )

Search and Replace (your current drawing )
Search and Replace in Selected Drawings (any drawing) ( )

Search ( Modeling and the Drawing Editor )

Edit > Search >

Beam Web Doublers
Bolt Diameters Changed by System
Braces with Different Thickness Gussets ( )
Connections Below Minimum Setup
Connections changed by system
Connection Design Locks Set
Failed Connections ( )
Frames to Model Complete
Graphical Connections
Indeterminate Ends
Non-AISC Single-Plate Shear Connections
Non-Square Cut Ends
Shear Loads Below Minimum Setup

Section arrows ( Drawing Editor )

Section size

Custom member section sizes ( View > Display Options in Modeling )
Member section sizes ( View > Display Options in Modeling )

Section size ( Beam Edit > " General settings " > )
Section size ( Column Edit > " General settings " > )
Section size ( Horizontal Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Section size ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Section size ( Tools > Erection View Cleanup )
Section size (topic)

Section size character height ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Drawing Presentation > " Sizes " tab > )
Section size on custom members ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Status Display ( Member status > Member section size )

Section View

Cutting views on erection view drawings ( View > Section View , Drawing Editor )
Cutting views on submaterial details ( View > Section View )
Cutting views on member details ( View > Section View )
View > Section View ( Modeling )

Seismic brace ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > ) ( )

Seismic welded moment connection (on beams) or end preparations (on members / material)

Seismic Access Hole, wide flange ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties )
Seismic cope field/shop weld ( Bem Edit > " Moment " leaf)
Seismic cope field/shop weld ( Rolled Section Edit window)
Seismic cope field/shop weld ( Rolled Section Material window)
Seismic moment frame member ( Beam Edit > " Seismic " leaf)
Seismic Weld Access Holes ( Seismic Weld Access Holes setup window)


Edit > Advanced Selection ( Modeling )
Edit > Edit Selection
( )
Edit > Load Selection ( )
Edit > Save Selection ( )

Model > Edit Selection Filter ( Modeling )
Model > Selection Filter by Expression
Model > Set Selection Filter
Model > Status Select ( )

Model Tree (toolbar item in Modeling ) ( )
Tools > Edit Selection Filter ( Drawing Editor )
Tools > Set Selection Filter

Select All Members by Piecemark (tool)
Select All Members in View by Piecemark (tool)

Selected count (toolbar or ribbon item)
SelectionDialog (Python module for parametrics)
Selection filter as a keyboard shortcut ( Drawing Editor and Modeling )

Select Item(s) (mode for in-tool selection)
Select Items Mode ( Drawing Editor )
Select Items Mode ( Modeling ) ( )

Selection files (topic)
Selection dialogs, selecting items on (topic)
Select One Item (mode for in-tool selection)
Select Other (context menu option)

Set Selection Filter Expression ( Modeling )

Selection dialogs

Classic selection lists = Checked or Not ( User and Site Options > General > )
Destination (button to set output destination)
Hide ... (button to mask selection list)
" Save " & " Load " (buttons for saving & opening selection files) ( )
Selection lists, selection on
Show All
(button to show hidden items on selection list)
Show unavailable sizes

Selection filters in the Drawing Editor

Material Construction Lines

Selection filters in Modeling

By Expression
By Status Display ( )
Connection Components
Custom Components
Default ( )
Grid Lines ( )
Group Members
Legacy Default ( )
Material Construction Lines ( )
Member Ends ( )
Members in Groups


Break major marks apart by ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Main Member " tab > )
Break submaterial marks apart by sequence ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem & Mtrl Piecemarking > " Submaterial " tab > )
Dividing a Model into Sequences/Zones (topic)
Maximum sequences
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Zone and Sequence )
New zone ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Zone and Sequence )
Repeat Sequence ( Modeling )
Set Sequence ( Modeling )
Sequence ( Update Attributes )
Sequence by Area ( )
Sequence Mode (mode)
Sequence Names (opens when " Sequence Names... " is pressed on the Zone and Sequence window)
Show Sequence ( Show Sequence )
Status Display ( General status options > Sequence ) ( )


Change Setup Password ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Fabricator Options
Job or Fabricator Options ( )
Job Options

Shape files

Access Control ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
conf_mtrl/SDS2 (folder where default shape files are stored)
Copy Shapes ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > ) ( )
Create New Shape File ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties > press " Create New... ")
Delete Shape File ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Deleting material from selected file ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties > select a section > press " Delete " button)
Editing shapes in selected file ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties > select a section > make changes)
Local shape file in your current Job (topic) (
Rename Shape File ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Seismic Access Holes ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties > wide flange section > )
Shape file management (topic)
Size Not Available ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties > )
Source Reference ( Home > Utilities > Shapes Properties > select a section > )
Shapes Properties ( Home > Utilities > )

Shape file reports

Shape File Comparison Report (compares shape files)
Shape File Report (lists specs for shape you select)

Shear (system-designed single-plate, W tee, plate tee and thru-plate connections)

Connection Guide:

Beveled Skewed Shear Plate ( )
Built-up Plates Shear Connection ( )
Bolted Tee Shear Connection

Coped Shear Plate
Extended Shear Plates to a Column Web
Shear Plate Shear Connection on a Beam Offset to a Column

Single-Plate Shear Connection with Two Columns of Bolts
Shear Plate Thru Connection ( )
Shear Plate to an Embed in a Concrete Wall
Shear Plate with Paddle Plate, for an HSS Rectangular Beam

Settings for the design of shear connections:

Attached to supported or supporting (" Connection specifications ")
Bevel shear plate as required (" Connection specifications ") ( )
Column Web Doublers (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Column Flange Stiffeners (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Column Reinf Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Connection design locks (for revising connections)
Connection specifications (beam window, auto standard or user defined)
Cope dissimilar thru plate sides ( Fabricator > Sd. Fab Conns > Shear Plate Settings > ) ( )
Embed schedule entry ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > ) ( )
Free edge thru plate projection ( Fabricator > Sd. Fab Conns > Shear Plate Settings > ) ( )

Input connection type = Shear ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections )
Input connection type = Shear or Auto standard or User defined ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type" > ) ( )
[Input] connection type = Shear ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )

Moment type = Non or Bolted or Welded (" Moment " leaf) ( )
Non-AISC Single-Plate Shear Connections ( Search )
Material type = Plate or W tee or Built-up plates (" Connection specifications ") ( )
Moment Cap Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Moment load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
NM bolt type to supported ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type "> )

Shear load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Paddle Plate for HSS Beam (" Leaf" for connection design locks) ( )
Shear Tab, beam (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Shear Tab, vertical brace (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Shear Tee (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Shear Thru Plate On (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Stability Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)

Thru shear plate = No or Thru plate or Split plate (" Connection specifications ") ( )
Top / Bottom Moment Angle (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Top / Bottom Moment Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks)
Use alternate eccentricity = Auto or Yes or No (" Connection specifications " for exten-past-flange shear plates)
Use expanded vertical bolt spacing (" Connection specifications ")
Use miscellaneous plates list ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Welds (connection design locks in " Shear Tab " leaf) ( )
Weld split plate to thru plate (" Connection specifications ")

Job / Fabricator Settings for shear connections:

Bolt incrementation ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > " Available bolt diameters " section)
Bolt spacings ( Fab setup > Connection Erectability Settings > " Bolt detailing options " section)
Connection material specs, Tee sections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings )

Design non-AISC single-plate shear connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings )
Embed schedule entry ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Connection type " > )
End of beam to face of shear tee ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Shear Plate Settings > )

Field clearance ( Job > Connections > Auto Standard Connections > )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Shear plates ")
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Shear tees ")

Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Shear Plates " section)
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Shear Plates " section)

Maximum allowable k infringement ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings )
Minimum thickness, moment & splice shear plates ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Shear Plate Settings > )
Schedule of Minimums for Single-Plate Shear Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > )
Section sizes for W tee shear connections ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred W Tee Sizes )

Setup for moment connections (index)
Shear Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > )
Standard Shear Plates ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > ) ( )
Square cut ends on sloped beams ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section)

Top of Steel to First Hole ( Job > Design > Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members )
Use backing bar for pre-qualified welds ( Fabricator > Detailing > Connection Erectability Settings )
Use HSS column reinforcement plate ( Job > Design > Plate Design Settings > )

Tracking shear connections:

Shear tabs ( Display Options, Modeling )
Status Display ( Connection type > Shear ) ( )
Status Display ( Search > Non-AISC single-plate shear connections )
Symbol for shear plate in stick form (topic)

Shear load on beams

Auto beam shear ( Model > Status Display > Connection auto loads > ) ( )
Base beam design reaction on % of = Uniform allowable load or etc. ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Beams from Input to Auto Shear Load
( Change Option )

Left end shear load ( Model > Status Display > Member status > )
Right end shear load ( Model > Status Display > Member status > )

Shear load ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )
Shear Loads Below Minimum Setup ( Search )
Show design loads on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > Beams >)

Shear stud and threaded stud

Number of studs ( Beam Edit > " General settings " > )
Shear Stud Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Show # of studs on member ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > " Annotations " tab > )
shr_stud (Python module for parametrics)
Shear or Threaded Stud Material (edit window)


Details sheets (topic)
Erection sheets (topic)
Export PDF ( Home > Export > 2D > Export PDF Drawing ) (outputs sheets) ( )
Gather sheets
Print PDF ( File > Print PDF -- any Drawing Editor drawing or sheet) ( )
Plotting ( Interface > Plotting )

Sheet item tools ( Drawing Editor )

Objects -- Sheet Items

Detail Sheet Autoloading
Sheet Bill Reorder
Gather Sheet Autoloading
Sheet Item Add
( )
Sheet Item Edit
Sheet Item Delete
Sheet item Erase All
Sheet Item Delete From All
Sheet Item Mode

Also see: sheet items (topic), setting up sheet outlines (topic), placing details onto sheets (topic), placing submaterials on gather sheets (topic), from erection views to sheets (topic), placement restriction (topic).

Sheet line tools ( Drawing Editor ):

Objects -- Sheet lines

Sheet Line Add
Sheet Line Erase
Sheet Line Erase All

Also see: plotting (sheet lines do not plot), sheet lines (topic).

Sheet list reports

Sheet List by Detail
Sheet List by Sheet

Sheet loading reports

Sheet Loading Report for Details
Sheet Loading Report for Submaterials
Sheet Loading Settings

Sheet outline

Copy Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Project Items List ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
"New" button (to create a new sheet outline)
Opening in the Drawing Editor ( Ctrl + o )
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Sheet Outlines (topic)

Sheet revisions

$REV (a special label)
Detail with revisions ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > " Annotations " tab)
Detail with revisions ( Process > Detail Members > press " Settings " > )
Detail with revisions ( Process > Detail Submaterials > press " Settings " > )
Sheet Revision Chart Editor ( Drawing Editor > Objects > Revision Chart > Edit )
Increment Sheet Revisions ( Edit > Change Options > )
Line # ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Bill of Material Layout )
Place Revision Chart ( Drawing Editor > Objects > Revision Chart > Place )
Revision ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Bill of Material Layout > )
Revision Chart (tab in Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation )
Sheet revision ( File > Drawing Data > )
Sheet Revisions ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Sheet Revisions (opens in Drawing Editor when you double-click a revision chart)

Shift key (uses of)

Shipping (status flag)

Actual ship date ( File > Drawing Data )
obj.ActualShipDate (updatable parametric attribute)
obj.ProjectedDateToShip (updatable parametric attribute)
Projected shipped date (press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > )
Shipping projected ( Model > Status Display )
Shipping Status Options
( Update Attributes )

Shop bolts

Class = Field or Shop ( Bolt Edit window in Modeling )
Make all bolts = Automatic or Field or Shop
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings )
Color ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )

Shop bolt reports

Shop Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM
Shop Bolt Report
Shop Bolt Report by Zone
Shop Bolt Report by Sequence
Shop Bolt Summary
Shop Bolt Summary by Zone
Shop Bolt Summary by Sequence
Shop Bolt Summary From Sheet BOM

Shortcut menu -- see "Context menu"

Shortening ( Drawing Editor )

Always ask to unshorten drawings before adding objects ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )
Shorten (tool)
Shorten limit line
(may appear in Drawing Editor drawings)
Shorten drawing(s) (member detailing option )
Unshorten (tool)

Site location (in an IFC file)

Site Location ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Ignore and save site location = Checked or Not ( Import Model )

Skewed ( Auto Standard Connection framing condition)

Slashes as dimension terminals ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings )

Slip-critical bolts

ASD9th ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications > " ASD9th " tab > )
AISC13th ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications > " AISC13th " tab > )
AISC 14th ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications > " AISC14th " tab > )
Australian ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications > " Australian " tab > )
Canadian ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications > " Canadian " tab > )
Eurocode ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications > " Eurocode " tab > )
LRFD3rd ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolts, Washers, and Holes > Bolt Specifications > " LRFD3rd " tab > )
Cloud and note holes having slip-critical bolts ( Fabricator > Detailing > Detailing Symbol Settings ) ( )
AISC 13th edition limit state for slip-critical bolt design ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings )

Sloped column

Solid/shell element


Create Solids is required for member solids display


Examples of stick and solid forms (topic) ( )
Reasons members are displayed in stick form (topic)
Reasons to display members in solids form (topic)
Three solid forms (topic) ( )

Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Setttings " >

Display 3D main member material (affects evu regeneration)
Member style (form of members on erection view drawings)

View >

in Modeling & Manual Evu Detailing
Change All to Solid Opaque ( Manual Evu Detailing )
Change All to Solid Opaque ( Modeling )
Change All to Solid Transparent ( Modeling only)
Change All to Solid Transparent Main ( Modeling only)
Change All to Stick ( Manual Evu Detailing )
Change All to Stick ( Modeling )
Change All to Wire ( Manual Evu Detailing only)
Solids Mode ( Modeling )
Solid Transparent ( Modeling only)
Solid Transparent Main ( Modeling only)
Stick ( Modeling )
Stick ( Manual Evu Detailing )
Solid Opaque ( Modeling )
Solid Opaque ( Manual Evu Detailing )
Toggle ( Modeling only)
Wire ( Manual Evu Detailing only)

Special keys (topic)

Special labels (that you can place on a sheet outline for printing/plotting)

Spiral offset (when " Rolling operation " is ' Weak axis ' or ' Strong axis ')

Spiral offset ( Beam Edit > " General settings " > )
Spiral offset (rolled section miscellaneous members)
Spiral offset ( Rolled Section Material > )
Spiral offset ( Flat Bar Material > )
Spiral offset (flat bar miscellaneous member)
Spiral offset ( Round Bar Material > )
Spiral offset (round bar miscellaneous member)
Spiral offset (Square Bar Material > )
Spiral offset (square bar miscellaneous member)
Status Display ( Member status > Spiral offset )

Splice plate connection

Beam to beam (beam or user defined or auto standard)
Column to column (column or user defined or auto standard)

Splice uplift ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > " Loads " > )

Status Display (Member status > Left end tension load) (top end)
Status Display (Member status > Right end tension load) (bottom end)

Square bar material

Parametric Square Bar Material
Square Bar Edit (square bar miscellaneous member edit window)
Square Bar Material (material edit window in Modeling )
Square Bar Material (topic)
Round and Square Bar Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )

Square cut ends

End cut type = Standard cut or etc. (rolled section miscellaneous members)
End-cut type = Standard cut or Square cut or Bevel cut or Mill cut ( Rolled Section Material window)
Square cut ends for spliced beam connection
( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section)
Square cut ends of sloped beams ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Beams " section)

Stabilizer plates (for extend-past-flange shear plates to a column web)

Extend stabilizer plates to (" Connection specifications ") ( )
Stability Plate (leaf containing connection design locks)
Two styles of stability plate (Connection Guide)

Stabilizer plates and angles (for an extend joist bottom chord)

Stabilizing material (" Connection specifications ")
Use erection hole
Vertical stabilizer angle


Adding and editing stairs:

Add ( Model > Member > Add > Stair )
Add bolts to tread support ( Stair Edit window)
Add HandRail to Stringer (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Connection edit window (opens when you double-click a stair connection)
Edit multiple stairs ( )
Riser Closure Plate (custom component) ( )
Stair Edit (window in Modeling )
Stair outline ( Modeliing > View > Display Options > )
Stair Quick Add Tool (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )

Stair Edit window, key settings:

Bolt to floor clearance ( ) (" Left/Right end settings ")
Bottom riser setback ( ) (" Left/Right end settings ")
Bottom riser return length ( ) (" Left/Right end settings ")
Connection type ( ) (" Left/Right end settings ")
Intermediate tread schedule (" General tread settings ") ( )
NS material and FS material (" General stringer settings ")
Number of risers (" General tread settings ")
Shop assembled (" General stringer settings ")
Stringer length on BOM (" General stringer settings ")
Width of tread (" General tread settings ")

Stair member Job / Fabricator Settings:

Bent Pan Stair Tread ( Stair Treads > "Type of tread" = 'Ban ') ( )
Bolted or Welded Grating Stair Tread ( Stair Treads > "Type of tread" = 'Grating ') ( )
Color ( Job > Modeling > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
Continuous Stair Tread ( Stair Treads > "Type of tread" = 'Continuous ') ( )
Outside or inside NS stringer view ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Stair " section)
Plate Stair Tread ( Stair Treads > "Type of tread" = 'Plate ') ( )
Stair Treads ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
Stair Quick Add Tool ( Job > Plugin Defaults > Command Plugin Defaults > ( )
Stringer length on BOM ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Stair " section > )

Standard details

Add Standard Detail ( File > Add Standard Detail -- Drawing Editor )
Add Standard Detail to Several ( File > Add Standard Detail to Several ) ( )
Copy Job Standards to Global Standards ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Global standard details (topic)
Job standard detail (topic)
Save Standard Detail ( Edit > Save Standard Detail -- Drawing Editor )
Standard detail ( Beam Edit > left or right end " Member " > )
Verify Reference Point ( File > Verify Reference Point -- Drawing Editor ) ( )

Standard Fabricator Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )

Clip Angle Configurations (moved to Fabricator > Piecemarking )
Preferred Connection Material Sizes
Standard Connection Setups

Standard part

Standard parts (topic)
User Created Standard Part Material (window in Modeling )

Standard piecemarks

Base/Cap Plate Schedule ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Clip Angle Configurations (topic )
End Plates Standard Piecemarks ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > )
Existing Material (select a standard piecemark)
Shear Plates Standard Piecemarks ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > ) ( )
What is the Master Fabricator? (topic) ( )


Active or Inactive ( Status Display window)
By Status Display (selection filter) ( )
Delete Status Configuration ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Home > Analytics > View (tracks status from the Home )

Legend . (button on the Status Display window)
Member status items to copy/repeat ( User and Site Options > Site > )
Member Status Review [Modeling] (press "Status" on a member edit window > Member Status Review window)

Prompt to save configuration after changes ( User and Site Options > Drawings > )
Member and Drawing Restrictions ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Set the status display criteria ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > ) ( )
Status Configuration (classic or lightning widget for selecting the active status display file) ( )
Status Display Legend (toolbar or ribbon item) ( )
Status Dates [Drawing Editor] ( File > Drawing Data > )

Status Display (tool)
Status Display (window in Modeling ) ( )
Status display criteria ( User and Site Options > Output > ) ( )
Status Display = Checked or Not (selection dialog option) ( )
Status Display = Checked or Not (toolbar or ribbon item)
Status logging on/off toggle in Event Logging Setup

Status Report by ... (window for report generation)
Status Report by Category (report)
Status Report by Detail (report)
Status Report by Proximity (report)
Status Report by Sheet (report)

Status Select (tool and window, operates independently of Status Display ) ( )
Update Attributes (to apply status categories)

Status line (toolbar or ribbon item)

Steel detailing neutral file (Intergraph SDNF)

Exporting in Export Model
Steel Detailing Neutral File Properties (window)

Steel grade

Connection material steel grade for angles ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Connection material steel grade for channels ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > )
Connection material steel grade for plates ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > various tabs)
Connection material steel grade for tees ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Design Settings )

Status Display ( Member status > Steel grade )
Status Display ( Material status > Material steel grade )
Steel Grade
( Change Options -- Modeling & Drawing Editor & Home ) ( )
Steel grade (" General settings " on member edit windows)
Steel grade ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Base/Cap Plate Schedule > )

Grade [grating tread} ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Stair Treads > )
Grade [pan tread] ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Stair Treads > )

Angle Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Channel Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Grating Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
HSS/TS Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Pipe Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Plate Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Turnbuckle / Clevis / Pin Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Wide Flange Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
WT Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )

Step-by-step detailing (topic)

Stiffener plates

Align stiffeners with = Auto or Column or Beam (" Connection specifications " for auto base/cap plates)
Align stiffeners with = Auto or Column or Beam (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plates)

Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners (custom component) ( )
Beam Stiffeners (custom component) ( )
Beam Stiffeners at Column (custom component) ( )
Column Flange Stiffener (" Leaf" for moment connection locks)
Column Stiffener at Beam (custom component) ( )
Column Stiffeners - Column (custom component) ( )

Design depth ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Moment Plate Design Settings > " To Column Flange " tab > " Flange stiffeners " section > )
Design transverse stiffeners for base/cap plate connection ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design Settings )
Design transverse stiffeners for welded brace connection ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design Settings )
Determine plate thickness by ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Moment Plate Design Settings > " Flange stiffeners " section > )
Extended Flange Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > ) ( )
Minimum beam stiffener plate thickness ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design )

Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Beam Stiffeners " section > )
Plate thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Column Stiffeners " section > )
Stiffener Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks, Column Edit window)
Stiffener Plate (" Leaf" for connection design locks, Vertical Brace Edit window)
Stiffener opposite (" Connection specifications " for shear plates)
Total stiffener clearance ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design Settings )
Total stiffener clearance ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Moment Plate Design Settings )
Use extended stiffeners (" Connection specifications " for auto base/cap plates)
Use extended stiffeners (" Connection specifications " for user base/cap plates)

Stitch plates (spacers for double-L or double-C braces)

Max stitch plate spacing ( Horizontal Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Max stitch plate spacing ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Number of stitch plates ( Horizontal Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Number of stitch plates ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Stitch plate gap ( Horizontal Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Stitch plate gap ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Stitch plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Other Plates " section)
Type of spacer for double bracing ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Stitch Plates " section)

Story shear

Status Display ( Member status >  Left end story shear )
Status Display ( Member status > Right end story shear )
Story shear ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Loads " > )

Stretch Material ( Model > Material > Stretch in Modeling )

Strings (a Python object)

Strong axis bending/rolling (topic)

Submaterial details

Default submaterial detail scale ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Default submaterial detail scale (setup override for detailing with templates)
Detail Submaterial (auto detailing)
Lock outline layer ( Fabricator > Detailing > Dimension Settings )
Minor marks (submaterial name)
Opening ( Ctrl + o in the Drawing Editor )
Opening ( View > Show Detail in Modeling ) ( )
Opening ( Edit Sheet Item in the Drawing Editor )
Print (prints drawing even when not on sheet)
Show secondary dimensions ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation )
Show secondary dimensions (setup overrides for detailing with templates)
Show submaterial quantity on submaterial details ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem and Mtrl Piecemarking Options )
Single-quantity designation in main callout ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )

Submaterial marks

Break apart by sequence ( Fabricator > Detailing > Mem and Mtrl Piecemarking > " Submaterial " tab > )
Break apart by zone ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem and Mtrl Piecemarking > " Submaterial " tab > )
Find Material ( Model > Material > Find )
Hide Items (submaterials listed on dialogs can be hidden by material type, sequence and zone)
Submaterial mark index numbers (topic)
Piecemarking prefixes ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem and Mtrl Piecemarking > " Prefixes " tab > )
Release Submaterial Marks ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions )
Reuse piecemarks ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem and Mtrl Piecemarking > " Submaterial " tab > )

Submaterial reports

Submaterial Piecemark List
Submaterial Piecemark List, by Sequence
Submaterial Piecemark List, by Zone
Submaterial Piecemark List, Select by Submaterial

Surface area

Surface area [per page] ( Advance Bill of Material )
Surface area [per piece] (material edit window > press "General Information ")
Total Surface Area ( Bill of Material Layout edit window, Drawing Editor )
Total Surface Area ( Objects > Bill of Material > Edit Bill )
Total Surface Area ( Fabricator > Sheets and Reports > Bill of Material Layout )
Unit Surface Area ( Bill of Material Layout edit window, Drawing Editor )
Unit Surface Area ( Objects > Bill of Material > Edit Bill )
Unit Surface Area ( Fabricator > Sheets and Reports > Bill of Material Layout )

Surface finish

Status Display ( Material status > Material surface finish )
Surface Finish (Settings window)
Surface finish = Duplex coated or Galvanized ( Rolled Sections Material window)

Surface tools ( Modeling )

Navigate >

Snap to Adjacent Surface
Snap to Farside Surface
Snap to Surface ( )
Surface Mode

User and Site Options > Modeling >

Surface (default " In " and " Out " depth check settings)
Adjacent/farside (default " In " and " Out " depth check settings)

Also see: View location (topic), Undo View Change (undoes a Surface operation).


Creating an unrolled surface template (topic)
Generate unrolled view when applicable ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Material View Defaults > )
View list (surface template shown in material isolation's view list)
" Preset " button (can be pressed in material isolation to add a ' SURFACE TEMPLATE ')

Swap member ends

Status Display ( Member status > Swap member ends )
Swap member ends ( Beam Edit > " General settings " > )
Swap member ends ( Horizontal Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Swap member ends ( Joist Edit > " General settings " > )
Swap member ends ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > )

Symbol ( Drawing Editor drawing type )

${Value} (special label for a symbol)
Symbol Add (to place symbol in a drawing)
Global Symbols: Copy to Job ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Job Symbols: Copy to Global
( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Deleting global symbols ( Delete Project Items utility)
Deleting job symbols ( Delete Project Items utility)
Exact point (a symbol's insertion point)
Project Items List ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Markers for broken symbol links
"New" button (to create a new job symbol)
"New" button (to create a new global symbol)
Open Drawing ( File > Open > list ' Symbols ' > double-click the name)
Save As Symbol (creates a job symbol)
Symbols (topic)

Synchro (toolbar or ribbon item)

System connections (designed connections)

A list of system connections:

Auto base/cap plate (column)
Bent plate (beam)
Clip angle (beam)
Clip angle (horizontal brace)
Clip angle (vertical brace)
End plate (beam)
Fully welded moment (beam)
Hbrc plate (horizontal brace, cannot be auto standard)
Moment connection (cannot be auto standard)
Seated beam connection (beam)
Seated joist connection (seat for a joist top chord)
Shear (plate, tee, thru, beam)
Splice plate (beam to beam)
Splice plate (column to column)
Vbrc plate (cannot be auto standard)
Welded connection (double angle and HSS vertical braces)

Related non-designed connections:

Bearing embed for a beam
Bearing, joist to a beam's top flange
Embeds ( )
Plain end
Joist stabilizer plates and angles
Joist seat to concrete embed
Joist bottom chord stabilizer to embed ( )
User base/cap plate

Also see: User Defined Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > ), Connection Guide (documentation on system connections), Custom members (another way to get connections), Custom components (another way to get connections)( ) , Modifying/revising connections (topic) ( )

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- T -

Tab key (uses of)


CSV Report (populating a table with data contained in a comma-delimited plain-text .csv file)
defaults for new tables ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > " Tables " tab > )
Report Writer Report (populating a table with a report) ( )
Table Add (tool)
Table Edit (window)
Table Erase (tool)
Unlock/Lock Sheet Tables ( Change Option )

Also see: double-click a table to edit it. Explode transforms a table into its component lines and labels.

Tangent to Construction Circle ( TANC - point location)

TC bolts

Tension controlled tool type ( Connection Erectability Settings ) ( )
Use tension control (TC) bolts ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Washer Settings > )

Tee material

Connection material specifications ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings > " Tee sections ")
Rolled Section Edit. (window for miscellaneous members)
Rolled Section Materia (edit window for tee and other rolled materials)
WT Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Preferred WT Sizes ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )

Telephone numbers, SDS2 ( Home > Contact )

Templates for auto detailing

Drawing Editor > Process > Template Detailing Rules >

Creating Rule  ( )
Disable Creating Rule  ( )
Edit Creating Rule  ( )
Edit Detailing Rule  (edit window, critical for template development) ( )
Load Template  ( )
Nearest Names ( )
Template Properties  ( )

Other options related to template detailing:

Copy Detailing Templates (utility)
Copy Templates ( Drawing Editor > Process > Template Detailing Tools > )
Detail using templates ( Process > Detail Members > press " Settings " > ) ( )
Detail using templates ( Process > Detail Submaterial > press "Settings")
Settings > Drawing Settings ( Drawing Editor > ) ( )
Template file source (path to templates copied into Job when Project is created) ( )

Temporary construction lines & noticed points (may be created, temporarily, during point location)


Connection auto loads > Auto horizontal brace tension ( Status Display window)
Connection auto loads > Auto vertical brace tension ( Status Display window)
Percent of allowable for horizontal braces ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Cirteria )
Percent of allowable tension load for intersection vertical braces ( Home > Project Settings > Job > D esign Criteria )
Percent of allowable for vertical braces ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Cirteria > )
Tension load (" Loads" on Beam Edit window)
Tension load (" Loads " on Horizontal Brace Edit window)
Tension load (" Loads " on Vertical Brace Edit window)
Show design loads on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Horizontal Braces " section)
Show design loads on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section)
Status Display ( Member status > Left end tension load )
Status Display ( Member status > Right end tension load )


Modeling terrain color ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Terrain ( View > Display Options in Modeling )

Text entry widgets

Text insertion bar (cursor)

Threaded bar

Round Bar Edit (miscellaneous member window)
Round Bar Material (window)

Threaded stud (material type)

Tiles (splitting Modeling and Drawing Editor view windows)

Toggle Active Tile (View > Tiles > )
Set Active Tile (View > Tiles > )
Clear Active Tile (View > Tiles > )
Split Tile Horizontally (View > Tiles > )
Split Tile Vertically (View > Tiles > )
Preinstalled Tile Configurations (View > Tiles > One or Two Horizontal or etc.)

Time/date labels (on sheet outlines)


Default toolbar configuration ( User and Site Options > Toolbars > )
Delete Toolbar Configurations ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Items on Toolbars (topic)
Load Configuration (classic)
Retractable toolbars (topic)
Save Configuration (classic)
Toolbar Configuration (classic)
What is a toolbar? (topic)


Toolbox tools, members and components (the complete list)
Toolbox command group (info on downloading toolbox items)

Topics (listed by category)

Top of steel to first hole (setup of beam web connections)

Translate ( Navigate > Translate )

Also see: Pan , Pan Up , Pan Down , Pan Right , Pan Left

Tube steel

General info about (topic)
HSS/TS Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > )
Parametric Rolled Section Material
Rolled Section Edit. (window for miscellaneous members)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for tube and other rolled materials)

Tuple (a Python object)


Capacity (shape file nominal strength for a turnbuckle in rod bracing)
Rolled Section Material (edit window)
Shape file specifications for turnbuckles (topic)
turnbuckle (parametrics module)
Turnbuckle / Clevis / Pin Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Turned solid/shell element (window)

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- U -

U3D file, exporting (Export Model)

UCS -- see user coordinate system.

Undelete, of members in Modeling

Undelete ( )
Visual Undelete ( )
Quick Undelete ( )
Release Deleted Members ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions ) ( )
Total deleted members ( Model Summary )

Undo and Redo ( Drawing Editor )

Undo View Change

Unicode Latin 1 characters 150 to 255

Label text ( Edit Dimension window, Drawing Editor ) ( )
Label text ( Edit Label window, Drawing Editor ) ( )

Uniform Force Method

UFM special case design (" Connection specifications " for vertical brace connections) ( )
UFM special case design
( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design Settings ). ( )

Units ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Drawing Cosmentics > the " Primary Dimensions " tab > )
Units (setup override for detailing with templates)

Unrolled surface template

Creating an unrolled surface template (topic)
Generate unrolled view when applicable ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Material View Defaults > )
View list (surface template shown in material isolation's view list)
" Preset " button (can be pressed in material isolation to add a ' SURFACE TEMPLATE ')

Updatable member attributes (for parametrics)

Update Attributes ( Modeling & Drawing Editor )

User base/cap plate (may have system-designed stiffeners & welds)

Custom components:

Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners (custom component) ( )
Base Plate Shear Key (custom component)
HSS Cap Plates (instead of a user base/cap plates) ( )

Connection Guide:

Beam Flange Extension Plates with Tapered Stiffeners
Columns with User Base/Cap Plates
Transverse Beam Stiffeners Designed with a Column Plate
User Base/Cap Plate to a Web-Horizontal Beam

Settings for the design of stiffeners and welds on user base/cap plates:

Align stiffeners with (" Connection specifications ")
Change base/cap plate weld pattern ( Change Options )
Column Plate (" Leaf" for locks, column to beam)
Column Plate (" Leaf" for locks, column to nothing)
Column Plate Welds (" Leaf" for connection design locks) ( )
Design restrictions (topic)
Flange welds (" Connection specifications ")
Input connection type = User base/cap plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Auto Standard Connections )
Input connection type = User base/ cap or Auto standard or User defined (" Connection type " leaf, column)
[Input] connection type = User base/cap plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
Left/Right/Top/Bottom Base Plate Extension (" Leaves" for connection design locks) ( )
Plate schedule number (field for applying a schedule definition to a column)
Seal welds (" Connection specifications ")
Top / Bottom Extension Plate (to a beam) (" Leaves" for connection design locks)
Use extended stiffeners (" Connection specifications ") ( )
Use transverse beam stiffener (" Connection specifications ")
Web welds (" Connection specifications ")
Weld all around (" Connection specifications ")

Setup for user base/cap plates:

Align transverse stiffeners for base/cap plate connection with ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design Settings > )
Base/Cap Plate Schedule ( Home > Project Settings > Job > ) ( )
Design transverse stiffeners for base/cap plate connection ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Plate Design Settings > )
Extended Flange Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > ) ( )
Max [weld size] for non strength connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Weld Design Settings > )
Minimum beam stiffener plate thickness ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Plate Design Settings > )
Total stiffener clearance ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Plate Design Settings > )
Weld pattern on base plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Weld Design Settings > ) ( )
Weld pattern on cap plate ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Weld Design Settings > )

Tracking user base / cap plates:

Dimension anchor bolt layout ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Include minor marks on anchor bolt layouts ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Status Display ( Connection type > Column base or cap plate )

User coordinate system (UCS in Modeling & Drawing Editor )

Indicator position ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
ORTHO (UCS is for use with)
UCS axes (indicate coordinate directions)
UCS icons (turn on/off and rotate UCS axes )

User defined connections

Connection design locks
Copy Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Introduction to (topic) ( )
Project Items List ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Rename Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )
Save As User Defined Connection ( Beam Edit > left or right end > ) ( )
Save As User Defined Connection ( Column Edit > bottom or top end > )
Save As User Defined Connection ( Custom Component Edit window) ( )
Save As User Defined Connection ( Horizontal Brace Edit > left or right end > )
Save As User Defined Connection ( Joist Edit > left or right end > )
Save As User Defined Connection ( Vertical Brace Edit > left or right end > )
Status Display ( Connection type > Specific user defined )
Status Display ( Connection type > User defined )
User Defined Connections ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

User mode icons

User specified connections

User and Site Options ( Home > Utilites > User and Site Options )

Utility Functions

Access Control (can turn on/off access to Utility Functions )
Home > Utilities > Utility Functions (entire listing)
Utility (menu -- classic)
Change Utility Password ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > )

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- V -

Variable hole spacing

Vertical hole spacing (a " Bent Plate " connection design lock)
Vertical hole spacing (an " End Plate " connection design lock)
Vertical hole spacing
(a " Shear Tab " connection design lock)
Vertical hole spacing, supported
(a " NS/FS Clip " connection design lock)
Vertical hole spacing, supporting (a " NS/FS Clip " connection design lock)

VB Reinforcement Plates (custom component)

Also see: Brace Reinforcement (" Leaf" conctaining connection design locks)

VCR buttons (on Drawing Editor edit windows)

Verify and Fix Job ( Home > Utilities > )

Vernon Tool Machine (CNC configuration type)

Vertex Point ( VTPT - point location)

Vertical brace

Add and edit tools for vertical braces:

Add (tool) ( )
Adding with the options bar ( )
Edit multiple vertical braces ( )
Vertical Brace Edit (window)
Navigation tree (widget for edit window navigation) ( )
To open the Vertical Brace Edit window

Custom components:

HSS Cap Plates ( )
Surfaces Connection ( )
VB Reinforcement Plates
Void Space Cylinder
Void Space Layout ( )

Designed connections for vertical braces:

Connection design locks ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
Connection failure messages (" Information " leaf, Vertical Brace Edit )
Connection Guide (topic)
Connection specifications ( Vertical Brace Edit )
Connection specificatons ( Home > Project Settings > Job > User Defined Connections )
Connections, 'Vbrc plate' (help page)

Vertical Brace in Various Framing Situations (connection design locks)

Vertical Brace to a Beam (connection design locks)
Vertical Brace to a Beam (" Leaf" names)

Vertical Brace to a Column (connection design locks)
Vertical Brace to a Column (" Leaf" names)

Vertical Brace Intersection (X bracing) (connection design locks)
Vertical Brace Intersection (X bracing) (" Leaf" names)

Vertical Brace to a Beam & Column (connection design locks)
Vertical Brace to a Beam & Column (" Leaf" names)

Vertical Braces, 2 & 3 point, to a Beam (connection design locks)
Vertical Braces, 2 & 3 point, to a Beam (" Leaf" names)

Vertical Braces, 2 & 3 point, to a Column (connection design locks)
Vertical Braces, 2 & 3 point, to a Column (" Leaf" names)

VBrc to a Column & Base/Cap Plate (connection design locks)
VBrc to a Column & Base/Cap Plate (" Leaf" names)
Work points to 1/2 nominal depth of beam ( Edit > Change Options -- classic) ( )

Job / Fabricator settings for modeling vertical braces:

Clip angle, gusset to supporting ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section)
Clip end operation on angle brace gusset plates ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > Gusset Plate Settings > )

Color ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
Design by first incrementing gusset = Thickness or Plate size ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Plate Design Settings )
Design for shared gusset if plates are closer than ( Job > Design > Plate Design Settings )
Field clearance ( Job > Design > Field Clearances > " Brace to other member " option)
Gusset Plate Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )
Hole type for HSS erection bolts ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section)
HSS notch radius ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section)
Locate angle braces on neutral axis ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section)

Member Detailing Settings > "Vertical Braces" section ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > )
Minimum bolt rows in vertical brace to gusset connection ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Design Settings > )
Minimum member end edge distance ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vert Brace " section)
Multiplication factor, end of the brace to line of restraint ( Job > Design > Plate Design Settings > )
Plate material grade ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Vertical Brace Gussets " section)

Seismic vertical brace gusset design ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Design > Design Settings )
Setup of 'Vbrc plate' connections (topic)
Tension & compression load calculation ( Job > Design > Design Settings > " Bracing " section)
Total notch width clearance ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section)
Welded Connection Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )

Tracking vertical braces:

Braces with Different Thickness Gussets ( Edit > Search ) ( )
Detail Members ( Process > Detail Members > select vertical brace piecemarks) ( )
Display Options ( View > Display Options > select " Members " with " Vertical Braces " filtering) ( )
Member orientation indicators (when members are displated in stick form)
Model Tree ( Toolbar Configuration [classic] or built-in [lightning]) ( )
Set Selection Filter ( Model > Set Selection filter > select the " Vertical Braces " filter)
Status Display ( Connection type > Vertical brace )
Status Display ( Member status > Connection type > select " Vertical brace ")

Vertical Brace Edit window, key settings and information:

AISC seismic 1st ed. 2pt gussets (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > )
Connection type for stem-vertical W tee (" General settings " > ) ( )
Configuration (" General settings " > ) ( )
End elevation (left or right end > " Member " > )
HSS column reinforcement (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > ) ( )
Input connection type (left or right end > " Connection type " > )
Messages (left or right end > " Information " > )
Pipe/tube end fitting (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > ) ( )
Seismic brace (" General settings " > ) ( )
Side of gusset (" General settings " > ) ( )
Section size (" General settings " > )
UFM special case (left or right end > " Connection specifications " > ) ( )

Also see: Detailed = In position or Horizontal ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section), End elevations at workpoints on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section), Show design loads on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Vertical Braces " section), Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing Defaults > " Members " tab > ( )

Videos (a list of help videos and links to where they are found)

View (menu in Modeling )

View buffer (clearing)

View module (a parametric module)

Viewports ( Drawing Editor )

Viewport Add ( Objects > Viewports > Add )
Drag the perimeter of a viewport to change its shape (steps)
Viewport Edit [to change its name] ( Objects > Viewports > Edit )
Viewport Erase ( Objects > Viewports > Erase )
To adjust a viewport by dragging end points (steps)
Viewport = Extents or Custom or User-named ( Edit Sheet Item)
Viewports (topic)
Viewports ( View > Display Options , Drawing Editor )

View tools ( Modeling and Drawing Editor )

Clear View Buffer
Next Retained View
Previous Retained View
Retain View
Undo View Change

Also see: erection views , current view display line .


Voids ( View > Display Options , Modeling )
Void Space Cylinder (custom component)
Void Space Cylinder (custom member) ( )
Void Space Layout custom component ( ).
Void Space Layout . (custom member)
Web Penetration with Stiffeners (custom component) ( )

VRML file, exporting to

Exporting selected members ( Model > VRML Export )
Exporting the entire model ( Home > Export > Export Model > select ' VRML ' as the " Export file format .")

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- W -


Exporting a Bechtel WALKTHRU file ( Export Model )


Nut and Washer Schedule ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Washers Criteria ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )
Washer settings ( Bolt Edit window)

Weak axis bending/rolling

Web doublers (beam and column -- may be specified in Beam Edit or Vertical Brace Edit )

Create web doublers (" Connection specifications " for clip angles on Beam Edit window)
Beam Web Doublers (a Search option)
Beam Web Douplers (" Leaf" on Beam Edit window)
Check supporting for web shear ( Vertical Brace Edit > " Connection specifications " > )
Column Web Doublers (" Leaf" for moment connections on Beam Edit window)
Design for doublers (" Moment " leaf, Beam Edit and User Defined Connections )
Plate Thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Beam Doublers " section)
Plate Thicknesses ( Fabricator > Std. Fab Conns > Preferred Plate Sizes > " Column Doublers " section)
Seismic brace ( Vertical Brace Edit > " General settings " > )
Web Doublers (" Leaf" for 2-point bracing on Vertical Brace Edit window)


Center of Mass ( Model > Center of Mass )
Place Total Weight ( Objects > Bill of Material > Place Total Weight [on sheet outline])
Shop bill weight based on ( Fabricator > Detailing > General Presentation )
Weight of item (material edit window > press "General Information ")

Weld Design Settings (setup of system connection welds)

Welded connection (double angle and HSS vertical braces)

Brace to brace ( Field Clearances )
Brace to supporting member ( Field Clearances )
Type of spacer for welded connections ( Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > " Stitch Plates " section )
Welded Connection Settings ( Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > )

Welded end preparations (on members/materials)

Alternate #1 settings ( Weld Design Settings window)
Cope field/Shop Weld Alternate #1 (FEMA). ( Rolled Section Edit window for miscellaneous members)
Cope Field/Shop Weld Alternate #1 (FEMA) ( Rolled Section Material window)
Cope Field/Shop Weld Alternate #1 (FEMA) (" End preparations " leaf on member edit windows)
Cope Field/Shop Weld Alternate #3) (" End preparations " leaf on member edit windows)
Re-entrant cut ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment " leaf )
Seismic cope field weld (various member edit windows > left or right end > " End preparations " > )
Seismic cope field weld ( Rolled Section Edit window for miscellaneous members)
Seismic cope field weld ( Rolled Section Material > left or right end > )

Welded moment connections (on beams)

Alternate 1 or Alternate 3 ( Beam Edit > left or right end > " Moment" > "Re-entrant cut" > )
Seismic moment frame member ( Beam Edit > " Seismic " leaf)

Welded plate box material

Rolled Section Edit (window for miscellaneous members)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for most materials that require a " Section size " entry)
Shape file specifications (topic)
Welded section is single material ( Beam Edit > " General settings" > )
Welded section is single material ( Column Edit > " General settings" > )

Welded plate wide flange material

Rolled Section Edit (window for miscellaneous members)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for most " Section size " materials)
Shape file specifications (defining a " Section size ")

Welded section is single material ( Beam Edit window)
Welded section is single material ( Column Edit window)
Welded section is single material ( Vertical Brace Edit window)

WWF Lifeline Holes (custom component)

Welds ( Modeling )

Model > Weld >

Add Weld Layout
Edit Weld
Edit weld(s) and Add Weld(s) (windows)
Erase Weld

Setup, feedback and key settings for welding:

Colors for shot/field welds ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Member, Material, Bolt and Weld Colors )
One weld per segment ( Add Weld(s) window)
Status Display ( Member status > Has field weld )
Welds ( View > Display Options )
Weld status (status condition category)

Related information:

Parametric Create Weld
Show 3D field welds ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Show 3D shop welds ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > )
Weld Properties ( Model > Weld > Properties )

Weld symbols ( Drawing Editor )

Add ( Objects > Weld Symbols > Add )
Attached to view ( Weld Input window)
Combine weld symbols ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing Symbol Settings )
" Copy " " Paste " " Save " " Load " ( Weld Input window)
Edit (including multi-edit )
Erase (tool)
Erase All (tool)
Eye button to hide/show weld length ( Edit Weld(s) window in Modeling )
Eye button to hide/show weld size ( Edit Weld(s) window in Modeling )
Field welds ( Process > Detail Erection Views > press " Settings " > ) ( )
Prequalified weld settings ( Weld Input window for weld symbols)
Show weld length on weld symbols ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Weld Design Settings > set default for auto detailing)
Weld Combo ( Objects > Weld Symbols > Weld Combo )
Weld Input (weld symbol edit window)
Weld pen color ( Fab Setup > Drawing Presentation )
Weld symbol character height ( Fab Setup > Drawing Presentation )

Wide flange material

Parametric Rolled Section Material
Reduced Beam Section (custom component)
Rolled Section Edit (window for miscellaneous members)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for wide flange and other rolled materials)
Shape file specifications (topic)
Wide Flange Grades ( Home > Project Settings > Job > )

Wide flange vertical brace "standard" connection

Web connection type (" Connection specifications ") ( )
Flange connection type (" Connection specifications ") ( )

Work lines (member lines in Modeling )

Work plane highlighting (of member surfaces in Modeling )

Workpoint for extension dimensions ( Drawing Editor )

Size of workpoint symbols ( Fabricator > Detailing > Drawing Presentation > the " Sizes " tab > )
Symbol size ( Workpoint Edit window)

Work point layout ( Modeling )

Material and legacy miscellaneous members:

Bent plate
Flat bar
Grating tread
Rectangular plate ( )
Rolled plate
Rolled section
Round bar
Round plate
Square bar
Multi-bend plate
Multi-sided plate

Miscellaneous members:

Bent Plate
Bent Plate Layout
Flat Bar
Grating Tread
Plate Layout
Rectangular Plate
Rolled Plate
Rolled Section
Round Bar
Round Plate
Shear/Threaded Stud
Square Bar

W tee material

Parametric Rolled Section Material
Rolled Section Edit (window for miscellaneous members)
Rolled Section Material (edit window for W tee and other rolled materials)

WWF Lifeline Holes (custom component)

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- X -

XlsxWriter (a Python module not authored by SDS2)

XML files

FabTrol XML status options ( Import Model )
XML CNC Download (tool in Modeling )
XML file with RFI (option for Create RFI )
Fortosi Export (XML for truck loading)
Universal Rebar Export (XML for rebar production management)

X-Y-Z display (coordinates feedback)

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- Z -

Zero quantity material ( Hide Items option)

Z filters

Z filter ( Point Location Configuration )
Z filter toggle (" Miscellaneous " toolbar item)


Break major marks apart by ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem and Mtrl Piecemarking > " Main Member " tab > )
Break submaterial marks by zone ( Fabricator > Piecemarking > Mem and Mtrl Piecemarking > " Submaterial " tab > )
New Zone ( Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Zone and Sequence > )
Dividing a model into sequences (topic)
Zone Names ( Job > Modeling > Zone and Sequence > press " Edit Zone Names " > )

Zoom tools ( Modeling and Drawing Editor )

(classic) & Drawing Editor > Navigate >

Zoom In 10%
Zoom In to Center
Zoom In to Pointer
Zoom In to Region
Zoom to Fit ( )
Zoom Out 10%
Zoom Out to Center
Zoom Out to Pointer
Zoom Out to Region ( )

Also see: Undo View Change (undoes a zoom transformation), level of detail .

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